Chapter 764 "God of Cookery 2"?


Hearing this, Li Yi was stunned: "Acting? Be an actor?"


Zhou Xingchi smiled and said: "I have watched your show and your cooking videos. Your cooking skills are really amazing.

And you are such a young and handsome boy, so you are most suitable to play the leading role. "

Hearing his words, the audience in the live broadcast room became excited before Li Yi could answer.

 “Wow! Mr. Xing is going to film “God of Cookery 2”?”

“Haha! Needless to say, Brother Yi is quite handsome. If he really makes a movie, I will definitely contribute a movie ticket!”

“Why doesn’t Mr. Xing act in it himself? I really want to see Mr. Xing act in a movie again!”

 “Damn it! If Mr. Xing really makes "God of Cookery 2", the box office would definitely be at least 5 billion in today's market!"

 “Support! I hope to shoot it soon!”

Looking at the excited comments in the live broadcast room, Li Yi shook his head helplessly: "Zhou Sheng, I can't act."

"Acting is something that everyone is born with. It just depends on how to use it."

Zhou Xingchi smiled and persuaded: "Children will start to deceive as soon as they learn to speak. Deception is the essence of acting.

 Art is a true reflection of life, and performance is a process carried out according to the laws of human nature itself.

 The director’s responsibility is to help the actors find their sense of self on stage and inspire their natural emotions.

As long as you are willing to act, I can definitely help you find your groove. "

Hearing what he said, Li Yixiao asked: "What is the self-cultivation of an actor?"


Zhou Xingchi also smiled: "Sorry, I studied under Stanislavsky."

 “Disrespectful, disrespectful.”

Li Yi made a joke, then shook his head and explained: "But I'm really not good at it. I don't have much experience, and I'm afraid I don't have that much time."

 Seeing that he declined twice in succession, Zhou Xingchi stopped trying to persuade him and turned the topic to setting up the scene: "Your set is quite well done. It feels so real."

“Of course, this is a replica of the historical palace [Dragon and Phoenix Banquet]. All the tables, chairs, tableware, decorations, and dishes are exactly the same as at that time.”

 Li Yi introduced him.


 Zhou Xingchi admired it, and then asked curiously: "How do you know that this layout is the same as it was then?"

Li Yi smiled: "Because I used the Moonlight Treasure Box to travel back and watch it."

"Ha ha!"

Zhou Xingchi was amused by Li Yi and also joked: "Wow! Is that Moonlight Box in your hand? Hand it over quickly, or I will ask my good brother Niu Demon King to come and talk to you."

 “The Bull Demon King is useless, I can remove it in three minutes.”

 “So fast? Three minutes?”

Zhou Xingchi has the iconic Wei Xiaobao-style evil smile on his face.


 Li Yi was speechless: "I mean Jie Niu."

 “Haha! I didn’t say anything? You said it yourself for three minutes?”

 Zhou Xingchi spread his hands and looked innocent, then curiously asked: "Is it really that fast in three minutes? Ada's masturbation took more than three minutes."

 Li Yi also spread his hands: "Someday you buy a cow and treat me to it, and I'll kill it for you to see!"

At this time, Uncle Da, who had been saying hello, also came over and asked with a smile: "What are you talking about?"

  “Says to kill the cow.”

 Zhou Xingchi smiled and patted his arm: "I can leave a whip for you to replenish your health when the time comes."

 “Do I need a supplement?”

Uncle Da looked disdainful: "I get up all day long to raise the flag, one pillar holding up the sky, do you understand?"

 “Isn’t it? I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

Zhou Xingchi handed over his hand. “Sprinkle some water!”

 Uncle Da waved his hands proudly, and then laughed out loud.

In the live broadcast room, the audience watched them talking in Cantonese, laughing from time to time, but they were confused and couldn't understand.

 “What are they talking about?”

“Have Master Xing and Brother Yi known each other for a long time? Why do you feel like they are so familiar?”

“I haven’t seen Mr. Xing smile like this for a long time. I really like Mr. Xing’s smile. It feels so innocent.”

“Looking at Mr. Xing’s expression, it feels like he’s back to when he skipped school and watched Skip to School.”

 “I really want to see Mr. Xing act in a movie again!”

 However, the Cantonese-speaking audience in the live broadcast room were already laughing.

 “Cantonese really does whatever you want, haha!”

 “Haha! Mr. Xing still feels the same as before, that’s right!”

 “Innocent smile? Haha! Star Master’s style has nothing to do with innocence!”

 “Only people in vernacular areas can understand it.”

"It's still the same as before, where's Uncle Da? In terms of saltiness, Uncle Da is the most salty guy in the Hong Kong film and television industry, and Mr. Xing is far behind."

“Uncle Da, where do you put me, Charlie Cao?”

 Seeing the viewers with IP addresses from Guangdong, Guangxi, Qiong, and Fujian hanging in the live broadcast room chatting happily with barrage, other viewers became more and more confused as they watched.

 “What are they talking about?”

"What's the meaning?"

 “Doesn’t it feel like a good thing to say?”

“Why do I always feel a little uncomfortable with the Cantonese-speaking Mr. Xing? I still prefer the dubbed version of Mr. Xing.”

“The dubbed version? It’s so funny. You’ll know it after watching the original Cantonese version. There are many Cantonese jokes that the dubbed version simply can’t match.”

“Everyone has their own opinions, and if it can be liked by audiences all over the country, the dubbing version deserves more credit than the original Cantonese version. This cannot be denied.”

Seeing that the barrage in the live broadcast room turned to an old topic, Li Yi clapped his hands, attracted the attention of the guests, and said in a loud voice: "Brothers and sisters, uncles, aunts, grandpas..."


Hearing his words, Linghua jumped out immediately, pretended to be displeased, and asked him: "Can you tell me clearly, who are the brothers and sisters, and who are the uncles and aunts?"

 “Just silk, just silk!”

Cai Shaofen also put her hands on her hips: "I'm the sister anyway, I don't care."

Hearing her words, Gu Dezhao, who plays Tang Niu, joked: "That's right! Although I am already several decades old, I still have to call her Ajie."

 “Hey! You dead pig!”

Cai Shaofen became angry and pulled Zhang Jin aside and complained to him: "Husband, he said something about me! Go and beat him up!"

 Zhang Jin is her husband, who is also a well-known kung fu actor in the industry. He came to have dinner with her this time and was enjoying himself watching the excitement.

Pulled over by her, Zhang Jin spread his hands: "Is he telling the truth?"

Hearing what he said, Cai Shaofen couldn't hold back any longer. He chased Zhang Jin, kicking and beating him: "Ah! You bastard! You help others bully me!"

Their gags immediately attracted the attention of the audience, and everyone watched with enthusiasm and laughed happily.

Li Yi glanced at the barrage, then continued with a smile: "Don't care if they are brothers, sisters, uncles or aunts, anyway, everyone here today is all friends.

The seats for our banquet are almost ready, and the banquet will start in an hour.

 Before the banquet, we can play a game first, which is to put out a midnight snack box.

The kitchen will soon prepare all kinds of candies, preserves, preserved fruits, fresh fruits, dried fruits, snacks, and various snacks.

 You can spend this hour, alone or in pairs, using your imagination to put out various shapes and patterns in the late-night snack boxes, and then compete.

The audience in the live broadcast room will rate your works, and the top three groups with the highest scores will receive surprise prizes.

Of course, there will be some small penalties for the last three groups with the lowest scores. You can form your own team now! "




 (End of this chapter)

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