Chapter 761: Exciting nobility

 After Li Yi put the last egg into the egg box and pressed it with a basin, he took out the first egg and looked around carefully.

 The egg that had been pressed for forty minutes had no trace of damage at all, and the cracks on the top seemed to have disappeared and were completely invisible.

Upon seeing this, Li Yi turned the egg over so that the big end was facing down.

 The eggs are firm and there is no sign of leakage.

Li Yi even tried to shake him off, but failed to shake him off.

 This shows that the dried egg white has firmly stuck the egg shells together.

Satisfied, Li Yi put the eggs back. Li Yi asked his apprentice to tell him that in forty minutes, the eggs would be taken away and stuffed into Wu Feng's belly for processing.

After telling the roasting apprentices about the roasting requirements, Li Yi washed his hands and asked the person in charge of the props team behind the film crew: "Have everything been delivered?"

The person in charge of the props team made an OK gesture: "It has been delivered and is being transported here."

"I gonna go see."

With that said, Li Yi wiped his hands and walked to the front hall.

Seeing this, Hao Libao winked at Manager Xu.

Manager Xu understood and immediately followed.

  All the original dining tables in the front hall have been moved away, leaving only an empty hall.

 But outside the door, there were staff carrying large and small tables on carts to the front hall.

Looking at the first golden dragon banquet table that was brought in, Li Yi stepped forward and looked it up and down, then nodded with satisfaction: "It's a good imitation."

The style and carvings of this table were all drawn by him, and the person in charge of the props team went to find someone to make it custom-made.

The craftsmanship of this imitation master is really good. Not only the style and carvings are almost fake, but even the texture of the wood is made to look like nanmu.

Li Yi lowered his head and sniffed, and coughed twice.

Well, at least it looks almost the same as nanmu.

 “This is the table surround.”

The person in charge of the props brought a folded yellow satin table surround to Li Yi.

  Taking over the table, Li Yi shook his head and took a look.

I saw a circle of Kui dragon patterns embroidered on the golden satin, with golden dragons circling and flying in it, with teeth and claws, and gems inlaid at both ends.

 “The craftsmanship is good!”

Li Yi was a little surprised: "It took three days to get out?"


The person in charge of the props team said with some pride: "This is made from the fabrics of five sets of dragon robes. I asked several veterans from Panjiayuan to make them, including the table."


Li Yi smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

For a job like this, you definitely need to find professionals to do it.

There are indeed experts in Panjiayuan. This kind of speciousness may look fake in the eyes of professionals, but it can fool the uninitiated. In the hands of experts, it can even be used as wholesale products.

 “Where’s Sister Chen?”

Hold the table rail, Li Yi turned around to look for the staff of the makeup team, only to see an eldest lady wearing a slim-fitting cheongsam and a phoenix crown, dressed as a queen, walking quickly from a short distance away.


She walked crookedly, but she was not used to wearing the flag shoes with ingot soles under her feet.

"What's wrong?"

 When she came to stand in front of Li Yi, she asked Li Yi.

Looking at her wearing a phoenix crown, Li Yi smiled and joked: "Hey! Sister Chen became a queen today?" "Haha! Aren't they all queens?"

Sister Chen covered her mouth and laughed happily.

  The props team raided all the clothing rental stores in the town from the vertical store and rented all the dragon robes and phoenix robes.

 So everyone who appears today, whether they are guests or staff, all men will wear dragon robes, and all women will wear phoenix robes. The main theme is a party with a dragon and phoenix theme for each person.

Li Yi smiled, and then said seriously: "Call all the sisters from the service team! The guests will be here soon. I will tell you some precautions."


Sister Chen turned around to call someone, but when her foot crooked, she almost twisted her foot and screamed in surprise.

Li Yi raised his hand to support her, and looked down at her shoes.

“These shoes are so difficult to put on that I can’t even walk steadily.”

Standing firm, Sister Chen complained naggingly.

 “Then don’t wear it!”

Li Yi said: "Just change to the shoes you usually wear every day."

 “Isn’t that just a gang?”

Sister Chen shook her head: "I just need to get used to it. I always feel like I don't match my own shoes."

"How does safety matter whether you wear it or not? If you fall and injure a few more, it won't be worthwhile."

Li Yi pointed at the thick bottle-bottom glasses on her face and joked: "It's not easy to see the shoes underneath, but you can see the glasses at a glance. Are you afraid they won't match them?"

Hearing this, Sister Chen was amused by him and pushed up her glasses: "Okay! I'll change back to my casual shoes. Flat shoes are more comfortable."

 “Let them all change to flat shoes! Safety is the most important thing.”

Li Yi warned, Sister Chen responded and turned around to leave.

 Not long after, she came back with a group of female staff members also wearing phoenix robes.

With them, Li Yi demonstrated the hanging methods and requirements for the lower table surround, and also explained how to arrange the dried fruit preserves in the Feilong Banquet Box, and how to place the gilt copper pine canopy fruit cover when serving the banquet box, etc. .

 Manager Xu stood aside and watched Li Yi arrange work for the staff.

 At first he didn't pay much attention, he just compared it with the standards in the state guesthouse.

But as Chang Ji entered, they were placed together. Golden dragon banquet tables were set up at the back. Various vases, candlesticks, incense sticks, and fruit boxes were brought out and placed in the corresponding positions under Li Yi's arrangement. Later, he gradually discovered that the pattern of this banquet seemed a little different.

 First of all, it can be seen from the placement of the dining table and the arrangement of seats that the dining table for this banquet is not in the style of a traditional large round table or a family table of eight immortals.

The dining methods of the large round table and the Eight Immortals table are designed to allow all diners to face each other and facilitate conversation.

  But this model requires the dishes to be placed in the center of the table and diners can take them by themselves. This is the so-called shared meal system.

However, Li Yi's arrangement of adding a golden dragon banquet table after each long table is more like the meal-sharing system before the Song Dynasty.

According to Li Yi’s story, all the dishes will be served on the table first, and then the service staff will distribute them to the Golden Dragon Banquet Table where the diners are, and they will take them.

This requires service staff to serve diners at all times, and even picking up food does not require diners to do it themselves.

Looking at the gradually taking shape of the banquet table layout, as well as the gorgeous curtains and decorations, Manager Xu almost thought that he had really returned to the ancient palace banquet scene.

I don’t know when, Hao Libao also came to the front hall, stood behind Manager Xu with his hands behind his back, and asked in a low voice: "How is it?"

“The large-scale banquet model is particularly rich in details and exquisite, and there are many points that can be developed.”

 Manager Xu stared intently in the direction of Li Yi's finger, with only seriousness in his eyes.

Seeing several gilt pine shed fruit covers being taken out and placed on the Feilong banquet box, he couldn't help but admire: "These dining utensils should be reproduced from an archaeological perspective, right? They are very realistic, and It’s so noble!”




 (End of this chapter)

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