A Mouthful of Sky-high Fried Rice, Lao Tang Apprenticed on the Spot

Chapter 759: Sichuan pepper sauce and black pepper sauce

Chapter 759 Sichuan pepper sauce and black pepper sauce

 After listening to Li Yi’s explanation, the barrage in the live broadcast room calmed down a lot.

Facing Li Yi’s well-founded explanation, dog lovers didn’t know how to refute for a moment.

Li Yi saw this and said no more. Instead, he put the dried dog liver aside, and then took out the dog intestines that were sent together in the foam box.

 The seller washed and sent it, so there is no smell.

However, Li Yi turned it over and washed it several times with flour and salt. After washing it thoroughly, he tore off the intestinal oil on top and wrapped it around the dog liver.

 The fat content of dog liver is relatively low, so the taste will be dry after cooking. It needs to be wrapped in intestinal oil and then roasted to increase the fat content and make the dog liver taste better.

However, dog liver and intestinal oil will have a fishy smell, so you need to use sauce to remove the fishy smell and increase the aroma.

So, after wrapping the intestinal oil, Li Yi turned around and mixed the pepper sauce.

 While preparing the ingredients, Li Yi introduced to the camera: “The traditional hot pepper in China is Sichuan peppercorns.

 It can not only remove fishy smell, but also provide a unique numbing aroma to the ingredients.

However, the taste of liver glutinous rice is relatively strong. If you want to remove the taste, just adding Sichuan peppercorns is not enough.

Here I want to add a peppercorn sauce to remove the fishy smell from the liver and glutinous rice and add flavor.

 Here we first make a bun using 35 grams of star anise, 20 grams of cinnamon, 20 grams of galangal, 15 grams of fennel, 15 grams of white buckwheat, and 10 grams of bay leaves. "

As he spoke, Li Yi put the prepared ingredients into the gauze bag and said, "My pepper sauce recipe can also be changed to a black pepper sauce recipe.

 Just add 60 grams of lemongrass to the material bag. "

 Listening to Li Yi's introduction, the attention of the audience in the live broadcast room was attracted.

 “Insert the eye!”

 “It’s teaching time again!”

“This is okay. It seems to be suitable for many barbecues. I really like the peppery flavor.”

“Wow! Black pepper sauce! I particularly like to eat steak from a Western restaurant because their black pepper sauce is so fragrant, but that is the chef’s secret and the cooking method is not disclosed.”

While the audience was amazed, Li Yi had already prepared the ingredients package.

After tying the gauze bag, Li Yi poured a bowl of water and soaked the gauze bag in it.

 Then he took some cress and a radish and started cutting them.

“After the ingredients are prepared, they need to be boiled into sauce.

 We use 150 grams of cress and 150 grams of radish here.

Cress is sweet in taste, neutral in nature, and has the effect of clearing away heat and promoting dampness.

  Radish leaves can digest food and reduce heat, and remove evil heat.

And after their flavors merge with each other, they will form a base to absorb the flavor of the spices in the package. "

As he spoke, Li Yi quickly cut the cress and radish into shreds.

  A pound of water was added to the pot, and Li Yi put in the cress and shredded radish.

“If you want to change the black pepper sauce, just change the cress and radish to celery and carrot.”

After explaining, Li Yi threw the ingredients bag in and started cooking over high heat.

 After the package has been soaked in water, the dust on the spices inside has been washed away and a certain amount of moisture has been absorbed, making it easier for the aroma to evaporate during cooking.

Letting the sauce cook, Li Yi started the pot again, scooped out a spoonful of lard and put it in the pot.

 “Let’s stir-fry now.”

Turning the frying spoon in the pot to speed up the melting of the lard stuck to the frying spoon, Li Yi explained: "Our pot is for twenty people. We use about 400 grams of lard and fry 200 grams of diced green onions. It's still the same, If frying black pepper paste, replace it with butter and diced onions.”

While stir-frying, Li Yi turned around and signaled: "Master Hao, help me chop 200 grams of scallions, use three stoves, fry half a catty of white sesame seeds for me, fry them and bring them to me."

Hao Libao's knife skills are not to be commended. He cut the onions into dices in three strokes, five divided by two, and brought them to Li Yi.

Pour the diced green onions into the pot, and stir-fry quickly. After a while, the aroma of the green onions wafts out of the pot.

 When the surface of the diced green onions began to turn yellow and burnt, Li Yi turned down the heat.

At this time, Sanzao's disciple also fried the white sesame seeds and brought them to Li Yi.

Use a frying spoon to scoop up half a spoonful of white sesame seeds and pour it into the pot. Li Yi explained: "We only need to put 150 grams of white sesame seeds. If it is fried black pepper sauce, replace it with peanut butter."

As he spoke, he flipped the frying spoon, scooped up a spoonful of seasoning from the side of the pot, added it to the pot, and said: "After that, we will add 100 grams of sweet noodle sauce, 100 grams of dry yellow sauce, and 100 grams of barbecued pork sauce." , 85 grams of boiled soy sauce.

Finally, we put in the ground plum pepper powder, 150 grams is enough, then stir-fry until fragrant, and then add the sauce. "

Li Yi said, paused, and then continued: "If you are making black pepper sauce, you only need to add 200 grams of fresh cream and 50 grams of whiskey. Finally, add flour and water.

However, compared with the Sichuan peppercorn sauce version, the taste of this black pepper sauce is less layered and the taste is not as moist. Erjiang still recommends using the Sichuan peppercorn sauce version. "

While explaining, Li Yi stir-fried the sauce that had turned into a ball of black sauce in the pot, with only dots of white sesame seeds still dotted in it.

 When the frying spoon scraped across the bottom of the pot and felt a slight obstruction, Li Yi concluded that the peppercorn sauce in the pot had been stir-fried thoroughly.

At this time, Li Yicai poured the sauce just now into a pot and started boiling it over medium heat.

 After simmering the sauce together until thick, a pot of dark Sichuan peppercorn sauce is ready.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't smell it, and they all asked curiously in the barrage.

The apprentices and grandchildren who could smell the aroma in the kitchen all looked sideways and looked at Li Yi curiously.

The rich aroma of this pot of sauce, even though they are well-informed, they have never smelled any sauce that tastes similar to this one.

Taking the brush and dipping it in the sauce, Li Yi brushed it all over the dog's liver, applying a full layer without missing any part.

 Afterwards, he took the oven, lit a few pieces of smokeless charcoal with the stove fire, put them in the oven, and lit a charcoal fire.

  Bringing a grill, Li Yi put the dog liver covered with sauce on the grill, then put it on the oven and started roasting it.

He stared at the charcoal fire seriously, adding some sauce to the dog's liver from time to time.

 The oil wrapped around the outer layer of the dog liver slowly seeped out little by little under the temperature of the charcoal fire.

At this time, Li Yi took a pin and quickly stuck it on the dog's liver.

As he tied it, the fat on the top of the dog liver slowly seeped into the dog liver and blended into the dog liver.

 Bake it until the outer layer of fat is burnt, and then Li Yicai transfers the dog liver.

 At this time, the fat has been roasted until only a thin layer is left, and it is browned and stuck to the dog liver.

However, Li Yi directly opened the coke layer with a knife, peeled off all the coked fat, and threw it into the trash can.

 The dog liver wrapped in intestinal oil is still red and tender, exuding heat and has a special fragrance.


 Li Yi clapped his hands.

 After finishing the eight delicacies, you can start to officially make [Golden Phoenix Soup].


   Don’t introduce anyone to me! I don't want to get married! I belong to the brothers! I want to accompany my brother as a widowed king~!



 (End of this chapter)

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