Chapter 757 Six Animals

Hao Libao was also paying attention to Li Yi. After hearing him casually say the word "dog liver", Hao Libao couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

 Master Li is still too young, and it is difficult to speak so directly about such controversial ingredients.

In the live broadcast room, after hearing Li Yi’s words, many viewers were equally surprised and started posting comments.

“Huh? Dog liver? Isn’t it? Real or fake?”

 “It’s not fun to talk about this stuff!”

 “A big wave of dog lovers are on their way.”

 “Dogs are so cute, why do we eat them?”

 “Oh haha! It’s Brother Yi who dares to do this after all.”

“Why can’t we eat dogs? Pigs, cows and sheep are not man’s good friends?”

"Haha, my neighbor raises dogs and feeds them chicken livers, freeze-dried quails, and salmon. I wonder if chickens and quails offend dogs? Why can dogs eat chickens and quails, but not dogs?"

“The barrage is really outrageous. Can dogs be the same? Dogs provide emotional companionship, just like family members. Would you eat your family members?”

"Don't confuse the concepts. Raising any animal as a family member can cultivate feelings. Some people raise pigs to develop feelings, and raise ducks to develop feelings. They definitely don't want to be eaten. Emotions are precious, but the status of dogs cannot be overestimated. High, right? Other pets are not considered family members?"

Li Yi washed the dog liver and put it on kitchen paper to wipe away the moisture.

Huang Xiaoming looked at the deep red dog liver and asked, "Do you really want to cook with dog liver?"


Li Yi explained casually: "The main ingredient of Ganbao is dog liver."


  Huang Xiaoming glanced at the barrage hesitantly, and then reminded: "Many people don't eat dog liver now."

"I know."

Li Yi raised his head and glanced at the barrage before saying: "But this is Zhou Bazhen. In the Zhou Dynasty, eating dog liver was normal.

 And even in modern times, eating dog liver is just a matter of local customs and personal choice, and does not violate the law. "

 Hearing Li Yi's positive response, countless barrages suddenly appeared in the comment area.

 “That’s because modern laws are imperfect!”

“Anyone who eats dogs should go to hell! The Lord will punish you!”

“I really can’t figure out why some people eat dogs and aren’t they afraid of getting sick? Many dog ​​meat restaurants secretly take stray dogs to make dog meat. It’s disgusting!”

“Stray dogs are okay, but the most disgusting thing is some dog thieves who steal other people’s dogs and sell them to dog meat restaurants.”

 “My golden retriever was stolen, SQJ who eats dog meat!”

“So many dogs are working for humans, drug detection dogs, search and rescue dogs, I don’t know how many people have been saved, but there are still people who want to eat them, doesn’t your conscience hurt?”

After these barrages appeared, many viewers saw some of the extreme remarks and couldn't help but post barrages to refute them.

 “What’s wrong with eating dog meat? Isn’t it illegal?”

“Stop talking about the animal protection law. The animal protection law has been in place for a long time. What you want is the pet protection law.”

“Actually, if your pet is stolen, you should contact the police. It is considered theft of personal property and is a civil case.”

“You curse people to go to **** when you come up, SQJ, you guys’ love is like a joke.”

Seeing the quarrel starting in the live broadcast room, Li Yi stopped what he was doing and said sternly to the camera: "Everyone, please stop arguing. I just said that eating dogs is a matter of local traditional customs and personal choice. It should not be elevated to the level of human beings." attack.

 I don’t eat dog meat myself, but I will not force others to eat it, because as long as it is not illegal, people are free to eat whatever they want.

As for the theft of pet dogs, I also hate this kind of thing, and from ancient times to the present, it is not a good word to steal chickens and dogs. In ancient times, dog thieves were also called to be beaten.

 But everyone must distinguish one thing, and that is the difference between pets and livestock.

Many animals can be used as pets. Some people raise chickens, geese, pigs, and even cows as pets.     No matter if any animal is treated as a pet, it will develop feelings for it.

Any person with a conscience will not attack his or her pets, and will object to others targeting their pets.

  But in the human living circle, pets are only a small part of the animals, and the vast majority of animals are kept in captivity as food.

 Dogs have been one of the six domestic animals since ancient times.

Of the six animals, horses can be ridden, oxen can plow fields, sheep can grow wool, chickens can do morning chores, dogs can guard homes and yards, and pigs can only be eaten, so they are ranked last.

 But apart from pigs, all other animals are edible.

Horses are the most precious, they need to be ridden in battles and are rarely eaten.

However, after being injured, it will be slaughtered, skinned and eaten, so that the best use can be made.

  Oxen can plow fields and are beneficial to farming. Therefore, laws were enacted in ancient times that did not allow the slaughter of oxen.

 But wealthy families can also buy farm cattle with broken legs and enjoy the taste of beef.

 Mutton is more common and is regarded as a delicacy by the upper classes.

These three types of livestock meat belong to the upper third grade, and chicken, dog and pig meat belong to the lower third grade meat.

Chickens are better, they can fly up branches and become phoenixes, so they can also be included in the banquet.

 Dog meat and pork have been regarded as cheap meat since ancient times. Rich people do not eat it, but only people in the world, such as traffickers and lackeys, like it.

 But this also shows that since ancient times, there have been many people who eat dog meat. "

 Listening to Li Yi's words, the dog lovers in the live broadcast room were still filled with indignation and made comments one after another.

“That was ancient times. People in ancient times were feudal, but modern civilized people are going backwards if they eat dogs!”

“A civilized country will never allow people to eat dogs!”

 “This custom should be abolished!”

Seeing these barrages, Li Yi shook his head helplessly before explaining: "I have already said that there is a difference between dogs and dogs. Even in ancient times, some dogs could not be eaten.

In ancient times, wild dogs with no background in the wild could be eaten as long as they were caught. A group of beggars gathered around to capture and cook them, and they could also beat them as sacrifices.

But if a hunting dog is kept by a wealthy family, ordinary people will not dare to touch it. If it is accidentally killed, the official will be fined.

 So since ancient times, eating pet dogs has always been risky. The risk lies in whether it is valuable or not, so this is essentially a property dispute. "

As for Li Yi's explanation, the dog lovers in the live broadcast room still didn't buy it and continued to send comments.

“Stop being sophistical. In ancient times, you had to pay for stealing cattle.”

“Barbarism is barbarism, and vice is vice.”

“There is plenty of meat to eat, so why do we have to eat dogs?”

Seeing these barrages that were still arguing, many viewers in the live broadcast room became a little impatient and started making comments one after another.

 “Why are you talking so much? I’ll just eat it, let’s do it!”

  “Just eat it, I’ll **** you off!”

“You can do whatever is not prohibited by law, even if I eat it every day.”

“Interfering with other people’s freedom in the name of civilized freedom, this is what you are saying.”

Seeing that the dispute was getting more lively, Li Yi sighed helplessly and raised his hand to stop it: "Stop arguing, can we not intensify the conflict? Let's present facts and reason, and use scientific evidence, okay?"

Li Yi’s words still worked. After hearing what he said, the dispute in the live broadcast room subsided a little.

“Tell me, I’d like to hear what scientific evidence you can give me.”




 (End of this chapter)

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