A Mouthful of Sky-high Fried Rice, Lao Tang Apprenticed on the Spot

Chapter 755: 【Phoenix Blood Rejuvenation Soup】

Chapter 755 [Phoenix Blood Rejuvenation Soup]


 Huang Xiaoming pointed at his nose and widened his eyes: "Who am I? I will do it?"

Li Yi was amused by him and smiled before saying: "It's okay, this soup is very simple. I've already made the soup. You just need to cut open the chicken blood vine and drip the juice into the bowl. good.

 When serving it later, just use the dragon tripe soup to make it. "

"Oh, all right."

 Huang Xiaoming breathed a long sigh of relief and said with a smile: "I can do this, it's just physical work."

After saying that, he hurried to the storage room and soon came out with a bundle of thick, twisting vines that looked like snakes.

Both ends of the thick vine have been cut off, and a layer of bright red sap has condensed on it. It has dried and has a color like chicken blood. It is the chicken blood vine that Li Yi wants.

Looking at the Millipedia that Huang Xiaoming placed on the desk, Hao Libao picked up one and looked at it, then put it under his nose and smelled it before nodding and saying: "It's Milletia."

 He ​​wiped the broken cross section of the Millet Spatholobus with his fingers and asked curiously: "Is this the fresh Millet Spatholobus? This is the first time I have seen fresh products. I have always used prepared dry products before."

His menu also has a chicken soup with blood vine, which is specially prepared for female customers. The main ingredient is chicken blood vine.

But the Millet Spatholobus he bought were all prepared dry medicinal materials, and there was not much moisture in them, not to mention the juice.

 “This kind is not only fresh, but also wild.”

Li Yi smiled and said: “Chicken Spatholobus has the effects of promoting blood circulation, regulating menstruation and relieving pain, relaxing muscles and activating collaterals, and has good curative effect on irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, blood deficiency and chlorosis.

However, the fresh vines of Chicken Spatholobus are more effective than dry vines, and this is the real wild Chicken Spatholobus collected near Shikengkong in Dadongshan, Guangdong Province, and the quality is the best. "

 “Dadong Mountain?”

Hao Libao searched his memories and pondered: "When I bought Milladium Spatholobi, I also heard that the Millaplasia Spatholobi in Guangdong Province is the best, but the one I bought seems to be from Meizhou."

“That should be the product from the Meizhou planting base. The quality is good, but there is still a gap between it and the wild product.”

As Li Yi spoke, he took a piece of Chicken Spath and pointed at the surface of the cane: "Look at the cross section of Chicken Spath. The redder the texture, the more holes and tubes, the more rings, the better the quality." good.

The color of this Millet Spatholobus is very red, like freshly cut deer antler, and there are many rings, more than 20 of them. The layers are stacked on top of each other, and the pith is also full of them. This kind of Millet Spatholobus is Top of the line.

 More than twenty rings indicate that the vine has been growing for more than 20 years, and its diameter has exceeded nine inches.

Nine is the ultimate number. When a chicken climbs a branch, it crows into a phoenix. The chicken bloodvine that exceeds nine inches can be called Phoenix bloodvine. The medicinal effect of Phoenix bloodvine is much stronger than that of Chicken bloodvine. Of course, the quantity They are also rarer and can only be found by chance. These vines were obtained through the help of the program team. "

 Listening to Li Yi's explanation, the audience in the live broadcast room became curious and sent comments one after another asking.

“Real or false? Can it cure dysmenorrhea?”

“We also have them in your province. There are a lot of them in the mountains. You can cut them open and use them to boil eggs and make tea. It’s pretty good.”

“Blood vines! I have a lot of them here, all on the mountain. I’ve also drank the boiled water, and the effect is okay. It’s best to add some brown sugar and cook them together.”

“I live in Fengqing, Yun Province, and the specialty here is Chicken Spathogen Ointment.”

 “Great stuff! Can boys drink it?”

 “I want to buy some for my girlfriend, is it reliable to buy online?”

Li Yi could also see the barrage. When he saw that many viewers were asking how to buy it, he motioned the camera to get closer and took a close-up of the cross-section of Millet Spatholobus.

“Please note that there are many types of Millipedia on the market now, and the varieties of Millipedia vary from place to place, so you still have to look carefully when buying.”

 Li Yi explained carefully to the camera: "Chicken Spatholobus is also called Guoganglong, Five-Layered Wind, and Blood-activating Vine. It is the cane of the leguminous plant Bean densifera.

  Because there is blood-red sap in its canes, which is like chicken blood in color, it is called Millet Spatholobus. Many people confuse it with bloodvine. Their appearance is similar, but their medicinal effects are different.

 Hexata is a plant of the family Asteraceae. Its medicinal effects include clearing away heat and detoxifying, activating blood circulation, dispelling wind, and has a certain analgesic effect.

Chicken Spatholobus promotes blood circulation and nourishes blood, regulates menstruation, relaxes muscles and activates collaterals. These two types are different.

 The cross-section of the stem of the bloodvine is like a flower, with one petal after another.

  The cross-section of Millet Spatholobus is a circle within a circle, just like the growth rings of a tree.

Many provinces in the south have Millet Spatholobus, but the varieties used are different.

Pheasant Spatholobus is used in Fengcheng of Gan Province, Spatholobus japonicus is used in Guizhou Province, and Croton Vine is used as Spatholobus in Luquan of Yunnan Province.

There is also a friend from Fengqing in Yunzhou Province in the barrage. Their local Millet Spatholobus is the special type of Schisandra chinensis in the Magnoliaceae family and the cane of Schisandra chinensis in the middle.

There are many ways to do this, so I won’t explain too much. You just need to pay attention to the Guangdong province when buying, and the cross-section of the medicinal materials will be similar to the one I have. "

After listening to Li Yi's explanation, not only was there a wave of "understanding" in the live broadcast room, but even Hao Libao on the side nodded suddenly.

Although he knows how to use Millet Spatholobi in dishes, he only uses the best quality ones, but he never thought that there are so many details involved.

 Fortunately, he would rather buy expensive, and if he didn’t make a mistake, he wouldn’t suffer a loss.

 But his soup is definitely incomparable to Li Yi's.

  After all, he uses cultivated dry products, while Li Yi uses wild fresh products, and the efficacy of the medicine is not at the same level.

Handing the Millet Spatholobus to Huang Xiaoming, Li Yi said: "Cut off a section of this section, find a place to hang it, put a small soup bowl underneath it, and let the blood juice inside drip into the bowl.

  When a drop comes out, replace it with a soup bowl, and one drop in each bowl is enough.

 When it stops flowing, just cut off another section and let it continue to flow.

 When I finish boiling the dragon tripe soup, add some soup to the bowl, and wash away the blood juice, the [Phoenix Blood Rejuvenation Soup] will be ready. "

 “Okay, leave it to me!”

 Huang Xiaoming understood clearly, responded and turned back to get the soup bowl.

Li Yi went to the storage room, took out a soup bucket from the freezer, placed it on the stove, and heated it over low heat.

 “Is this the dragon belly soup you’re talking about?”

Hao Libao opened the lid of the soup and took a look. He saw that there was a bag-like thing wrapped in the soup that had condensed into ice. He could not tell what it was.

“Yes, wrap the fish belly of dragon belly with 12 Chinese herbal medicines and stew for three days and nights to make this pot of dragon belly soup.”

“No wonder I didn’t see you struggling yesterday. It turns out you were already done.”

Hao Libao sniffed the fresh aroma emanating from the newly melted soup inside the pot, nodded and praised: "It took three days and three nights, no wonder it tastes like this, it's amazing."

Li Yi smiled and didn't say much. He just wiped his hands and set up another casserole.

 Next, he will start making [Golden Phoenix Soup].

This soup is the finishing dish of Jiufeng Cai.

Like the last episode of this episode, this dish looks ordinary, but in fact it is very sophisticated. In terms of complexity, it is even as good as [Feng Yu Jiu Chu].

Li Yi gave most of the dishes to Hao Libao and his apprentices to make more time to cook these two dishes.




 (End of this chapter)

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