Chapter 747 Tusu Wine


Hao Libao nodded: "This traditional custom should not be seen disappearing, but should be carried forward again."

Hearing his words, Li Yi shook his head and asked him, "Do you know why Tu Sujiu is marginalized?"


Hao Libao really didn’t know the reason.

After ordering the medicine bag in the freezer, Li Yi explained: "This medicine bag contains rhubarb, platycodon, Sichuan pepper, Atractylodes, and cinnamon each with one or two qian, Sichuan Wu 6 qian, and sarsaparilla one or two qian. The effect is Once the disease is eliminated, colds and typhoid fever can be prevented.

Most of the medicinal materials are okay, but the main one is Sichuan Wu.

 Shengchuan Wuli contains aconitine. Aconitine is highly toxic and there is a risk of poisoning, so the control is very strict and it is not allowed to be sold at all.

 What I use here is Sichuan Wu, which is less toxic, but is not completely risk-free, so the heat and time must be strictly controlled when making it.

I can control myself here, but over there at the State Guesthouse, such risky things should not be allowed in, right? "

Hearing Li Yi's words, Hao Libao looked at the medicine bag again with more surprise in his eyes: "Does Tusu wine need to use such toxic medicinal materials? Can't it be replaced by another one?"

 “I can’t change it, otherwise I would have changed it long ago.”

Li Yi shook his head: "There are many recipes for Tusu wine. The earliest records are in "Xiao Pin Fang" written by Chen Yanzhi in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and also in Ge Hong's "Behind the Elbow".

 The version I used was improved by Sun Simiao of the Tang Dynasty and was written in "Qianjin Yaofang".

  But no matter which version it is, aconite is an indispensable medicinal material. "

Hearing what he said, Hao Libao was a little disappointed and couldn't help but sighed with regret: "What a pity..."

 The State Guesthouse deals with foreign guests from all over the world and must not cause any problems.

 When he arranges dishes, he always puts safety first, even if he loses some taste.

The State Guesthouse represents the image of the country. If any problem occurs, it will be a major matter, so he cannot handle it without caution.

 “Fortunately, I have you.”

Hao Libao looked at Li Yi and sighed: "With your promotion on TV, more people should know about this custom.

 But I shouldn’t be able to help you much. "

Hearing what he said, Li Yi smiled. Just as he wanted to comfort him, he suddenly thought of something.

 “That’s not necessarily the case.”

Li Yi thought for a while and then said: "I remember that Zhang Jingyue in the Ming Dynasty also recorded a recipe for Tusu wine in the "Jingyue Complete Book".

 But it was prepared as a medicinal health wine, and it just borrowed the name of Tusu wine.

His formula did not use Sichuan Wu, but it did not have the effect of dispelling evil and avoiding plague. Instead, it warmed the body and strengthened the spleen.

But this is just right. This recipe of Tusu wine is most suitable as table wine and is more appetizing. You can make this version, which is safer. "

 “That’s okay too!”

Hao Libao suddenly became interested and asked hurriedly: "How to make this version?"

"This version is relatively simple. It only uses eight medicinal herbs such as ephedra, Sichuan pepper, asarum, saposhnikovia, atractylodes, dried ginger, cinnamon, and platycodon. Each of them is 10 grams. Mash it into a coarse powder and put it into a bag. Mix it with 1000 ml of For high-quality liquor, soak it in a sealed container for 7 days, then filter out the residue and drink it.”

After Li Yi briefly explained the method, he immediately reminded: "But you have to pay attention, among these eight herbs, asarum is also poisonous, but it can be processed to remove the poison.

 The poison in Asarum is mainly sassafras, which is a volatile oil that can be prepared by decoction to eliminate the toxicity.

 The decoction needs to be cooked for at least one hour, and the lid must be opened to allow the sassafras to evaporate. After boiling for an hour, more than 80% of sassafras can be evaporated. Even if there is still some residue, it is not enough to cause toxicity.

But for safety reasons, each person can only drink no more than 10ml per day, so there will be no problem. "

Hao Libao listened carefully, but still hesitated: "This still can't completely eliminate the poison, right?"

 Seeing him ask this, Li Yi knew that he was still a little worried.

This is normal. His unit is destined to be unable to accept even the slightest risk.

 Li Yi was able to confirm that the Tusu wine treated in this way was non-toxic, and he also strictly limited the amount of drinking, so there would basically be no problems.

 But Hao Libao definitely does not agree with this concept.

So after thinking about it, Li Yi waved his hand and said with a smile: "Forget it, let's just replace the asarum with licorice. Anyway, it's not a serious Tusu wine, it's just a name, so there's no problem. All gone."

"This is acceptable."

Hao Libao nodded with satisfaction.

However, seeing that he agreed, Li Yi reminded him uneasily: "But you'd better ask an old doctor from Tongrentang to help you check the compatibility and then make a decision!

It would be bad if we encounter the 19th fear and the 18th rebellion. "

Hearing what he said, Hao Libao asked worriedly: "Will licorice be rebelled against the Eighteenth Eighteenth Anniversary?"


Li Yi scratched his scalp and said with a smile: "Half beetroot and coriander are fighting against black grass, and algae and euphorbia are fighting against licorice. The song says that seaweed, euphorbia, kansui, and daikon are all at odds with licorice, but this recipe The medicines in it are all fine.

But to be on the safe side, you’d better ask a doctor. "

Although Li Yi knew that there was nothing wrong with licorice, he was not a professional doctor after all. If something went wrong, the blame would fall on him.

 Shaked his head, he couldn't help but sigh: "Being the chief chef under the emperor's feet is never a good job!"


Hao Libao felt sincerely and felt the same.

However, he realized in a flash that Li Yi seemed to be a little distanced from the State Guesthouse.

 This is not possible!

Hao Libao still expected to recommend him to his superiors to replace him!

So, Hao Libao hurriedly made up for it: "But there are quite a lot of benefits. At least in terms of salary and resources, it is relatively affordable."


 Li Yi responded without saltiness, then clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work today, Master Hao. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have ended the work so early."

Seeing that he changed the topic, Hao Libao felt a little anxious, but he didn't show it. He just followed his words and said: "Fortunately, I didn't help much. It's all you who are busy. You've been busy all day, indeed. It’s hard work, if it were me, I wouldn’t be able to survive it.”

 “Haha! Who makes me so much younger than you?”

Li Yi smiled and joked, and then greeted: "Okay, Master Hao, go back and rest early! If you are exhausted, why don't your disciples come to me to fight for their lives?"

 “They dare?”

Hao Libao couldn't help but snorted when he thought of those useless things, and then said: "I will bring them all over tomorrow so that they can see what it means to have people outside the world and heaven outside the world.

 When the time comes, you can teach them well for me and rub away their arrogance. Those brats are not very capable, and their tails are almost raised to the sky. "

 “I don’t dare, you should do it yourself!”

Li Yi smiled and waved his hand, and then came out of the storage room to greet: "Where's Brother Liu? Send Master Hao back to rest quickly! Don't tire out our state banquet chef!"




 (End of this chapter)

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