Chapter 614 Possessed Taoist

  The three-day itinerary is very tight. Wang Tian suggested that the recording of the next program could be postponed for a few days, so that the itinerary can be more generous.

  Li Yi calculated the time and said that if it is postponed, it is best to postpone the recording of the entire program, which is only seven days.

   In this way, the time will be more generous.

  Wang Tian thought about it and agreed to his suggestion.

  Seeing that she agreed happily, Li Yi was a little puzzled, and couldn't help asking: "This extension is only for one week, so it's a lot of work to coordinate, right? Are you not afraid of trouble?"

   "What's in it?"

  Wang Tian smiled, and then sighed: "Time flies so fast, I didn't expect this show to be recorded to the end in a blink of an eye.

   To be honest, I really don’t want to finish recording this show so soon, and I’m quite happy to finish it later. "

   "You don't need to work! We are all exhausted in front of the stage."

  Li Yi made a joke.

  Wang Tian didn't care, and said with a smile: "If I go to work in front of the stage, I can keep recording this show."

   As she spoke, she couldn't help but sighed a little melancholy.

  Seeing this, Li Yi put away his smile and comforted her: "It's okay, there is always a banquet in the world, but where in life do we not meet each other?

   After recording the show, we are also friends, and we can drink together when we are free! "

  Wang Tian smiled, turned to look at him, and asked with a smile: "Since you said you are friends, then I will shoot the next season next year, and you will still be the chef, okay?"

   "As long as you can afford it, I will definitely come, but next year, it won't be this price!"

  Li Yi spoke seriously.


  Wang Tian made a joke on purpose: "I still said we were friends, so I just opened my mouth to ask for money."

   "Brothers have to settle accounts clearly. In business, let's talk about friendship in private!"

  Li Yi raised his eyebrows at her and laughed.

  Wang Tian also laughed, and then said seriously: "No matter how much you pay, the next year's schedule will be left to me, and I've made a reservation."


  Li Yi nodded: "I will give you the priority to book."

   While joking, the car has already driven back to the hotel.

  After arriving at the hotel, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

  After eating shabu-shabu, it is inevitable that the clothes will be stained with the smell.

  After returning to the room, Li Yi quickly took a shower.

  According to the usual practice, tonight is going to enter the wooden monument space.

  However, Li Yi didn't fall into a dream directly, but chatted with Liu Yifei on WeChat.

   Because they had to avoid people, they had to stay up late every day.

  Although Li Yi can bear it, Liu Yifei hasn't had a good night's sleep for a long time.

  So, Li Yi said, let her sleep in the room tonight, and he will not go to her.

  Liu Yifei also had this intention, and the two hit it off immediately, just like before, using voice to communicate with each other, and each fell asleep in the room.

  Liu Yifei was indeed exhausted. Lian Maihou fell asleep after a few words with Li Yi.

  Hearing her even breathing, Li Yi also closed his eyes and fell asleep.

  In the familiar space of the wooden tablet, after Li Yi appeared, his eyes fell on the wooden tablet.

  He still remembered that when he came in for the first time, the wooden monument was still empty.

  After so many times of his dreaming, this wooden tablet is also covered with brief inscriptions on the life of famous chefs, occupying most of the surface of the tablet.

  Looking at these inscriptions, Li Yi calculated secretly. If calculated according to the time in the dream space, he would have lived in the wooden tablet for hundreds of years.

   Fortunately, there is memory alienation, otherwise, after such a long life, his mentality will change.

  Looking up at the eight-faced stele space behind the wooden stele space, Li Yi thought to himself.

  In the past few days, he had the opportunity to enter the eight-sided monument space every night, but he didn't go there.

   It took thirty years to enter the bamboo stele space last time, which left a certain psychological shadow on him.

  The skills in the eight-faced stele space are relatively ancient, and the map is bigger, and it takes longer.

  The most important thing is that you may not be able to meet reliable famous teachers in that space, and under certain circumstances, you even have to rely on yourself.

  So he planned to make sufficient preparations before making plans.

  Currently, he has already selected the next monument to enter, that is, the wooden monument.

  According to his preliminary understanding and analysis, the stele faces of different materials should represent the manufacturing techniques of different materials.

  The last time he entered the bamboo stele space, he acquired bamboo weaving skills.

  Then this wooden tablet surface should represent the processing technology related to wooden materials.

  The ancestor of the carpenter is Lu Ban. He has worked in the bamboo stele space and is quite familiar with it.

  If he enters the space on the wooden stele, he must be possessed by Lu Ban or people around Lu Ban.

  Since you want to possess yourself, why not possess a more familiar object, which should save more time.

  However, considering his experience in the Bamboo Stele Space last time, Li Yi did not rush in. Instead, he bought a lot of woodworking-related books online, and the goods should arrive one after another in the next two days.

  He intends to take these books in, first use the function of time acceleration to go through the books first, lay some foundations, and then enter the space.

  He doesn't want to spend thirty years learning art like last time.

  Although there is memory isolation, he has really experienced that kind of pain, and he doesn't want to suffer that pain again.

   Looking back, he skillfully took off the ring and punctured the belly of the finger.

  Seeing the blood dripping out, he just wanted to subconsciously press on the wooden tablet, but suddenly stopped.

  Looking up at the surrounding fog wall, he suddenly had an idea.

  If you enter the monument space under the effect of time acceleration, what will be the effect?

  After thinking of this, he stepped up to the fog wall and pressed the blood on his fingertips.

   Soon, bloodshot eyes filled the eyes, the entire space became red, and time accelerated.

  Backing in front of the wooden tablet, Li Yi pricked his finger again and pressed his finger on it.

   His eyes went dark, but for a moment, when his thoughts returned, Li Yi suddenly smelled a fragrance.

   This is not the aroma of food, but sandalwood.

  Opening his eyes, Li Yi found that he didn't wake up lying on the bed this time, but sitting cross-legged.

   This is the first time.

  As soon as he opened his eyes, three bronze statues of the Three Qings placed in the shrine of the incense table came into view.

  There are four-color flowers and fruits on the incense table, and there are candles burning incense in front of the shrine. The smell Li Yi smells is the smell of sandalwood burning in the incense burner.

  Seeing the bronze statue of Sanqing, Li Yi couldn't help being taken aback, then looked down at him.

  I saw him wearing a blue and black Taoist robe, with a futon woven with rushes under his body.

  This time he possessed a Taoist priest?

   As soon as he thought about it, he already had a guess in his mind.

  So, with a light push on his legs, he jumped up from the futon and landed aside.

  Feeling the looseness of his feet, he muttered to himself: "The Zen skills are good..."

   Looking up and looking around, he found that he was in a bedroom.

  The canopy bed is on the west side of the room. Apart from a table and chairs, there is this incense table in front of the room.

   There are several ritual utensils beside the incense table, including a bronze mirror.

   Picking up the bronze mirror, Li Yi took a picture of himself, and the face of a middle-aged Taoist priest with white face and beardless was projected in the bronze mirror.

  After seeing him, Li Yi confirmed his guess.

  The person he possessed this time is Zhang Xuanqing.




  (end of this chapter)

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