A Mouthful of Sky-high Fried Rice, Lao Tang Apprenticed on the Spot

Chapter 611: Do you see it? This is called professional!

  Chapter 611 Did you see it? This is called professional!

  Beside the desk, the cameraman was filming Linghua and Zeng Yi.

   Seeing their performance, the audience in the live broadcast room was also full of curiosity.

   "Is that an exaggeration?"

   "What kind of taste is it? Have you tried it?"

   "Is it the taste of boneless sauerkraut fish? That fish is quite tender."

   "Guangdong people passing by, don't compare the pangasius fish that is made of sauerkraut fish with crispy carp. To be honest, they are not of the same grade at all."

   "The brittleness of crispy carp is a bit like rubber and a bit like uncooked raw meat. Northerners may not be used to it, but people here like it very much."

  Linghua and Zeng Yi chewed the crisp and tender fish slices, feeling that their cognition had been refreshed.

   Lin Yilun finished cutting the fish body in his hand, and came to the front with a plate.

  Seeing the surprised faces of the two of them, Yilun Lin asked with a smile, "How is it? How does it taste?"


Linghua pointed at the fish fillets in the pot with her chopsticks, and said with a smile: "This is the first time I have eaten fish with this texture. It really tastes like rubber. If I were to eat it with my eyes closed, I wouldn't even know what I was eating. It's fish!"

  Zeng Yi also nodded in agreement: "In my impression, the fish fillets of boiled fish are already considered crispy, but the crispness of this fish is completely different, and it really doesn't taste like fish."

  Hearing his words, Linghua couldn't help asking: "This fish, shouldn't there be any additives?"

   "That will not."

  Lin Yilun shook his head and smiled: "Guangdong people still have high requirements for ingredients. If they dare to put any additives, let alone us, the locals will have to bury the fish pond."


   Linghua was even more puzzled: "Then why does this fish have this taste?"

   "It was fed broad beans. This fish seems to eat broad beans to grow up, but I really don't know the specific reason."

   Lin Yilun said, and asked Li Yi: "Li Yi, you should know?"

  Li Yi was handling the last two fish, and explained without looking up: "It's because of the broad beans, but it wasn't fed when they were young, it was only fed after they grew up in the third year.

  If you feed it from a young age, the fish will not grow up.

  Fava beans contain a hemolytic L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine.

  After it meets the protease in the grass carp, the two will hemolyze and repair the hemolysis at the same time.

   Over time, the muscle fiber structural protein of grass carp will become rigid, that is, the meat will become brittle.

   Such fish tastes crispy. "

  Listening to Li Yi's explanation, Lin Yilun immediately pointed to Li Yi with one hand and the camera with the other: "See? This is called professionalism!"

  Linghua also listened with admiration: "My god, if you can cook like this, you are really no different from a chemistry expert, right?"

  Li Yi removed the fish's spine and continued to explain: "Actually, this phenomenon is called favism, and humans can get it too.

  The reason why humans get sick is because part of the human body lacks a glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

  Because of the lack of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, these people will cause hemolytic anemia after eating fresh broad beans, just like grass carp after eating broad beans.

  So, this fish embrittlement can also be said to be artificial means to make grass carp suffer from fava bean disease and change the meat quality. "

  When Li Yi mentioned the broad bean disease, Lin Yilun and the others were stunned.

   Zeng Yi looked at the fish fillets in the pot, and couldn't help asking: "Wouldn't that person also get fava bean disease after eating this kind of fish?"

   "This is divided."

  Li Yi looked up at them, and explained seriously: "Fava bean disease is a chromosomal recessive genetic disease, mainly due to a genetic defect that causes the lack of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in the body.

   This disease is not caused by eating broad beans, but eating broad beans will induce symptoms. In fact, you can understand it as an allergy.

  Although so far, there has been no case of broad bean patients eating crispy carp, but if there is such a disease, it is still not recommended to eat crispy carp.

  I also considered this situation, so I bought this kind of crispy meat carp.

  The cultivation of crispy carp is to feed broad beans for 120 days, and the general farmers will let the crispy carp go on the market after feeding for 120 days.

   This kind of crispy carp is the fattest, the most weighty, rich in fat, and the meat tastes more fragrant.

  However, this kind of crispy carp will be transferred to the clean water pool for 30 days after feeding the broad beans for clean water hanging.

   During these 30 days, crispy carp will not be fed broad beans. The purpose is to make it exercise more, consume fat, and get rid of its own muddy smell.

  The crispy carp that has been raised in suspension will have crisper meat and a higher price.

   This kind of crispy carp has been suspended in clean water for 30 days. Even if there is still a certain amount of L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine left in the body, it should be consumed within these 30 days.

  All theoretically speaking, even if a patient with fava bean disease accidentally eats this kind of crispy carp, it will not induce favism disease.

  However, if the guest has broad bean disease, it is not recommended for the guest to order this dish. "

  Linghua suddenly thought of something when she heard the words, raised her hand and said, "Then I have to tell the customers who ordered, it will be bad if there are patients who eat broad beans."

"probably not."

  Li Yi raised his finger to the menu above the display screen, and explained: "I have explained to Yifei, the others and the customers who helped, and the menu also stated that patients with favism disease should not order.

  If you are a favism patient, you can see it.

  Fava bean disease suffers most from southern provinces such as Guangxi, Guangdong, Sichuan, Hunan, and Jiangxi, and is generally rare in the north. "

  Linghua recalled for a while, and then remembered that Li Yi had indeed called those helping diners to the back kitchen and explained something.

  Now that I think about it, this must be the case.

  In the live broadcast room, the audience posted bullet screens one after another, expressing emotion again and again.

   "This is the first time I've heard of favism disease. I thought it was the princess bean in a fairy tale!"

  “I know that eating raw beans can cause poisoning, but I haven’t heard that eating broad beans can also cause poisoning.”

   "It's raw green beans, if they are not cooked, they will be poisoned."

   "I just ask you if you can go back in time!"

   "Emma! I don't seem to like eating broad beans when I was a child. I feel dizzy after eating it. My mother always scolds me for being hypocritical. I don't have broad bean disease, do I?"

   "Sister, I suggest you check it out. I found out when I was a freshman. My family still didn't believe me, saying that I can eat broad beans. Alas! It's not easy for me to survive to this day!"

   "Speaking of which, if someone with fava bean disease eats crispy carp, it would be dangerous, wouldn't it be good?"

   "If you're not afraid of 10,000, you're afraid of an eventuality. Food safety is too high. I still hope that such dangerous ingredients will not be used."

   "Let someone who has come here speak out! I'm from Guangdong Province, and I'm also a patient of fava bean disease. Usually I can't even eat bean paste, but I can still eat crispy carp."

   "Haha! We Cantonese people eat crispy carp every day, it's fine."

   "Don't give up eating because of choking, most people don't have fava bean disease, and they can still eat it."

   "He just made a suggestion, it's a good intention!"

   "Didn't Brother Yi think about it long ago? Otherwise, why would you use water to crisp the meat?"

   "Don't worry, there are fish hot pots selling crispy carp all over the streets in Guangdong Province. If something happened, they would have closed down long ago."

   "I thought Brother Yi even cooked puffer fish, so what's there to be afraid of with crispy meat?"

   "Seriously, is the crispy carp really that crispy?"

   "Shipped from Guangdong Province, airlifted to Gan Province, will the fish die?"

   "Crispy carp is very active, as long as there is enough oxygen, air transportation is absolutely no problem."

   "If I open a crispy meat hot pot in Mongolia, will it be popular?"

  Suddenly, many viewers in the live broadcast room began to curiously chat about the crispy meat carp hotpot project.

   While Linghua and Zeng Yi were burying their heads in eating the fish fillets in the pot.

  The taste of this crispy carp is really good.




  (end of this chapter)

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