Chapter 607 Dross vinegar

  Using a bag of golden soup base, more than a dozen helpers were harvested, and the work pressure of the restaurant was relieved a lot.

  The diners who were still enjoying the service just now turned into staff members and began to serve other people did not feel that they were at a disadvantage, but enjoyed it.

  Golden soup base is second, but standing out from the background board of the show and becoming the target of the audience's attention in front of the camera is the most important treatment for those who choose to become helpers.

   Of the dozen or so diners who raised their hands, more than half of them were Internet celebrities who had previously taken photos and broadcast live outside.

  Being able to become a member of the program team and become a helper is also of great benefit to their popularity.

  Among them, several Internet celebrity girls who had plastic surgery have already attracted the attention of the audience, and the number of fans has also ushered in a small surge.

   This made them very excited, and they worked harder.

  As the first wave of diners left, subsequent diners also came in one after another.

   Among the diners who came in, there were also quite a few Internet celebrities who were hiding their enthusiasm.

  Seeing that the internet celebrities who came in first had already turned into program crew members, dangling in front of the camera, the internet celebrities who came in later were so envious that their eyes turned red.

  So, they also found the director of the program group quietly, and proposed to join the team of helpers, but they were rejected.

  After adding more than a dozen helpers, the restaurant is already crowded. If there are more people, there will be no room to turn around.

  Being rejected by the program group, these Internet celebrities were very helpless, but they had no choice but to give up, returned to their positions, and became diners.

   It's just that when the first batch of Internet celebrities came to serve, their jealous eyes were about to turn into substance.

  Seeing their jealous eyes, the first batch of Internet celebrities felt superior, but also full of a sense of crisis. They worked harder and harder, for fear that if they were lazy, they would be replaced by the program team, and this great opportunity to gain fans would be lost.

  As a result, the diners who came in later enjoyed extremely considerate service, and even the tea was refilled in time, which was full of experience.

  With the help of helpers, the pressure in the back kitchen has been relieved a lot.

  Among the second batch of diners, many also ordered golden soup.

   But there are also many people who order the bottom of the pot with dross vinegar.

   Among the pot bottoms brought back by the first batch of diners, apart from porridge soup, golden soup, and milk soup, the bottom of the pot with the least remaining soup ingredients is the bottom of the pot of dross vinegar.

  Congee soup Shabu-shabu porridge itself is a drinkable staple food.

  Gold soup and milk soup are thick soups stewed with rare ingredients, full of flavor.

  But dross vinegar is just a not-so-famous soup base. Many diners are even hearing about it and eating it for the first time.

   It was the first time I ate it, and I even drank a lot of the soup base, which shows that diners still have a high degree of acceptance of this hot pot.

  The preparation of the bottom of the dross vinegar pot is much simpler. You only need to put the sour vinegar soup into the pot and add ingredients, take it out and boil the vegetables.

  However, in order to save time, Li Yi always prepares the ingredients in the back kitchen, boils them on the stove, and then delivers them to the diners.

  The firepower of the alcohol lamp is too weak, let the guests burn it by themselves, it will take a long time to boil.

  Put it on the high-fire stove in the back kitchen, and it will boil in a dozen seconds, which can save a lot of time.

   It's just that when dozens of pots of soup are cooked together, the smell is indeed a bit choking.

  In the back kitchen, most people find it hard to accept the taste, and they don't dare to come forward.

  Only Lin Yilun was in high spirits, cooking the bottom of the pot with Li Yi, while admiring: "Your food was transported from Qiong Province by air, right? It smells like the local taste, so authentic."

   As he spoke, he said to the camera: "I went to Qiong Province a few years ago, and I ate this dross vinegar hot pot there once, and I was very impressed.

   Dross vinegar is a traditional snack in Wenchang City, Qiong Province. It seems to be made from distiller's grains, right? Li Yi? "

  He was not sure, so he asked Li Yi for confirmation.

   "The same can be said."

  Li Yi explained while changing the small pot on the stove: "The locals in Wenchang can make rice wine at home, but because the place is near the sea and the weather is hot and humid, the leftover distiller's grains are easy to ferment and turn sour.

  In order not to waste it, local fishermen use garlic oil and chili sauce to reconcile it, dilute it with water, and serve it as a side dish.

  Fishermen generally have little money to buy spices to remove fishy smell, but cooking seafood with dross vinegar can not only remove fishy smell, but also soften fish bones, so it is very popular among local fishermen.

   Later, the life of the local people gradually improved, and there were more ingredients to cook and eat, and the dross vinegar hot pot gradually became popular. "

   "Yes! That's what I heard the locals say."

  Lin Yilun chuckled, and then became curious: "Eh? I've always heard people say that if wine is not brewed properly, it will turn into vinegar. Is this the reason for the dregs of vinegar?"


  Li Yi brought down the small pot of cooked dregs of vinegar, smelled the aroma of vinegar wafting from the pot, and explained: "Alcohol is generally fermented anaerobically, so it needs to be sealed well to prevent oxygen from entering.

  The purpose of isolating oxygen is to avoid the reproduction of acetic acid bacteria.

  Acetobacter is an aerobic microorganism. If there is enough oxygen, it will multiply in large numbers and release an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase.

   This enzyme converts the ethanol in the wine into acetaldehyde, releasing some oxygen at the same time.

   It then releases an enzyme called aldehyde dehydrogenase, which converts the acetaldehyde into acetic acid.

   This transformation process belongs to the secondary fermentation. If the secondary fermentation occurs, the wine will fail to be brewed, and there is no way to remedy it. "


  Lin Yilun was surprised when he heard it, and praised again and again.

   "How do you know so much?"

  He was very puzzled: "Do chefs need to learn such deep knowledge and principles now?"

   "That's not necessary."

  Li Yi said with a smile: "I am a food major. I know the principles, which is good for mastering cooking skills. I can understand why food tastes better, which is equivalent to mastering the underlying logic!"

   "No wonder!"

   Lin Yilun suddenly realized: "You are really professional, and I am the second knife!"

   As he spoke, he was a little moved: "When I have time later, I will also take a food major by myself. This is a secret book of martial arts!"

  Li Yi smiled, put the burnt dregs of vinegar on the dining car behind him, and turned around to say hello: "Okay, let's send it out!"

  Seeing this, Liu Yifei glanced at Zhao Jinmai, who was holding his nose, and came up close.

  She held her breath, but the breath from the pot still got into her nostrils.


  She froze for a moment, lowered her head and sniffed lightly.

  This soup smells pungent in the distance, but when it comes close, its sour smell is much lighter, and it is not so irritating.

Seeing her cautious look, Li Yi smiled, took a pot directly, put it on the desk, and signaled to her: "This soup is like the soup of snail noodles. You can accept it after you taste it first." This smells."




  (end of this chapter)

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