Chapter 593 Begging to be cut!

   Zeng Yi was also somewhat interested in Linghua's proposal.

  Looking at Li Yi, he smiled and asked, "Are you interested in opening one? If you want to open one, I'll join one too."

  Li Yi smiled when he heard the words, and raised his finger to the camera: "I don't need to open it. I have taught them how to fry this base material. If they want to open it, they can open it."


  Zeng Yi came to his senses, patted his forehead, and said with a smile: "You are really... really... selfless!"

  He considered his words and gave Li Yi a thumbs up, but a trace of regret flashed across his expression.

Linghua was a little curious, and asked Li Yi: "This hot pot base is worth tens of thousands of yuan, right? If you add your popularity, it will be no problem to open a chain of hot pot restaurants, dozens of them, Why are you willing to teach it?"

  Li Yi used a colander to stir the slices of meat in the pot, and said with a smile: "In fact, money is enough to spend, and earning money is meaningless to me.

  If I can teach you some cooking skills, so that you can eat better and feel more at ease, for me, it is actually the most fulfilling. "



  When everyone heard his words, they looked at each other, holding back their smiles.

  His words are similar to a certain richest man saying that he is not interested in money.

  In the live broadcast room, the audience posted barrage one after another.

   "He didn't lie to me for money or sex. He just wanted to teach me some cooking skills. What's wrong with him?"

   "I believe Brother Yi really wants us to eat better, but I only need 30 yuan a day for food, so I can't afford it!"

   "Haha! New audiences definitely don't know how rich Yi Ge is. Just his set of bowls can be exchanged for a set of courtyard houses in Beijing."

   "Brother Yi, it's true, I'm crying to death!"

   "Don't be fooled by Brother Yi! Brother Yi is actually raising pigs! I watched Brother Yi's program for half a month and gained six catties!"

   "To be honest, after watching Brother Yi for so long, Brother Yi really hasn't cut our leeks, and even gave us a lot of benefits."

   "I ate the puffer fish sent by Brother Yi. My mouth is soft. Brother Yi is really nice!"

   "I think that when people reach a certain level, they will really pursue value. I think what Brother Yi said is the truth."

  Li Yi looked at the bullet screen floating on the screen with a smile, and smiled at the camera: "We've been dating for so long, and I haven't lied to you, have I?

   I am such a real person, should I pay attention to it?

  Want to follow me, just go to several social platforms and video platforms to search for my account, Master Chef Li Yi.

  All the students, if you give me some attention, it will be considered as enrollment. "

  Hearing his words, everyone around couldn't help being amused.

  Linghua joked with a smile: "Good guy, so you are planning to divert traffic to your account!"

   "I've worked so hard to teach them so much, shouldn't I pay attention?"

  Li Yi deliberately asked the camera: "Do you think it should be?"

  In the live broadcast room, the audience echoed.

   "Should! It should be!"

   "Brother Yi, hurry up and go to the live broadcast to bring the goods! Really! My Huabei is already ready to move!"

   "Don't tell me, if brother Yi really sells goods, I really want to buy them."

   "I wanted to buy a lot of ingredients recommended by Brother Yi before, but I forgot after watching the live broadcast. If the live broadcast really starts, I will definitely place an order."

   "Brother Yi, don't take pity on us leeks, let your sickle swing more powerfully! Come! Cut me off!"

  Looking at the messy ridicule in the live broadcast room, Li Yi smiled and said: "Eh? Don't be arrogant, if I run out of money in the future, I will bring goods to cut your leeks."

  The audience in the live broadcast room became more and more arrogant.

   "Come quickly! I'm afraid you won't come!"

   "As long as you sell the goods you process and produce yourself, you can cut whatever you want!"

   "Let's open it! That roasted whole pig's head should be able to be vacuum-packed, right? I was so hungry when I watched the show, I'll definitely buy it when it's on the shelves!"

   "Ask for a cut!"

   "Do you dare to bring it now? For the hot pot ingredients you eat, give me a hundred orders!"

   "Can you list your own? I'd like to buy one."

  Looking at the barrage of chives in the live broadcast room, everyone present was stunned.

  Zeng Yi couldn't help laughing and said: "Excellent, this is the first time I see someone being begged by the audience to bring goods."

  In the entertainment circle, many celebrities are also bringing goods, but without exception, they will attract a lot of criticism.

  Many viewers believe that if actors and singers don’t do their jobs well and come here to bring goods, they are not doing their jobs properly.

   Moreover, the quality of the goods brought by many celebrities is worrying, and there is no skyrocketing after-sales service.

  The audience placed orders to buy the products they brought in because of the popularity of the stars, but they were tricked into vomiting blood. Naturally, they would have deep resentment towards the stars who brought the goods.

  So many viewers have a natural resistance to celebrities bringing goods.

  Li Yi's popularity today is no less than that of third- and fourth-tier stars, but his fan base is still relatively weak.

  According to common sense, if he is eager to cash out his fans, he will definitely cause ridicule.

   But what Zeng Yi didn't expect was that Li Yi's reputation among the audience was so good that the audience didn't mind when he said that he would bring goods to cut leeks.

Huang Xiaoming heard Zeng Yi's praise and said with a smile: "Brother Yi's product must be a high-quality product. If Brother Yi brings goods, it must be different from others. It is not a high-quality product. Brother Yi will definitely not smash his own brand." .”

   "The meat is ready!"

  Wu Lei has been staring at the sliced ​​meat in the pot. Seeing that the sliced ​​meat has completely changed color, he can't wait to say hello, and stretched out the chopsticks in his hand.

  Hearing the sound, everyone turned their attention back to the hot pot, and they all started to chopsticks.

  In a short time, only the sound of blowing, sucking saliva, and shachelles remained on the table.

  The hot pot gets hotter as it cooks, but the meat slices in the second pot are already much hotter than the first pot.

   Wu Lei took out a tissue, wiped the sweat from his forehead, got up and asked, "Who wants a Coke? I'll get it."

"I drink."

   "Give me a bottle."

  Linghua and Zeng Yi both raised their hands and asked for a bottle.

   And Tengger, who was covered with a layer of sweat on his bald head, also said: "Bring me a bottle too, and I want it to be iced."

  In the live broadcast room, the audience laughed after hearing the words.

   "Mr. Tengger still knows how to drink it, but I have to drink iced Coke!"

   "The best thing to drink is the first sip of Coke, and the rest is sugar water."

   "Normal temperature: horse urine.

   Chilled: National cellar. "

   "Eat hot pot with Coke, happy like a fairy!"

   "A sip of ice-cold Coke, a burp, beat the heat of summer!"

  Wu Lei walked to the storage room, but came back empty-handed after a while.

   "Sister Yifei?"

  He asked Liu Yifei with embarrassing eyebrows: "The bottles you took just now are iced Coke in the refrigerator?"


  Liu Yifei nodded: "I saw it was in the refrigerator, so I took it."

  Wu Lei heard this, and looked at Li Yi depressed: "Brother Yi, there is no iced Coke in the refrigerator."

  When the hot pot is at its hottest, there is no ice cola to relieve the spicyness, which is undoubtedly the most depressing thing in the world.

But when Li Yi heard it, he didn't pay attention. He just took the paper towel on the table and handed it to him, indicating: "Take a piece of paper, wet it with water, wrap it on Coca-Cola, put it in the quick-freezing layer, and wait a few minutes." Just take it out."




  (end of this chapter)

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