Chapter 583 Yellow Fat Beef

Looking at the barrage floating in the live broadcast room, Linghua couldn't help but said: "I can especially understand the audience who tuned in. You didn't say the reason for your resignation or your mood at the time, but I can also guess that you should be with me. At that time, I felt similar to my parents showdown.

  I just thought at the time, even if I starve to death on stage, I still want to sing, and I don’t want to sell electrical appliances at the counter anymore. "

  Zeng Yi nodded and added: "Doing something you don't like is really unhappy. But if you do what you like, even if you don't make money, you will be very happy."


  Linghua clapped her hands and said with a smile: "Do you still remember? When we first became popular, we took on a lot of commercial performances and went everywhere to sing for others.

  Sometimes I’m in Hebei Province today, and I’m in Henan Province tomorrow. I’m very busy, but I’m very energetic and happy all day long.

   A lot of people think I'm happy because I make a lot of money, but seriously... well, sure, I'm happy making money, and I can't lie.

   But to be honest, I feel it from the bottom of my heart. I am happy because there are so many opportunities to sing on stage for others to hear.

   If you have a chance, you will know our commercial performance once, it is very lively, everyone is singing with us, that feeling, really, I am so happy when I think about it now! "

   Linghua said in her mouth, smiling happily, her eyes seemed to be shining.

  Huang Xiaoming smiled from the side: "The song of Fenghuang Legend, there should be no place in China that people can't sing, right?"

   "It is true that many people can sing, and sing with us."

  Linghua said with a smile: "That feeling is my favorite, I am happier than earning money, and I feel a sense of accomplishment.

   To be honest, if there is a chance in the future, I really want to hold a national tour concert, free of charge, and invite all fans to listen and sing together, it feels great. "

Hearing this, Li Yi looked back at Wang Tian, ​​and said with a smile: "That's just right, we'll just spare a few hours for this recording, please hold an online concert for the audience in our live broadcast room, How about it?"


  Linghua's eyes lit up, she turned to Zeng Yi and asked, "I think it's okay! What do you think?"

"no problem!"

   Zeng Yi also smiled and agreed: "Anytime!"

   "Okay, it's a deal!"

  Linghua smiled at the camera: "Then remember to come when the time comes!"

  In the live broadcast room, audience bullet screens floated by.

   "Must come!"

   "Wow! There is a windfall!"

   "Isn't the online concert too cool?"

   "I want to ask my parents to come and watch, they are all fans of Legend of Phoenix!"

   "Sign up for my grandpa and grandma!"

   "Haha! Is this the first time I've listened to an online concert? I didn't expect it to be Legend of the Phoenix Emperor."

   "I used to think that the songs of Legend of the Phoenix Emperor belonged to me, but I don't know if it's because I'm getting older, but I actually like listening to it more and more."

   "I haven't listened to it deliberately, but it seems that I can sing two lines of each of your songs."

   "I want to listen to "Over the Moon"!"

   ""The Most Dazzling Ethnic Style" must come!"

  The song request mode was turned on in the live broadcast room.

  Teng Geer stood silently behind the crowd, smiling at Linghua and the others who were interacting with the barrage.

  He is a bit presbyopic and can't see the barrage on the screen clearly.

  Seeing that Linghua and the others were chatting happily and laughing, he felt a little sleepy.

   Covering his mouth with his hands and yawning, he lowered his head and opened the bag he was carrying.

   Reaching in, he took out a washed **** plum from inside, bowed his head and took a bite.

   As soon as he put it into his mouth, his facial features were immediately crowded together.

   His whole body trembled and shivered, and he breathed a sigh of relief and opened his eyes.

   Swallowing the sour juice, he squeezed the wrinkles on his face and continued to nibble on the plums.

   After taking a bite, he shivered, the more he gnawed, the more energetic he became.

   On Li Yi's side, he has already started calling the butcher to help move the divided pieces of meat into the freezer truck.

   Seeing this, several people from Wu Lei in the rear came forward to help.

  Seeing this, Linghua also clapped her hands, rolled up her sleeves boldly: "I'll help too."

  When she came to the counter, she looked at the pieces of yellow fat and red meat, and she clicked her tongue in admiration: "It really is Su Bainiu, this meat is so good."

  Huang Xiaoming and the others sighed while moving: "It's really yellow fat, it looks like jade."

  Wu Lei couldn't help asking curiously: "Why is the fat of this beef yellow? I also often buy imported beef, but the fat is all white?"

  Li Yi heard the words and explained casually: "Beef is generally divided into two types, grass-fed and grain-fed. Grass-fed cattle are grass-fed cattle, and grain-fed cattle are grain-fed cattle.

  Yellow fat cattle can only be found in grass-fed cattle, and they must be cattle raised on grasslands.

  The source of the yellow color in its fat is actually carotene and lutein in the chloroplasts of grass leaf cells.

   After herbivores eat a large amount of forage, a large amount of carotene and lutein in the forage will be digested and absorbed into the body.

  If livestock such as sheep and horses eat pasture, the liver will secrete a kind of β-carotene 5-5 oxygenase, which can decompose carotene and lutein in the pasture.

  But there is no such enzyme in the body of cattle, so carotene and lutein will precipitate in the body of cattle and store them in fat to form yellow fat beef. "

   "So that's the case, I learned."

  Wu Lei suddenly realized, looked at the yellow fat on the beef in amazement, and praised: "It's amazing, I didn't expect that there are so many differences in beef fat."

   "This kind of yellow fat meat tastes very delicious."

  Linghua swallowed her saliva and explained: "This is real grass-fed beef, the meat tastes like milk, and it doesn't smell bad at all.

  Now even in our Mongolian province, there are not many cattle that grow up purely grazing, because the pastures are getting less and less.

  But as long as it is a cow that has grown up on grass, the taste is several times stronger than that of feed cattle.

  Because this kind of cow eats not only grass, but also a lot of wild vegetables and herbs.

  For example, wild leeks, shallots, dandelions, these are not only loved by cattle, but also by us.

   When eating boiled beef, it is also very fresh with some leek flowers and shallots... hiss! "

   While talking, Linghua couldn't help but drool.

  Raising her hand and wiping the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand, she laughed and said, "Oh! I'm so hungry!"

   "After sending it back later, I will cook a pot for you to try."

  Li Yi smiled and said, "Leek flowers and shallots have already been delivered to the restaurant, I will scramble an egg for you with shallots."

   "Oops! That's great!"

  Linghua clapped her hands happily and joked, "I want to sing now."


  Huang Xiaoming smiled and said: "We have long wanted to hear you sing."

   "Which song do you want to hear?"

  Linghua was not at all stage frightened, and asked him with a smile.

  Huang Xiaoming played the songs of Fenghuang Legend in his head, but he didn't know which one to choose, so he smiled and said: "It's okay."

   "Then I'll sing you an Obo Meet!"

  Linghua smiled and said: "You must have heard of Aobao Meeting in Mandarin, and I will sing a Mongolian version for you.

  We met this time for the first time. Although it is not on the grassland, there are cattle and sheep here, so let’s treat this factory as an Obo! Ha ha! "

  After speaking, she immediately began to sing.

  Top singers can see their level as soon as they open their voices, although there is no microphone, no stereo, and no accompaniment.

  But as soon as she opened her mouth, the sound of singing immediately spread throughout the factory.




  (end of this chapter)

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