A Mouthful of Sky-high Fried Rice, Lao Tang Apprenticed on the Spot

Chapter 568: The cost is one million, the wages are ten million

  Chapter 568 The capital is one million, and the salary is ten million

  Sitting on the spot, Li Yi was resting and recovering his energy while admiring the work.

   Another 200 hours of weaving, he was exhausted.

   But during the weaving process, he didn't feel tired at all, nor did he notice the passage of time.

  This is different from step-by-step physical work, it is a kind of fun like a flood.

   This process of realizing the imagination in his mind into reality through his own hands is more like a kind of enjoyment to Li Yi.

  This kind of enjoyment is a higher level than physical enjoyment. It is the tremor that perfectly matches the frequency of the soul. It is the perfect sense of accomplishment created by perfectionists. It is the reward given by fate to those who work hard after breaking through the limit.

  At this moment, Li Yi is experiencing the joy brought by the flow of endorphins in his body.

  Looking at the statue of the Jade Emperor in front of him, he only has a sense of accomplishment.

  This idol was woven by him!

   Never before! unprecedented!

  Throughout the ages, there have been thousands of bamboo crafts. Since today, there has finally been a new peak, and that is this [Golden Silk Jade Emperor Statue]!

   After a long time, Li Yi finally regained some physical strength.

  He stood up, moved his arms and calves that were still trembling with excitement, stepped forward, and came to the eight-faced monument.

  As he expected, the surface of the stele made of bamboo slices has been completely restored, and the texture has become more flexible.

  As for the other seven monuments, there was also a sense of familiar attraction.

  Li Yi knew that he had another chance to enter the Eight-faced Monument.

  However, he was not in a hurry to go in.

  After hundreds of hours of continuous high-intensity work, his body is exhausted.

  And these hundreds of hours of acceleration are all powered by his blood.

  Although it looked like only a few dozen drops of blood, he felt as if his body had been hollowed out.

   So, he desperately needs to rest and recover his strength and energy.

  Now that the eight-sided monument has been reopened, he can enter it at any time, and there is no need to rush in for a while.

  As for this 【Golden Silk Jade Emperor Statue】, Li Yi looked back and smiled.

  Although it is only a semi-finished product, after the world, it is estimated that it will be lively for a while.

   With a thought, he returned to reality.

  The lights in the warehouse are bright, and Li Yi hasn't turned off the lights since he turned them on the night before.

   Bang Bang!

  Zhang Haozhe's voice came along with the knock on the door: "Mr. Li, I brought dinner, do you want to eat now?"

  Hearing the sound, Li Yi didn't answer, but just looked at the open space in front of him.

  Raising his hand, he had a thought.

  In an instant, a three-meter-high [Golden Jade Emperor Statue] appeared in front of him.

  Below the statue of the Jade Emperor, broken bamboo strands, bamboo strips, and scraps from wiping festivals also appeared, covering the open space.

   It looks like Li Yi has been busy for more than two months.

  Actually, Li Yi has been working in the space for almost two months.

   Before and after, he used a total of 38 time accelerations, which is a total of 760 hours.

  According to the working hours of 10 hours a day, it is equivalent to staying in space for 76 days, which is two and a half months.

  Even if it is based on 24-hour non-stop work, he has been here for more than a month.

   Bang Bang!

  Zhang Haozhe's knock on the door came again: "Mr. Li?"

  Li Yi turned around and came to the door, raised his hand and opened the warehouse door.

  Seeing Li Yi after opening the door, Zhang Haozhe was startled.

   In the past few days, Li Yi's every meal was delivered by him.

   But every time he saw Li Yi, he would be taken aback by Li Yi's state.

  In the past few days, every time he saw Li Yi, he felt that Li Yi seemed to be getting more and more tired.

  Li Yi's beard has grown a layer, and his hair seems to have grown a bit too. His whole body looks sleepy as if he has stayed up for several nights.

   After taking the thermos from Zhang Haozhe's hand, Li Yi didn't close the door again this time, but stepped aside, and motioned to him, "Come in."

   "Huh? Can you come in?"

  Zhang Haozhe was a little surprised.

  Before every time he came over, Li Yi would not let him approach the door, but just took the thermos and let him leave.

  But this time Li Yi actually took the initiative to let him into the warehouse.

   Looking in curiously, Zhang Haozhe nodded with a smile: "That's fine."

   As he spoke, he stepped into the warehouse.

   Over the past few days, Li Yi's mysterious attitude also aroused his curiosity.

  He also wanted to know what Li Yiwo was making up here for several days.

  Stepping into the warehouse, he first saw the tarpaulins piled on the ground.

   Those tarps are empty, not a single bamboo is gone.

  Seeing this, he just wanted to ask where the bamboos went, but when he turned his gaze, he was suddenly stunned.

  A huge statue of a three-meter-high statue woven with golden bamboo silk is sitting on an equally golden dragon chair.

  The light from the ceiling shone down, illuminating the whole body of the statue, as if it was covered with a layer of golden light. At first glance, it seemed that it was really cast out of gold.

   "Fuck... Groove..."

  Zhang Haozhe stared blankly at the statue, as if a bronze bell was roaring in his mind, all his thoughts were shattered, and it was difficult to condense for a while.

   What kind of idol is this?

   Is this made of bamboo silk?

  Why does it look so delicate? Like real cloth, real skin?

"This is…"

  He muttered, but he had no idea what he was talking about.

   "Jade Emperor Statue."

  Li Yi explained casually, then opened the thermos, and started to eat hungrily.

  He is starving.

   "Jade Emperor Statue..."

   Zhang Haozhe murmured and repeated, his eyes full of shock.

   He never expected that Li Yi actually made up such a magnificent statue in these three days!

   Isn’t this amazing?

  While eating, Li Yi vaguely told: "I'm going to keep this statue here for a few days first, so please show it to me. If I lose it, I'll ask you for it."

   "Okay, I will take care of it!"

  Zhang Haozhe subconsciously responded, and then asked curiously: "This statue of the Jade Emperor must be worth a lot of money, right?"

  Li Yi took a bite of the rice, glanced at him, swallowed the rice, and said with a smile: "The cost is one million, and the salary is ten million."

"Ten million?"

  Zhang Haozhe couldn't help being speechless: "It will take me ten years to earn it."

  Although he is a company executive, his annual salary is only more than one million yuan.

  After deducting taxes, it was just over a million dollars.

  Even if he doesn't eat or drink, it will take ten years if he wants to earn 10 million.

  But Li Yi only stayed in this warehouse for three days, and he made up a statue worth tens of millions!

  The wind blew away the food, and Li Yi hugged the thermos bucket, drank the radish bone soup in the soup bucket in one gulp, then put down the thermos bucket, and burped comfortably.

  Taking out his mobile phone, Li Yi stood up and took a few photos of the Jade Emperor statue in front of him.

   Afterwards, he threw the door lock key to Zhang Haozhe, and signaled: "Here is the key, and the statue is for me to see. Your driver is in the car, right? Let him take it back to me first."

   After three days in the dirty warehouse, Li Yi could already smell the sour smell from his body.

  He just wants to go back and take a good shower now.

  Zhang Haozhe with difficulty retracted his gaze from the statue, and sent Li Yi out to the car.

   After watching Li Yi leave, he quickly ran back to the warehouse, looked up at the exquisite statue of the Jade Emperor in front of him, and was amazed.

  He kind of understood why the chairman had to lower his profile and spend money and effort to build a factory for such a brat.

  In just three days, he made up a **** statue worth tens of millions. The output value of him alone has exceeded 90% of the private enterprises in the world!

   "It's a miracle!"

  He looked at the exquisite statue, and the more he looked at it, the more shocked he felt.

  Suddenly, he remembered something, hurriedly took out his mobile phone, took a few photos of the statue, then opened WeChat and sent it to Guan Xue.

  Afterwards, he clicked on the voice button and said to the mobile phone: "Mr. Guan, Mr. Li came out of the warehouse. He made a statue in the warehouse and sent you the photo."




  (end of this chapter)

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