Chapter 562 Proud

   In this dish, the kite eagle is even more difficult to find raw materials.

  The eagle is the king of the birds, always flying high and far alone, it is rare to see.

  Ordinary people often only hear the crowing of eagles, but never see them.

  Because of this, the eagle also had various auspicious meanings in ancient times.

  It represents lofty aspirations, a great future, and rising clouds, representing the highest expectations of the ancients for the younger generations.

  In the culture of the Manchus in the Qing Dynasty, the eagle was a sacred bird, representing bravery and strength.

   Therefore, since this dish appeared, it has only appeared at court banquets, and has never entered the folks.

  The method of this dish is to stuff the kite eagle into the abdomen of the female goose, put it on the pot and simmer it over a slow fire until it is cooked little by little.

  The appearance of this dish was also personally instructed by Qianlong.

  Before the 80th birthday banquet of Empress Niu Hulu's 80th birthday, Qianlong specially asked the imperial dining room to make a dish to express his gratitude to his mother for his upbringing.

  Thus, after more than three months of research by Zheng Er, this dish was made.

  In this dish, the female goose with complete five elements represents Niu Hulu, Empress Xiaoshengxian.

  The kite eagle in its belly represents Qianlong who is a perfect martial artist.

  It implies that a mother gave birth to a powerful son, and represents Qianlong's affection for his mother.

  But whether it is the ancient kite eagle or the fighting **** that Li Yi found as a substitute in modern times, they are all old meat and extremely difficult to cook.

  Especially if it has to be stuffed into the belly of a wild goose, it is difficult to heat and it is even more difficult to cook.

  In order to ensure the integrity of the geese on the outer layer and to make the fighting **** inside tasty, it is not allowed to stew in a pressure cooker.

  So, this pot of [Skillful Hand Roasted Wild Goose and Kite] has been simmering on the stove since noon.

   It has been stewing for eight hours now.

  After eight hours of stewing, the soup that was originally full was stewed until only a layer of soup was left.

  The geese in the pot have been stewed so soft that the bones can be easily pulled out.

   Seeing that the heat was almost ready, Li Yi carefully took out the wild goose with a colander.

  Dayan's neck was fixed by Li Yi stuffed into the chopsticks, so he still kept his head upright.

  After placing the wild goose on the plate, Li Yi helped it adjust its shape, and then arranged flower-shaped accessories carved out of carrots, yellow radishes, white radishes, green radishes, and red radishes around the plate.

  In the Manchu-Han banquet, this dish needs to carve out pieces of feathers from goose eggs, cover the body of the geese, and then pour thickened soup to create a dark brown feather tail and whitening effect inside.

  But Li Yi didn't intend to follow suit, because that would be too tiring, and he didn't have much time.

  So, he burned a pot of syrup, dipped his chopsticks in the syrup, smacked it on the geese, and then pulled it away.

  When the sugar thread breaks, it forms a crystal fluff, which sticks to the body of the wild goose.

   One chopstick dips one, and ten chopsticks can dip ten chopsticks.

   Li Yi gripped a handful of chopsticks, and quickly made a layer of fine fluff on the wild goose's body.

   But this is only the first step, the goose down part is made.

   Then Li Yi scooped out the syrup with a spoon, made feathers made of sugar on the tray, and stuck them on the wild goose.

   Soon, sugar-yellow feathers covered the whole body of the goose.

  The crystal syrup feather reflects the dazzling light under the light, it looks very dazzling, and it feels like jewelry.

  This shape is more beautiful and shocking than the original goose egg feather.

  During Li Yi's production, the audience in the live broadcast room were already amazed.

   When the feathers covered it and the shapes appeared little by little, the barrage in the live broadcast room had already started to freeze.

  Almost all the audience were posting barrage, admiring the shape of this dish.

   "Oh my god! Isn't this too pretty?"

   "Fuck! Is this okay?"

   "I'm convinced! This dish should be considered a work of art, right?"

   "Seriously, if I had money, I'd collect it!"

   "It's so beautiful! Isn't it so beautiful with the lights on it?"

   "Who can bear this?"

   "I finally understand why girls always like those shiny things, now I like them too!"

   "If it was put in front of me, I might not be willing to eat it, this dish is too delicate!"

   "Hurry up and ask a few empresses outside to come in and take a look. Although they play queens and concubines, they may not have seen dishes of this level!"

   "Where are those stupid fans? Come and see, can your brother Feng make this kind of dish?"

  The old viewers who had been disgusted by the fans for a long time in the live broadcast room finally felt elated and posted bullet screens one after another, teasing the fans.

   And those fans who blew rainbow farts all day in the live broadcast room seemed to have disappeared collectively, and they couldn't see a barrage.

   But it doesn’t mean that they didn’t post barrage, it’s just that they were also amazed by this peculiar dish, and they were also amazed by posting barrage.

   "My God! It's so beautiful! It's so dreamy!"

   "Can this kind of dish be made by humans?"

   "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe that there is such a dish in the world."

   "This is top cooking!"

  After amazed for a while, some fans finally came back to their senses and posted a few sour bullet screens.

   "It's a bit of a bully, Brother Feng is not a professional chef, why do you compare like that?"

   "It means that the shape is better, but it may not be delicious to eat."

   "Why is this like making a cake? It's not like cooking either?"

   “Glamourous, formalistic.”

   After these barrages appeared, they were quickly submerged in the tide-like barrage, and old audiences fought back one after another.

   "Oh? It's not a professional chef now, who was bragging about your brother calling a professional chef before?"

   "Isn't he a culinary wizard with extraordinary talent? Do you want to try this dish?"

   "You know what formalism means? Just messing around here?"

  In a short while, the fans' barrage was crushed in front of the old audience, and they were washed away in two or three strokes.

  After inserting the last piece of tail feather, Li Yi clapped his hands in satisfaction, and took two steps back to appreciate it.

   This dish is not the original [Skillful Hand Roasted Wild Goose and Kite], but a modern version that he improved by combining Baian's skills.

   This is his exclusive version.

  The final product was exactly the same as his idea, and even better than the shape in his conception, which made him a little surprised.

  Even he, the creator, felt amazing, let alone others.

  Liu Yifei, who was watching the whole process from the sidelines, already had stars in her eyes.

   And just after Li Yi called Wu Lei to come in, Wu Lei who came in with a toothpick in his mouth opened his mouth in surprise when he saw this dish, and the toothpick in his mouth fell to the ground.


  Wu Lei's eyes widened, and he almost swears.

  He came to the front quickly, leaning on the counter and looking at the dishes on the plate, amazed again and again.

   "This is too pretty, isn't it?"

  He suppressed his voice, and didn't dare to breathe too much, for fear of blowing away those thin feathers.

   "Okay, take it out quickly, while it's hot, it'll be cold in a while."

   After speaking, Li Yi came to the sink and washed his hands.

  Wu Lei nodded when he heard the words, then carefully picked up the plate and walked to the front hall.

  After washing his hands, Li Yi took off his apron, put it on the desk, and walked to the front hall.

  As soon as he arrived at the door of the back kitchen, he heard a burst of exclamation from the front hall.


"looks great!"

"smell good!"





  (end of this chapter)

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