Chapter 558 Invincible under the same age

"smell good!"

  After smelling the aroma, Chen Jianbing couldn't help but put down the scissors and duck's paw in his hand, and came to the desk.

  Wu Lei and Zhao Jinmai surrounded the camera, sniffing the aroma from the casserole, swallowing their saliva.

  Chen Jianbing was embarrassed to squeeze in, so he stood aside with his hands behind his back, looking at the steaming chicken nuggets in the casserole.

  After adding side dishes, the brownish yellow chicken pieces are mixed with emerald green, bright red, and lavender colors, which is very attractive.

   Sensing that Chen Jianbing was behind him, Zhao Jinmai hurriedly stepped aside and greeted with a smile: "The emperor eats first!"

  Wu Lei heard the words, turned around to see him, and smiled and stepped aside: "Huang Ama comes first!"

"no, I'm fine."

  Chen Jianbing hurriedly waved his hands, but was pushed to the desk by Wu Lei and Zhao Jinmai indiscriminately, with a pair of chopsticks stuffed into his hands.

  The camera came close, he sniffed the aroma wafting from the pot, swallowed, raised his head and smiled at Li Yi: "Then I won't be polite!"

  Li Yi smiled and nodded, "You give me your opinion."

   "I'll try it first, I'm really hungry."

   As Chen Jianbing said, he picked up a piece of chicken, soaked the soup in the palm of his hand, straightened up, moved it aside, and blew.

  The remaining heat of the casserole is still heating the dishes in the pot, and the sauce below is crackling.

   After blowing a few times, Chen Jianbing touched the piece of meat with his lips, and found that it was still a little hot, so he blew a few more times before sending the piece of meat into his mouth.

  The chicken was still slightly hot, and Chen Jianbing was chewing while steaming.

  The meat cut by Li Yi has a squid-like texture, the muscle fibers have been cut off, and under the curling and contraction of the chicken skin, it has become a ball.

  And those textures are soaked in dark red sauce, exuding the special fragrance of rich burnt soy sauce.

  After the entrance, the muscle texture of the meat did not lose too much water due to being cut, so it became loose and dry, but extraordinarily tender.

   After chewing on the skin of the chicken, the oily fragrance of the chicken fat bursts out, and when mixed with the sauce, a burst of rich compound fragrance bursts out.

   "Mmm! Delicious!"

  Chen Jianbing ordered some casserole with chopsticks and exclaimed: "This tastes so good! It tastes better than the big plate chicken."

  Wu Lei pretended to be surprised when he heard this: "Huh? Does Huang Ama think so highly of this dish?"

  Zhao Jinmai also joked with a smile: "It's better than the food at home. It seems that the emperor really likes it."

   "No, no, no, I mean it's better than the big plate chicken I made."

Chen Jianbing realized that he had made a mistake, and hurried to make amends: "I can't represent all the people in the Western Regions, and I can't comment on the big plate chicken, but this chicken is really delicious, very fragrant, and the meat is very tender without bones. It was so much fun."

   Seeing him trying to get round, Wu Lei and Zhao Jinmai stopped joking and turned their attention back to the dishes.

  After letting the guests go, they are not polite.

   Each brought a pair of chopsticks over, each of them took a piece and stuffed it into their mouths.

   Chewing the chicken, they looked at each other with satisfied smiles.

   After all, it is produced by Yige, this chicken tastes amazing!

   "It's time to order! Have you seen the spicy menu for ordering food?"

  At the dining outlet, Cai Shaofen rushed to the back kitchen to ask.

  Seeing that the back kitchen was surrounded by the counter, she stretched her neck to take a look, and then walked in: "What delicious food are you stealing again?"

   When she came close, she saw the steaming [Three Cup Chicken] and the sauce that was still sizzling from the bottom of the pot.

   "No, it's Three Cup Chicken."

  Li Yi explained with a smile: "However, in terms of cooking methods, these two dishes are indeed quite similar."

  Jeler stew is a kind of food stall in Guangdong Province. It is also cooked in a casserole. It is similar to the three-cup chicken.

   "It's a bit like wow! The jelly chicken pot is also made by Jie."

   Cai Shaofen said in her mouth, and then she smelled the aroma wafting from the casserole.

   "Wow! It smells so good!"

  She swallowed, and happily took her own chopsticks: "Let me take a bite, la la flavor!"

  Wu Lei and Zhao Jinmai were stunned for a moment before realizing that she was talking about nanawei.

   Picking up a piece, Cai Shaofen tasted it, and immediately exclaimed in surprise: "The chicken is so amazing!"

   "It's so tender."

  Chen Jianbing on the side reminded her.

   "Yes! So shocked!"

  Cai Shaofen nodded while eating.


  Chen Jianbing shook his head, but gave up trying to correct her Mandarin.

   After several months of filming together, he still couldn't correct her Mandarin, let alone the last show.

  Cai Shaofen was having a good time eating, when she suddenly noticed someone approaching beside her, and when she looked back, it was Xie Tingfeng who came up to him wiping her hands.

   "Have you ever tried this dish?"

  She asked Nicholas Tingfeng in vernacular.

  Xie Ting shook his head slightly after hearing the words.

   "Try it! It's so delicious!"

  Cai Shaofen excitedly recommended: "It's like that jelly chicken stew, but it tastes so much, the meat is so tender, and the pot is full of gas, wow! Delicious!"

  Hearing her recommendation, Xie Tingfeng didn't say anything, just took the chopsticks, picked up a piece of chicken, blew it lightly, and put it into his mouth.

   Chewing carefully, he didn't see anything on his expression.

  Suddenly, he looked up at Li Yi with a dazed look in his eyes.

  From coming to the back kitchen until now, this is the first time he has eaten a dish made by Li Yi.

  But it was this bite of chicken that made him dumbfounded.

  Before coming to this show, he also watched several episodes of the show.

   But in his opinion, the content presented in those videos is not much different from when he was doing food variety shows before.

  As a professional actor and entertainer, he knows very well that variety shows, like movies and TV series, can be edited.

  Even a person who can walk with the same hands and feet can become a kung fu master in editing.

   Not to mention editing and cooking content?

  When he was doing a variety show, the first few episodes were edited into a culinary expert because he didn't know much about cooking and was clumsy in cooking?

   But he is not the kind of person who cheats, nor is he the kind of temper.

  Since that time, he has privately sought out many famous chefs for advice on cooking and professional skills.

  He learns very quickly. Whether it is the chefs or the staff, he feels that his progress speed is like a rocket.

  He can also feel that the dishes he cooks are getting better and better, and he already has the feeling of mastering the essence of cooking.

  The last one who taught him was Master Dai, who is also the most famous chef in Xiangjiang.

  Master Dai told him that his cooking skills were comparable to those of some chefs with 20 years of experience.

  The fact is true.

  Whether on the show or in private, everyone who has eaten his dishes is full of praise.

  He has also discussed cooking skills with some chefs in professional restaurants, and he wins more than loses.

   Therefore, he really believes that he is very talented and has extraordinary talent in cooking.

  In his opinion, compared with professional chefs of the same age, his cooking skills should be regarded as top-notch.

  As for the chef younger than him, he shouldn't have to think too much about it, and he can be beaten with his eyes closed.

  But Li Yi's [Three Cup Chicken] made him refresh his knowledge.

  Such a brat, can he cook dishes of this level?




  (end of this chapter)

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