Chapter 555 Traditional Gan Province Edition

   "The chicken of Three Cup Chicken needs to be marinated first."

   Nicholas Tingfeng was still explaining to the camera: "Just marinate it with a little salt and pepper, and we can add a little sake to remove the fishy smell from the chicken.

  After stirring evenly, you can seal the chicken with black sesame oil, which can prevent the chicken from losing moisture. "

  Listening to his explanation, Li Yi cleared his throat and winked at him.

  Xie Tingfeng heard the voice, looked back, and saw Li Yi looking at the three cups of sauce in front of him.

   Looking down, Xie Tingfeng didn't know why.

  Seeing that he didn't understand, Li Yi could only remind him: "Is there too much soy sauce? It might taste salty."


  Xie Tingfeng smiled: "I don't use salt in this dish, and use soy sauce to provide salt."


  Li Yi nodded, and explained patiently: "If you use soy sauce for seasoning, you won't need so much soy sauce, or you can pick another piece of chicken! The amount of soy sauce for two pieces of chicken should be about the same."

  Xie Ting heard the news, glanced at the chicken bones that had been picked aside, and shook his head: "It should be about the same. The soy sauce will not completely adhere to the chicken, and it will turn into soup when it is fried."

  Hearing what he said, Li Yi couldn't help but frowned slightly.

   After thinking for a while, Li Yi asked him: "Have you cooked this dish before?"


  Hearing his continuous questioning, Xie Tingfeng was also a little displeased.

   But after all, Li Yi just helped him out of the siege, he still patiently explained: "I also made it on the show before, it tastes very good, everyone likes it very much."

  Hearing what he said, Li Yi didn't know what to say.

   This is obviously twice as much soy sauce, how could it be delicious?

  If Xie Tingfeng just cooks it and cooks it for his own people to eat, then he can do whatever he wants.

   But he obviously wanted to use the [Three Cup Chicken] he made as a product of the restaurant and serve it to diners outside.

  In any restaurant, the head chef is responsible for controlling the quality of the entire back kitchen.

   This is related to the reputation of the restaurant, and it is directly related to the diners' judgment of the chef's level of strength.

  So, Li Yi is responsible for every dish brought out from the back kitchen.

  A dish with obviously unbalanced seasoning, Li Yi definitely couldn't let it out.

Looking at the chicken in Xie Tingfeng's bowl, Li Yi patiently persuaded him: "Is the Sancup chicken you made before, the kind without deboning? If it's that kind, the amount of chicken is about the same, and it may be salty, but It's also good for dinner.

  But this kind of boneless chicken has a lot less amount, and it is easy to absorb flavor and make it salty. "

  Hearing what Li Yi said, Xie Tingfeng couldn't help hesitating.

  He recalled that the three-cup chicken he made before seemed to be boneless.

   But the amount of chicken bones is not that big, right? And there's no way to taste the bones?

   After hesitating for a while, he still shook his head: "I think it's okay, I sealed the chicken with oil, it won't taste too much."

   Seeing that he was still talking hard, Li Yi couldn't help but sighed.

"How about this!"

Li Yi opened his mouth to suggest: "You cook the Sancup Chicken of the Wan Province version, and I will make a traditional Gan Province version of the Sancup Chicken. Let's try the dish internally first. If your version is okay, we will follow your version. Do it, can you?"


   This time Xie Tingfeng readily agreed.

  Before, he had learned this dish from artists from Bay Area on the show, and he was very confident in this dish.

  Seeing that he agreed, Li Yi didn't say any more, took a three-yellow chicken and started to deal with it.

  Three times, five times and two times, Li Yi unloaded two chicken legs and two chicken wings in less than a minute.

   Quickly removed the bones, and shaved off the meat along with the back. Li Yi chopped the meat off with the same row of knives.

  Chop the chicken into small pieces, put it into the water, Li Yi added some salt to the water, washed it, cleaned the blood inside, rinsed it, squeezed the water dry, and put it in the basin beside it.

  Afterwards, Li Yi went to the storage room, took out an unlabeled wine jar, and put it on the desk.

   Open the wine jar, and a strong aroma of rice wine wafts out.

  Li Yi took a wine cup, and scooped out a few cups of light orange-red wine from the altar.

   "Three Cup Chicken is a Ganzhou dish. According to legend, it was the last dish Wen Tianxiang ate before his execution after he failed to fight against the Yuan Dynasty in Gan Province."

  Li Yi took three bowls and filled one of them with rice wine: "The ingredients of this dish are very simple, as the name suggests, it is three cups of sauce, one cup of wine, one cup of oil, and one cup of soy sauce.

  Of these three sauces, wine is the most important. The flavor of this dish is enhanced by wine.

  According to the most traditional method, this dish is best to use Yangcun rice wine from Longnan, Ganzhou, which is the wine I use.

   This kind of wine is still brewed according to the traditional craft to this day.

  It has a strong flavor and a sweet aftertaste, so using it to make Three Cup Chicken will also have a clear rice wine flavor and a sweet aftertaste.

   Oil should go without saying, meat dishes use meat oil, I have said many times, I will use chicken oil for frying.

  As for the soy sauce, I use my own soy sauce, which has a higher concentration and a higher flavor and saltiness, so I only use 40% of the rice wine. "

  His last sentence was to leave a step for Nicholas Tingfeng, and it will be better later.

   But after hearing what he said, Xie Tingfeng smiled and said: "So that's the case. I used light soy sauce, and the saltiness is not bad."


  Li Yi was a little helpless.

  This big brother doesn’t even know how to get down the steps!

Perhaps because Li Yi's words restored his confidence, Xie Tingfeng brought a casserole, put it on the stove, turned it on, and explained to the audience: "The best way to make three cups of chicken is to use a casserole, and the method is very simple. Simple, let's prepare some **** slices and garlic cloves while the casserole is heating up.

  I will teach you a little trick to remove **** slices, which is to use this..."

   As he spoke, he took a stainless steel spoon and scraped the **** skin with the edge of the spoon: "Using a spoon to scrape like this can quickly remove the **** skin without hurting your hands."

  After processing the **** and garlic cloves, the casserole is already heated.

   "Now that the casserole is hot, we can put the oil in."

   As he spoke, he poured the prepared black sesame oil into the pot.

Then, he picked up the sliced ​​ginger and the peeled garlic cloves, put them in the pot, and then covered the casserole pot, explaining: "We can not wait until the oil is too hot to put the seasoning, that way May explode.

   You can put the seasoning in first, and then cover the lid, so you don't have to worry about being scalded. "


  Li Yi also poured **** slices and garlic cloves into the pot.

   It’s just that he uses a frying pan, and he waits until the oil is hot before adding it to the pan.

  The remaining moisture on the **** slices and garlic cloves makes them burst into oil spots after they are put into the pot.

  Behind Nicholas Tingfeng, the photographer he brought was shooting from the side.

  The camera simultaneously framed Li Yi and Xie Tingfeng together, and their stove was also included.

  The oil spots in the pot in front of Li Yi were clearly visible under the light.

   And Xie Tingfeng just folded his hands, quietly looking at the covered casserole in front of him, the clouds were calm and the wind was light.

  Li Yi used a frying spoon to stir the pot. The water in the pot had evaporated, and it was starting to turn brown, releasing fragrant **** and garlic cloves, and then poured the prepared chicken into the pot.

  Seeing Li Yi put down the meat, Xie Tingfeng unhurriedly reached out and lifted the lid of the casserole.


   Right after he lifted it, the water vapor condensed on the lid of the pot suddenly gathered into water droplets and fell into the pot because of the tilt angle.

  Moisture enters the hot oil, and a piece of oil blooms immediately.

  Xie Tingfeng felt a pain in his wrist, couldn't help but let go of his hand, and the lid of the casserole fell off.


  The lid of the casserole fell on the counter, and then flicked, fell to the ground, and fell to pieces with a click.

  Hearing the sound, Li Yi was not surprised.

  When frying things, it is a big taboo to cover the lid, the water will condense, and it will collapse when it falls into the pot.

   This elder brother seems to really understand!




  (end of this chapter)

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