A Mouthful of Sky-high Fried Rice, Lao Tang Apprenticed on the Spot

Chapter 536: Wu Lei's battle with the audience

  Chapter 536 Wu Lei's battle with the audience

  Wu Lei's surrender did not divert the audience's guns away, but instead concentrated the firepower of the barrage.

Facing the wanton ridicule of the audience, Wu Lei looked at the nose and the heart, and said in his mouth: "Life is like a play, and we get together only by fate in this life. It is not easy to get along with each other. Everyone should cherish it. Everything in the world is like Yes, I can't do everything as I want. Losing my temper for trivial things, why bother in retrospect. He is angry with me and I am not angry, and there is no one to replace me when I get sick..."

   Seeing him use this trick to hypnotize himself, the audience in the live broadcast room launched a new round of emoji bombardment.

  Seeing his black history emoticons appear on the screen one by one, Wu Lei's eyes couldn't help but twitch.

  As an actor who debuted as a child star, he even has a high-definition black history.

  Jiang Xin and Sun Li looked at the emoticons on the screen, and laughed so hard.

   Seeing a wonderful emoticon package, they even saved it in the live broadcast room.

   "Why do you have all kinds of pictures?"

  Jiang Xin burst into tears with laughter: "Hurry up, send a few more."

  Sun Li also smiled and joked at Wu Lei: "I didn't expect you to be so cute when you were young?"

  Wu Lei twitched the corner of his mouth, then glared at the camera, and gave the audience a threatening look.

  But the audience was not afraid at all, and the emoticons were sent even more violently.

  Finally, after seeing the photo of him playing a woman in a red cheongsam, red embroidered shoes, and a wig when he was a child, Wu Lei finally couldn't hold back anymore.

   "Director! Block them all! Block all 360!"

   Seeing him break the defense, the audience in the live broadcast room cheered, as if they had won a battle.

"Ha ha!"

  Jiang Xin raised her head and smiled happily: "Your show is so fun! You can do anything, haha!"

  Sun Li also looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room, smiling all over her face.

  She doesn't participate in many variety shows, but her husband is a big star in variety shows, so she also watched a lot of variety shows.

  Among so many variety shows, "Chinese Restaurant" is the one she has seen with the best atmosphere and the most harmonious relationship with the audience.

  In the shows she watched in the past, it was inevitable that fans of some guests would quarrel with each other.

  But in the barrage of "Chinese Restaurant", there has never been a quarrel, only a group of foodies are discussing food.

  In the "Chinese Restaurant" barrage, the most debated was which dish Li Yi had cooked was the most difficult, and which legendary dish Li Yi couldn't cook.

  As for the other guests except Li Yi, in the eyes of the audience, they were just "those guys who ate and drank with Brother Yi".

   looking at and

   Looking back at the [Crispy Eight-Treasure Gourd Duck] on the desk that everyone had eaten with a few chopsticks, Sun Li also had a flash of envy in her eyes.

  Being a permanent resident on this show should be the most enviable job in the industry, right?

   To be able to eat delicious food every day and earn money, this is not working, but simply enjoying life!

  The administrator of the live broadcast room will naturally not ban the viewers who posted emojis, so Wu Lei could only run back to the desk and vent his "anger" to another traditional [Eight Treasure Gourd Duck].

   Taking a spoon, he directly inserted it into the belly of the duck.

   Seeing this, Jiang Xin and the others couldn't care less about watching the excitement, and hurried back.

  The texture of braised duck is completely different from that of fried duck.

  After one and a half hours of simmering, the skin and fat of the duck have been simmered so soft and rotten.

   Both duck skin and duck meat retain only the last trace of toughness and maintain their complete shape.

  After being cut open by a spoon, the stuffing inside it burst out directly, opening up the duck skin and meat.

  Following, the rich and fresh aroma of the stuffing lingered in front of everyone in an instant.

   "Wow! It smells so good!"

  Jiang Xin sniffed again and again, and couldn't help but marvel: "The taste of this stuffing is completely different from the crispy stuffing!"

   "That one smells like salted egg yolk and ham, and this one has a strong seafood flavor."

  Sun Li sniffed the aroma of the stuffing, and said with a smile, "This one seems to be more delicious than the one just now?"

   "Give me a spoon."

  Jiang Xin swallowed and stretched out her hand to greet her.

  Just now Li Yi said that the Sichuan-style one can be eaten with chopsticks, because the skin will shrink after frying and can stretch the chopsticks.

   This red stew has been stewed so crispy that it must be eaten with a spoon, otherwise it will not be picked up at all.

  From the way the filling just burst out, it can be seen that Li Yi's words are true.

  Jiang Xin took the spoon, and scooped out a spoonful of filling along the gap that Wu Lei poked open.

  The Sichuan-style eight-treasure stuffing just now can maintain a certain shape, but this traditional stuffing is a bit like eight-treasure rice, sticky and effortless.

  But unlike eight-treasure rice, glutinous rice is the main ingredient in eight-treasure rice.

  But in this eight-treasure stuffing, diced sea cucumber, diced tendon, diced shrimp, diced scallop, diced ham are the main ingredients.

   Scooped up a spoonful of Babao Ding, Jiang Xin lowered her head and sniffed, and immediately praised with a look of enjoyment: "It's so fresh!"

   "It is perfect to eat with duck."

  Sun Li also took a spoon, used it as a knife to cut a piece of duck skin, and covered Jiang Xin's spoon.

   "Thank you, sister."

  Jiang Xin teased Concubine Hua with her expression, then smiled and put the spoon into her mouth.

   Swallowed the stuffing and the duck skin and duck meat together, she chewed carefully, then raised her eyebrows and exclaimed vaguely, "Wow! It's really fresh!"

   This time, what she tasted first was not the aroma of duck fat and duck meat, but the deliciousness of the stuffing.

  The fresh aroma inspired by several seafood ingredients even overwhelmed the aroma of duck oil, making her feel like eating seafood Buddha jumping over the wall.

  As her teeth fell, the duck meat and duck skin covering the stuffing fell on her tongue, releasing their taste.

  Different from the Sichuan-style fried crispy skin, the braised duck skin is as soft as tofu. After chewing lightly, it is mixed with the same soft duck meat and turned into duck juice.

  Different from the Sichuan-style pure duck oil aroma, the braised duck skin and duck meat have the aroma of soy sauce and sugar, and the aroma of green onion is strong, and the taste is thicker.

  But its thick and heavy can not cover up the fresh fragrance of the filling.

  Every time Jiang Xin chews, her teeth will bite into the small seafood dices in the filling.

   And under the pressure of their teeth, they are also releasing a burst of delicious juice, which dilutes the thick aroma of duck meat and makes its own seafood aroma more prominent.

  This feeling is like a pot of thick soup with umami popping beads. Every time you bite the popping beads, a lot of umami will be released.

  These umami flavors not only stimulate the taste buds, but also make the whole pot of thick soup more delicious and taste to a higher level.

   Under her chewing, the taste from the duck meat to the stuffing also showed different layers.

  First is the softness of the duck skin, and then the softness of the duck meat.

  In the filling, the softness of sea cucumber and shiitake mushrooms, the Q-bombness of shrimp and tendons, and the softness of scallops and ham are also very clear and well-defined.

   What surprised Jiang Xin the most was the water chestnuts in the stuffing.

  Although it has been stewed together for more than an hour, its inner core still retains a hint of crispness.

  Among other ingredients that are either soft or chewy, its taste is particularly obvious, and it makes people enjoy it. They just want to chew one bite after another, and don't want to stop.

   While Jiang Xin was chewing, other people also tasted this traditional [eight-treasure gourd duck] with a completely different texture and taste.

   "The difference is so obvious!"

  Huang Xiaoming couldn't help but marvel: "They are all the same ducks, but the fillings are different, one is steamed, the other is boiled, the texture and taste are completely different.

  It feels like eating two completely different foods, which is kind of magical! "

  Neither Wu Lei nor Zhao Jinmai spoke, they just buried their heads in hard work.

  Liu Yifei took a sip, then put down the spoon, admiring their delicious food with a smile.

  This should be the happiest moment for a chef, right?

  Wu Lei scooped up a spoonful, handed it to the camera, and teased with a smile: "How does it look? Is it delicious? Oh! It's a pity that you can't eat it, haha!"

  When the audience in the live broadcast room saw this, they were immediately furious.

   "The villain succeeds! My anger kills me!"

   "If you have the guts, fly to Putian and stuff it in my mouth, and I will count you as good."

   "Give it to me! Ah~!"

   "Eat, eat! Forget about being fat!"

   "Hmph! Gout package! After this meal, your purine value will take a plane!"

   "Eat and eat! It's as if you don't need to practice more at night."

  Looking at the audience's barrage, Wu Lei smiled smugly.

   "Practice and practice! After eating such delicious food, it is also necessary to practice more strength."

  Speaking proudly, Wu Lei stuffed the stuffing from the spoon into his mouth, and exaggeratedly praised while chewing: "Oh my god! It's so delicious! This is the best duck I've ever eaten!

  How would you describe its taste? Tsk!

well! Forget it, I don’t need to describe it, anyway, you can’t eat it! "

   As he spoke, he shook his head feigning regret, as if he deserved a beating.

  The audience in the live broadcast room was so angry that they launched a new round of emoji package offensive.

   Seeing this, Wu Lei was not to be outdone, spoon after spoon, and deliberately demonstrated the appearance of tasting delicious food in front of the camera, laughing happily.

   Soon, a traditional [Braised Eight Treasure Gourd Duck] was eaten up again.

  Several people scraped off the soup on the plate, but they still had something to say.

  Jiang Xin licked her lips and sighed: "It's over, I don't want to go anymore."

  Huang Xiaoming laughed and joked after hearing the words: "Every guest who came to our show said that."

   "Of course, there are such delicious dishes to eat, who wants to leave?"

  Jiang Xin glanced at Li Yi, giggled and asked, "Eh? Does Brother Yi have a girlfriend?"

  Hearing her words, Zhao Jinmai looked at Liu Yifei immediately.

  Liu Yifei was packing the plates and chopsticks, as if she didn't hear it, but Zhao Jinmai seemed to feel that her ears were pricked up.

  Huang Xiaoming smiled and said: "No! Why, you have taken a fancy to our Brother Yi?"

"Ha ha!"

  Jiang Xin laughed and joked: "Whoever can be with our brother Yi will really have no worries about food or drink."

   "Sister Jiang Xin."

  Liu Yifei suddenly called her: "Will you help me wash the dishes?"


  Jiang Xin readily agreed, rolled up her sleeves and came to Liu Yifei's side: "Leave me alone!"




  (end of this chapter)

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