Chapter 530 Hot and Cold Smoked

   "The amount of sugar depends on the amount of smoked chicken."

  Li Yi explained: "A catty of sugar for twenty chickens is exactly one catty here."

   As he spoke, he used a spatula to even out the white sugar at the bottom of the pot, and reminded: "Remember, you must use white sugar, not soft white sugar."

   "Soft white sugar?"

  Sun Li was stunned for a moment: "What kind of sugar is soft white sugar?"

   "Also a type of white sugar, but finer than caster sugar."

   Zhao Jinmai on the side explained to her: "In the north, we eat more soft white sugar. In the Northeast, we put soft white sugar in cold dishes or when we eat spicy soup. It may be rare in the south."

   "I really haven't seen it in Shanghai."

  Sun Li asked curiously: "What does it taste like?"

   "It feels a little sweeter than white sugar...I'll show you when I show it."

  Zhao Jinmai explained, then suddenly thought of something, ran to the seasoning cabinet and brought over a bag of soft white sugar.

   Picking it up in her hand, Sun Li was surprised by the soft white sugar's touch through the packaging bag: "It's really soft! Why does it feel a bit like starch?"

   "Otherwise, why is it called soft white sugar?"

  Zhao Jinmai pointed to the gap and signaled: "Try it, this kind of sugar is sweeter and more delicious than ordinary white sugar."

  Sun Li hesitated, but she still opened the packaging bag, pinched a handful of soft white sugar with her fingertips, and put her head up into her mouth.

   "Huh? It seems to be sweeter when you eat it!"

  Sun Li looked at the packaging curiously. "Is it a purer sugar than caster sugar?"

   "Not really."

Li Yi took another bag of white sugar as a spare, and explained casually: "White sugar tastes sweeter because it has small particles and a lot of water, and it melts in the mouth when you eat it. The sugar distributed on the taste buds per unit area The higher the concentration, the greater the sweetness felt by the tongue.

  White granulated sugar has large particles, less water, and slow melting, so the sweetness felt by the taste is relatively small.

  But it is also because the particles of soft white sugar are small and melt quickly, so it is not suitable for sugar smoking.

  It will seal more smoke, so that the sugar smoke cannot come out quickly, and the efficiency of sugar smoke is relatively low.

   And because its particles are relatively small, the speed of caramelization is relatively fast, and it is easy to over-caramelize and produce bitter taste.

  So when making sugar smoke, it is best to use white sugar, the effect is the best. "

   While speaking, Li Yi set up a rack at the bottom of the pot, and put all the twenty roast chickens he had prepared on the rack.

  Cover the pot, and Li Yi explained: "There are two methods of sugar smoking, one is hot smoking and the other is cold smoking.

  Hot smoking is to heat the pot, and then sprinkle white sugar into it, so that the smoke will start immediately, and the pot can be smoked immediately after covering the pot.

  This method is used by bacon shops, suitable for large-volume, high-efficiency bacon.

  However, the meat smoked in this way will have a thicker taste, and there is no way to make light smoked taste.

  My way of boiling a cold pot is cold smoking.

  Although cold smoking is relatively slow in smoking, it can control the heat and produce three stages of light smoking, regular smoking and deep smoking.

  The color of the bacon in these three stages is also from deep to light, from light yellow to golden yellow, and then to maroon.

  Usual bacon, smoked chicken, smoked into golden yellow is the most suitable, the color is beautiful, and the taste is just right.

  However, some people have a heavy population and like this kind of sugar-smoked taste, so they can try their best to lean on the maroon.

  This is also the benefit of the cold smoking method, that is, the degree of smoking can be controlled. "

  Listening to Li Yi's words, Sun Li couldn't help admiring: "You really want to teach us how to open a shop!"

   "Since it is taught, then it is true. I am promoting employment."

  Li Yi made a joke, and immediately started to burn it on medium fire.

  Same as the time he smoked before, white smoke began to seep out of the pot first, and then the smoke began to turn yellow, and there was a sizzling sound from the pot.

   "You can turn off the fire when you see yellow smoke and hear this sound in the pot."

  Li Yi turned off the stove while explaining: "Start with the yellow smoke, and boil the pot for about ten seconds, the effect of the smoke is golden yellow.

  The longer the smoking time, the darker the color, but remember not to continue to temper the pot.

  Now the sugar in the pot has been caramelized, but if it is reheated, the sugar will be carbonized, and the smoke will have no fragrance, and it will all smell of charcoal, and it will cause cancer. "

"too professional."

  Sun Li looked at the notepad on her phone, which was already full of memories, and exclaimed: "I feel like I can really go back and open a roast chicken shop!"

  In the live broadcast room, the audience also echoed.

"Count me in!"

   "I'm serious, Brother Yi, let's start a brand! It specializes in selling stewed meat and roast chicken. I will definitely join! Really!"

   "Brother Yi has already said, don't open franchise stores."

   "Didn't I teach you all of this? Anyway, I really plan to try it. I have been unemployed for two months. If I don't find another job, I will really sit back and eat."

"You are all late. I have been in the stall for the seventeenth day today. I sell braised pork. I sell braised pork while watching the live broadcast. I use the recipe I learned from Brother Yi. Today's turnover has exceeded a thousand ,Ha ha!"

   "Fuck! Is it true? Is it so easy to make money?"

   "Envy, the profit of stewed meat must be half, right? If the daily turnover is 1,000, then the profit must be 500. A proper monthly income is over 10,000!"

   "Don't say 10,000, there can be 6,000 a month. I won't be in this class anymore!"

   "Shangqiu is looking for a good sister, let's set up a stall to sell roast chicken together, and the profit will be divided in half."

"Count me in!"

   Seeing that the audience in the live broadcast room actually began to discuss the matter of cooperating and setting up a stall, Li Yi hurriedly reminded: "I advise you to think carefully, and don't try impulsively.

  Opening the door to do business is different from cooking and eating at home. Doing business still depends on the location and operation, which is still different, so think carefully! "

  However, despite his earnest persuasion, the audience in the comment area didn't care about him, they just chatted on their own, and in a short while, they had already gathered a dozen stalls.

  Seeing this, Li Yi had no choice but to remind: "If you really want to set up a stall, then I will teach you a technique. After smoking, it is best to put it in the oven for another 30 seconds.

  In this way, the fat will ooze out a layer of oil film, making the roast chicken more oily, and the preservation time will be longer. "

  Hearing Li Yi's reminder, the audience in the live broadcast room made barrage jokes one after another.

   "Brother Yi is so interesting!"

   "This trick is so useful! Remember it!"

   "Thank you, brother Yi, for teaching me everything!"

   "Haha! Brother Yi, don't worry, when I earn money, I'll come and give you big rockets!"

  Looking at the barrage of bullets, Sun Li joked with a smile: "Brother Yi, it seems that your [Li's Roasted Chicken] is about to be carried forward!"

  Looking at the happy bullet screens, Li Yi let go of his worries.

  If he can really help some unemployed people find a way to make a living at home, then he has done a good deed.

  This belongs to the true art of benefiting people.

  After realizing this, Li Yi clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Since this is the case, then I might as well teach you how to cook another big dish."

   "What dish?"

  Jiang Xin asked curiously.

  Li Yi took out a plucked duck from a basin beside him, put it on the desk, and explained casually: "【Eight Treasure Gourd Duck】!"


   I'm going to be sucked dry...



  (end of this chapter)

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