Chapter 522 [Shiquan Dabu Soup]

  After returning to the hotel, Li Yi changed into a suit of clothes and was ready to go out.

  He originally planned to go directly to the restaurant set, but after going out, he automatically turned to Liu Yifei's room.

  When Liu Yifei was injured before, in order to take care of her conveniently, Xiaolan asked the front desk to apply for an extra room card.

  Later, Liu Yifei's foot was almost healed, but the room card was never refunded.

  So, this card was in Li Yi's hands last night.

  In the elevator, Li Yi sent a message to Liu Yifei, saying that he wanted to come up to see her.

  Liu Yifei sent a message not to let him come up, but after seeing Li Yi, she hugged him and refused to let go.

  Li Yi managed to suppress the heat in his heart with great perseverance, and left the gentle village.

  Originally he planned to give Liu Yifei a massage, but in the end he gave up the idea that it would be easy to misfire.

   Let Liu Yifei have a good rest, Li Yi went out and went straight to the restaurant set.

   Soon, Li Yi came outside the restaurant.

   On the way here, he had notified Wang Tian in advance.

  Wang Tian also notified the on-site staff through the internal channel, but did not tell Huang Xiaoming and the others.

   This is to capture their truest performance.

  Only Huang Xiaoming, Wu Lei, and Zhao Jinmai are in today's live broadcast, and the scene is very deserted.

  The three of them are working hard to enliven the atmosphere, but the effect is limited.

   Therefore, when Li Yi's figure appeared at the door of the restaurant, Zhao Jinmai's shouts were mixed with Wu Lei's cheers, almost knocking down the roof.

   "Brother Yi! Ah!"

  Zhao Jinmai shouted happily, put down the paring knife in his hand, and ran towards Li Yi.

  Behind her, Wu Lei was also yelling, running faster than her, overtaking her in three or two steps, running directly in front of Li Yi, and hugging Li Yi directly.

"Ha ha!"

  Zhao Jinmai ran up to him, clapped his hands happily and smiled.

   Seeing their happy faces, Huang Xiaoming also heaved a sigh of relief.

   Now that Li Yi is back, the backbone of the show will be there.

   In the past two days, he has been very worried.

  He thought a lot about the data of the live broadcast of the program, but the final effect was not ideal.

   Watching the data in the live broadcast room drop wildly, his hair also fell out.

   There are already marketing accounts on the Internet saying that he can't afford the data, and he is too angry to stretch his hips.

   If Li Yi came back a day or two later, he would probably be spoiled by those marketing accounts.

   Fortunately, Li Yi came back in time, and now someone can finally take over the important task of program data.

   And in the live broadcast room at this time, there is a long-lost barrage frenzy sweeping the screen.

   "The Master Chef is back!"

   "Brother Yi is back! Oh my god! I finally got it!"

   "You still have the nerve to come back? Do you know how I've lived these two days? You don't know! You scumbag! Come here and give me a kiss! Meh!"

   "Brother Yi is finally back, hurry up and clean up the demons and ghosts in the live broadcast room! It's going to turn the world upside down!"

   "I have the motivation to follow the live broadcast again! All the cameras follow my orders! All focus on Brother Yi!"

   "Why does it feel like I haven't seen you for two days, brother Yi looks so radiant!"

   "I know where Brother Yi has been these two days! He came to Hunan Province! I saw him at the airport!"

  In the live broadcast room, everything was said, and it was chaotic.

  The number of online viewers quickly rose from hundreds of thousands to millions within a few minutes, and it is still rising.

  Seeing the rising data, Wang Tian behind the director station also heaved a sigh of relief.

  Li Yi has only been away for two days, and the live data of the show is much worse.

  The most critical number of online viewers was cut in half and then cut in half. Even advertisers were calling to complain.

  If Li Yi doesn't come back again, then this show will probably be really cold.

   Fortunately, Li Yi came back, and all the problems were solved.

  Looking at the speed at which the data has risen, it is estimated that not only can it make up for what has fallen in the past two days, but it may also create a new wave of records.

   In front of the camera, Zhao Jinmai pulled Li Yi, chattering about what happened in the past two days, seized the time to complain to Li Yi, and detailed Wu Lei's crimes.

  After filing the complaint, she thought of Liu Yifei again, and said to Li Yi: "Miss Yifei is a little unwell today, she didn't come because she asked for leave."


  Li Yi nodded without asking further questions.

  Seeing this, Zhao Jinmai was a little disappointed: "Why don't you care about it?"

  Hearing this, Li Yi couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

   What do you care about?

   Liu Yifei is not feeling well, isn't it because of him?

  But when the thought came to him, Li Yi came to his senses and explained with a smile: "I've heard about it, it's okay, she may have caught a cold, I'll make some soup for her to replenish her body, and she'll be fine after drinking it."

   "What soup?"

  Zhao Jinmai couldn't help drooling just after hearing Li Yi say the word soup.

   "Of course it's not soup for you."

  Li Yi knocked on her forehead with a smile, and immediately called the staff to go to Tongrentang on Qianmen Street to get the medicine.

   What he wants to make for Liu Yifei is a herbal soup, which needs to use ginseng, Atractylodes macrocephala, white poria cocos, angelica, Chuanxiong, white peony, rehmannia glutinosa, and licorice eight herbs.

   This eight-flavored medicine is also called Bazhen, also known as Bazhen Decoction.

  It is a combination of the basic formula for nourishing Qi [Sijunzi Decoction] and the basic formula for nourishing blood [Siwu Decoction].

  This herbal decoction is mainly used to treat deficiency of Qi and blood. It happened that Xiao Lu bought the local chicken he wanted to use, so he could stew a Bazhen Chicken Soup to nourish Liu Yifei's body.

  In addition to these eight herbs, Li Yi also asked the staff to buy some astragalus and cinnamon.

  Astragalus tonify qi, cinnamon tonify yang, Bazhen decoction plus these two herbs, it is 【Shiquan Dabu Decoction】.

   But this 【Shiquan Dabu Soup】is not for Liu Yifei, but for Li Yi himself.

   [Shiquan Dabu Decoction] has the effect of warming and tonifying qi and blood, and Li Yi predicted that he might lose blood frequently in the future.

  So he has to make some preparations in advance to make up for himself.

   Soon, the staff bought back all the medicinal materials he asked for.

   And Li Yi also put two cleaned silky chickens into the casserole and stewed them over low heat.

  Going to Star City to participate in the internal selection this time, Shen Han spent a lot of effort to buy all the ingredients Li Yi needed.

   But Xiao Lu spent no less energy than Shen Han.

   It's just that he is used to working with Li Yi, knowing that Li Yi will buy some ingredients in advance, so he will make preparations early, which can save some time and energy.

  But in order to gather the ingredients Li Yi needed this time, he also went through a lot of hardships.

  For example, the two black-bone chickens that Li Yi used to make soup were Taihe black-bone chickens bought from Taihe County, Jiangxi Province.

  The chicken that Li Yi was going to use for lunch [Zaozhuang Spicy Chicken] was a local Sunzhi chicken bought from Zaozhuang, Lu Province.

  This is also the most authentic raw material used to make 【Zaozhuang Spicy Chicken】.

   After two days without Li Yi, Zhao Jinmai and the others deeply realized what it means to not think about food and tea.

  Seeing that Li Yi finally returned to the familiar stove, Zhao Jinmai and the others arrived behind Li Yi by coincidence, and stood in formation.

   "Brother Yi, let me help you!"

   "Brother Yi, just tell me what you want."

   "Go through fire and water, Brother Yi!"




  (end of this chapter)

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