Chapter 518 Give him a tip

   Splitting the strips one by one, Li Yi had to adjust the angle of the teeth every time he split.

  Although the piece of bamboo strips looked only as wide as the head of a chopstick, he had to split it thirty times before it was finished.

Watching helplessly as Li Yi split an already very slender piece of bamboo into hair-thin strands, and none of them were broken, the roots were distinct and complete, Tang Entai was beyond shocked. up.

  He finally understood why his grandfather liked bamboo weaving so much.

   If it is this level of bamboo weaving, it is definitely worth collecting!

  However, he looked at the bamboo strands that Li Yi had split, feeling a little puzzled.

  The bamboo wire used in the fish basket that Li Yi gave him was obviously thicker than the bamboo wire that Li Yi chopped out now.

  He couldn't help asking: "Why is the bamboo wire in that fish basket thicker than this one?"

  Li Yi fixed the bamboo teeth, glanced at him, and said with a smile: "If we use this kind of golden bamboo thread to weave, it will be more than one million!"

   Tang Entai was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed: "That's right! Weaving with this kind of bamboo silk must be more delicate and time-consuming."

  Li Yi smiled, didn't say anything, and continued to chop the second piece of bamboo.

  The process of splitting bamboo strips is very boring, cumbersome and time-consuming.

  Even Li Yi spent ten minutes splitting the two bamboo strips.

  A golden bamboo can be broken into 64 strips, that is to say, it will take at least 5 hours for him to split a golden bamboo into thin strips.

   And there are hundreds of golden bamboos here.

  If he was alone, it would take several months to break all these golden bamboos into shreds.

  This is not an outrageous number. With the large-scale bamboo weaving he envisioned, weaving at a normal speed can be completed within a year and a half, which is considered fast.

  This is also the reason why bamboo weaving is expensive.

  It is quite normal for a good bamboo weaving work to take several months to weave.

   In the past few months, the bamboo craftsman has no income.

  So this kind of bamboo weaving works, the emphasis is not to open for three years, but to eat for three years after opening.

   If the price can’t go up, it’s really not worth it.

  So, after roughly calculating the time, Li Yi stopped.

  He can't wait that long, so he has to find a way to solve the problem of time cost.

   "This bamboo is not bad."

  He turned around and smiled at Tang Entai: "The broken bamboo is smooth, and the bamboo is tough and soft. It is a first-class good material."

   "It's good that you are satisfied, otherwise I will feel very sorry."

   Tang Entai smiled and suggested: "Are you free at noon? I'll find a place, how about we have a drink?"

   "Forget it, I have to rush back to record the show!"

  Li Yi declined with a smile: "Let's do it next time!"

   "Alright, the future will last forever!"

   Tang Entai smiled and nodded, without insisting.

  Li Yi came back to his senses and put away all the tools, and rolled up the newly broken strips, rolled them into silk balls, and put them into the backpack together.

Zhang Haozhe had been waiting by the side the whole time, seeing that Li Yi was done, he came over with a roll of blueprints, and said to Li Yi, "Mr. Li, this is the design drawing of the factory building. The chairman told you that you must have a look at it yourself. "

  Li Yi took a look at the design drawing. The factory planning was obviously designed according to the requirements he put forward last time, but there were still some problems in the details.

  However, Li Yi didn't point it out. Instead, he rolled up the drawing and said, "I'll take this drawing back to have a look. I'll mark out the places that need to be corrected and bring it to you tomorrow."


  Zhang Haozhe fully agreed.

"Let's go!"

   Li Yi greeted Tang Entai, and asked with a smile, "Can I take Mr. Tang's ride?"


   Tang Entai was a little puzzled: "Aren't you taking your car?"

"my car?"

  Li Yi was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he was talking about the car he took when he came here, so he explained with a smile: "That's the special car I called."

   "Oh! Special car! I thought that person was your driver!"

  Dang Entai smiled and said: "Then take my car! I just sent you back."

   The two talked and laughed, and came outside the factory area.

  Out of the gate, Li Yi glanced at Tang Entai's car, but suddenly let out a cry of surprise.

  The driver of the special car hadn’t left yet, he was still waiting where he was, smoking a cigarette outside the car, and looking back at the factory gate from time to time.

  Seeing Li Yi coming out, he hurriedly stamped out his cigarette, smiled and nodded at Li Yi.

  Seeing that he was still there, Tang Entai was also a little surprised, and asked with a smile: "Did this driver forget to collect money from you?"

   "No, I gave him money."

  Li Yi was also a little puzzled. When he stepped to the front of the car, the driver greeted him with a smile on his face.

   "Why haven't you left yet?"

  Li Yi asked: "I called one way, right?"

   "One way, yes."

  The driver hurriedly nodded and explained: "I don't think it's inconvenient to take a taxi here! If you can't get a taxi when you go back, isn't it a delay? I just have nothing to do, so I'll just wait for you for a while."

   "This master is really nice."

   Tang Entai smiled and turned back to his assistant, "Give him a tip."

   As he spoke, he explained to the driver: "It's hard work for you to wait here for so long. Mr. Li will take my car back, so I won't bother you, thank you."

  The assistant stepped forward, took out the wallet, pulled out a wad of cash from it, and handed it to the driver.

  The driver looked at the cash, hesitated for a while, but didn't pick it up.

   "No need for a car? Then forget it!"

  The driver waved his hands: "Then I'll go first."

   As he spoke, he turned and walked towards the car.

  Seeing this, Li Yi suddenly stopped him: "Wait a minute!"

   As he spoke, Li Yi turned to Tang Entai and said, "Mr. Tang, since he's been waiting for so long, I'd better go back in his car, anyway, he's going to be in business anyway, so it's very convenient.

  If you send me off, you have to make a special trip, or I won’t bother you this time, and I will experience your Cullinan next time! "


   Tang Entai readily agreed, joking with a smile: "Mr. Li is indeed a kind person."

   "We can't let people wait in vain!"

  Li Yi smiled and nodded at him: "Then I'll go first."

   As he spoke, he walked towards the special car and greeted the driver: "Then please take me back!"


  The driver's face was full of smiles, he turned his head and smiled at Tang Entai and bowed his lower body, then quickly ran back to the car, and graciously helped Li Yi open the car door.

   Li Yi beckoned to Tang Entai, and got into the car.

  The driver got into the car, and while fastening his seat belt, he smiled at Li Yi and asked, "Why don't you sit in my car instead of Cullinan?"

  Li Yi put the backpack by his hand, and said casually: "Because you don't talk much, I can sleep for a while."

  With one sentence, he blocked the rest of the driver's speech.

  The driver thought about the words for a long time, but he held them all in his mouth in an instant.

   Leaning on the back seat, Li Yi told him: "Take me back to the hotel where I got in the car, I'll sleep for a while."

   As he spoke, he closed his eyes.


  The driver responded, started the car, turned around and drove back along the way he came.

  After going on the road, he noticed that the rearview mirror flashed twice, but it was Tang Entai's Cullinan who followed.

  The driver looked in the rearview mirror, wanting to remind Li Yi, but found that Li Yi had fallen asleep.

  So, he could only watch as Cullinan flashed his lights twice, and after saying hello, he passed directly, and soon he couldn't even see the taillights.

   On the back seat, Li Yi inserted his hand into the zipper of the backpack.

  The roll of silk that he had stuffed into his backpack had disappeared at this moment.




  (end of this chapter)

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