Chapter 399 Water Refining and Oil Refining

   “My grandma cooks lard during Chinese New Year.”

  Zhao Jinmai looked at the cauldron that Wu Lei worked hard to clean, and sighed: "At that time, the whole family went to battle together, and every time they boiled several pots.

  My grandma usually stays at home with my grandpa, cooks by herself, uses less oil, boils lard once, and can eat it next summer.

  My mother always advises my grandma not to cook so much, but she always refuses to listen. "

  Listening to her description, Li Yi reminded: "Although lard can be stored for a long time, it is best not to eat lard that has been stored for too long.

   It’s best to boil it once a week, and don’t leave it for more than a month at most. "

  Zhao Jinmai nodded: "Well, I will ask my mother to show your slicing video to grandma when I go back."

  Hearing what she said, Li Yi also nodded, feeling relieved.

   "Brother Yi, it's finished."

  Wu Lei put the cauldron on the stove and turned back to report to Li Yi.

  He wiped his hands and searched left and right: "What else can I do?"

  After seeing the suet diced, he couldn't even bear to sit down now, and kept looking for work to do.

  Seeing this, Li Yi signaled: "Go and take out my stone mill, and grind that bag of glutinous rice later."

   "This is good, this is good."

  Wu Lei excitedly ran to the storage room to move the stone mill.

  Li Yi took a basin of clean water, poured it into the pot, and turned it on.

   When the water boiled slightly, Li Yi poured the washed suet into the pot.

  Zhao Jinmai looked surprised: "Do you want to cook directly?"

   "It's not boiling, it's water refining."

  Li Yi explained: "Lard refined with water will contain a certain amount of water.

  Water will have an emulsifying effect, so the finished product will be whiter, and it will be softer and softer after coagulation. "

   "Huh? But my grandma fried it!"

  Zhao Jinmai was a little puzzled: "I remember that she added it to the pot little by little, and scooped it out while frying."

   "That's oil refining."

  Li Yi cut the **** that Liu Yifei shaved and washed into thick slices, and put a handful of peppercorns into the pot: "The oil refined by the oil refining method will be more fragrant and purer.

  But because there is less water, it will turn yellow after condensation, and the color is not very good-looking.

  But also because of less water, it can be stored for a longer time.

  I will use this pot of oil to make pasta. It is better to refine the oil with water, and it will not affect the color of the pasta and pastry.

  In the next pot, I will refine it with oil, which can be used for stuffing, frying oil, and later cooking. "

"All right."

  Zhao Jinmai realized something: "No wonder my grandma's boiled lard can be stored for so long. It turns out that the oil refining method was used."

  While speaking, Wu Lei had already carried out the stone mill.

  After setting up the stone mill, he opened the bag of glutinous rice, dug out a pot of glutinous rice, and began to grind it.

  He was grinding very hard, it didn't look like he was working, but he seemed to be having fun.

  Li Yi heard the snoring sound of the stone mill, looked back, and reminded with a smile: "Take it easy, don't get tired and sweat."

   "It's okay!"

  Wu Lei disagrees: "It's comfortable to sweat a little!"

  Li Yi shook his head: "I mean, don't sweat, if you fall into the glutinous rice flour, you won't be able to eat it."

   "Uh... alright."

  Wu Lei shrugged and slowed down.

  In front of the stove, Li Yi also unhurriedly pushed the diced suet in the pan with a frying spoon to prevent them from sticking to the pan.

  As the water was boiled away little by little, the noise in the pot gradually became louder.

  At this time, Li Yi brought some cinnamon and fragrant leaves, put them into the pot, and stirred them together.

   Soon, the diced suet in the pot began to produce oil.

  Seeing the oil coming out, Li Yi took a bottle of white vinegar, poured half a spoonful of it, and poured it into the pot.

  Seeing this, Huang Xiaoming couldn't help asking curiously: "Do I need to add white vinegar to boil lard?"

  Li Yi explained casually: "Adding a little bit properly can dissolve the greasy feeling of lard suet, and it will be more oily when eaten."

   "This is the secret!"

  Huang Xiaoming smiled at the camera and said: "Those who want to cook lard at home, you can try it!"

  Hearing what he said, Li Yi also looked at the camera and reminded: "It's okay to put a little less, but not too much, or the smell will be weird."

   In the live broadcast room, bullet screens were flying.

   "Ah! Damn it! This is obviously my exclusive secret recipe! Brother Yi, how did you come up with it?"

   "You are not allowed to learn, I want to learn, go back and open a shop."

   "Study, study!"

   "Brother Yi, why not open a factory to sell lard, I will definitely buy it."

   "A dish is tens of thousands of yuan, how much money is it for selling lard?"

   "I like it, does anyone buy it?"

   "I also have a secret, that is, add some white wine when it comes out of the pot. After it dries up, the oil will be whiter and more fragrant."

  Seeing the secret shared by the audience, Li Yi praised and smiled: "Thank you for sharing the secret, I will try it for everyone later."

  While joking, the suet in the pot has already produced a lot of oil.

  The diced suet floated on the oil surface, sizzling.

   There is a sound, which means that the fire is too high. Li Yi turned off the stove to a low fire, and continued to stir with a frying spoon.

  As the oil below is tormented, the diced suet becomes smaller and smaller, and its appearance gradually changes color, starting to turn yellowish.

  Seeing that the diced suet had shrunk to one-fifth of its original size, and its appearance had turned as brown as fried chicken, Li Yi took a colander and scooped them all out.

   This kind of suet that has been squeezed out of oil is oil residue.

   Pick up the oil residue, and Li Yi uses a frying spoon to squeeze and fry the oil, trying to squeeze out the oil inside as much as possible.


   Li Yi gave instructions to Huang Xiaoming who was beside him.

  Hearing this, Huang Xiaoming quickly brought a clean plate over and placed it beside Li Yi.

   After controlling the oil to dry up, Li Yi backhandedly poured the oil **** together with the scooped-up **** into the plate.

   The fried oil residue fell on the plate, making a sound of light and hard objects colliding, like puffed food.

  Looking at Zhao Jinmai and the others, Li Yi still didn't speak.

  He wanted to ask them if they would eat oily residue. This kind of oily residue tastes delicious when mixed with sugar or barbecue sauce.

   But correspondingly, its calories are also very high.

  Listening to Wu Lei's huffing and grinding breathing, Li Yi decided not to add pressure to Liu Yifei and the others.

   Later, you can wrap these oil residues into steamed buns for the staff to eat.

  The staff don't have to worry about body anxiety, they can eat more.

  Thinking, he looked back at Master Cai behind the camera and smiled.

  Master Cai couldn't help being taken aback when he saw his smile, and then couldn't help shivering.

  Li Yi's smile seemed to be about to do something bad!

  Brought a clean porcelain basin, Li Yi scooped out the lard in the pan with a frying spoon, and poured it into the porcelain basin.

"Let me do it!"

  Seeing Li Yi pick up the wok and pour the remaining oil into the basin, Huang Xiaoming wanted to come up to help.

   But seeing this, Li Yi hurriedly called out: "Don't move!"

  His voice was a little loud, and Huang Xiaoming was taken aback, a little puzzled.

Li Yi put down the pot and pointed to the porcelain basin to explain: "You are holding it now, and the oil will bubble up when your hands touch your hands, and your feet will bubble up when your feet touch your feet. The oil is nearly 200 degrees now, which is much hotter than boiling water. The porcelain basin conducts heat very quickly. Don't touch it."


   Lessons from blood and tears



  (end of this chapter)

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