Chapter 397 Cured meat

  Baijimo's noodle cake entrance, the outer layer of the baked brown cake, was crushed by the teeth, cracking.

  The next moment, the fragrant juice surged out, filling Wu Lei's entire mouth.

  However, this juice contains not only the oil soup formed by the melting of the stewed meat fat, the gravy overflowing from the lean meat, but more of the stewed soup that Li Yi poured into it.

  Li Yi's brine is specially prepared, using 28 kinds of spices.

  In addition to the eight most basic spices, 20 kinds of spices with different effects and different taste types are used, but they are incomparably harmonious.

   These stewed pork had conquered all the diners at yesterday's banquet.

  At the staff meal last night, the staff were also extremely satisfied.

  The complex fragrance made of 28 kinds of spices will impress everyone.

  And this time, Li Yi directly poured the stewed soup into the meat, which inspired the stewed meat which was soaked in the taste of the brine itself, making it taste to the extreme.

   Chewing the meat, Wu Lei felt the pleasure of the gravy oozing out, feeling extremely satisfied.

  The rich gravy soaks through the bread, making the bun inside soft.

  But the outer layer of the cake remains crispy, forming a wonderful taste experience of crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

   "Oh my god! It smells so good!"

  Wu Lei praised: "Is this the authentic Roujiamo? The taste of this Baijimo is simply amazing! The meat is also very fragrant, ten thousand times better than hamburgers!"

  Li Yi smiled, and while continuing to make Roujiamo, he explained: "The bun is indeed an authentic bun, but the meat is not so authentic."


  Wu Lei looked at the Roujiamo in surprise, and asked suspiciously, "Isn't this the Roujiamo? I've eaten it a few times, and although it's not as delicious as yours, it still looks the same?"

   "The meat I use is braised pork, not cured meat."

Li Yi made a cake, passed Huang Xiaoming and Zhao Jinmai, and handed it directly to Liu Yifei, explaining in his mouth: "Baijimo is made of cured meat. There is a difference between cured meat and stewed meat." .”

  Huang Xiaoming and Zhao Jinmai watched Li Yi deliver the Roujiamo to Liu Yifei, they looked at each other, and then looked at Li Yi with resentful eyes.


  Li Yi saw their eyes and didn't take it seriously: "This is to take care of the wounded."


  Zhao Jinmai said meaningfully, and asked with a smile: "Then why is Wu Lei the first one to eat?"

  Li Yi spread his hands: "He has a thick skin, what can I do?"


  Wu Lei stared blankly with a mouth full of the meat bun he had just bitten, with a puzzled look on his face.

  Liu Yifei held the Roujiamo, pulled Zhao Jinmai, and handed it over with a smile: "You eat first."

   "No, I was joking."

  Zhao Jinmai smiled and pushed back: "Eat quickly! I won't tease you!"

  Huang Xiaoming glanced at the stewed meat that had been chopped on the chopping board, and asked suspiciously, "Isn't cured meat just stewed meat? I've been to Chang'an, and the authentic Roujiamo over there is also stewed in stewed soup?"

   "That's an improved version."

  Li Yi explained: "There is still a difference between cured meat and stewed meat, and the method of cured meat is older.

   If you have to contact it, it should also be regarded as white bittern, not red bittern.

  Because the traditional cured meat does not add sugar or soy sauce for coloring, nor does it add onion, **** and cooking wine.

  The red cured meat sold in the market is a later improved method.

  The most traditional cured meat is only put in spices, which are colored by the color of the spices themselves.

  So the meat it cooks is white, only slightly yellowish, not as ruddy as red braised pork. "

  In the live broadcast room, audiences from Shaanxi Province heard Li Yi's explanation, and they all launched barrages one after another.

   "I asked my dad, the cured meat he ate when he was a child was light in color."

   "Brother Yi is fine, he doesn't pretend to understand. Many people from other places think that cured meat is stewed meat, and they have to explain for a long time every time."

   "Actually, the cooking techniques of different places are merging with each other, and the meat-colored Roujiamo with added sugar is also quite delicious. We must keep pace with the times!"

   "The cured meat is indeed different from the stewed meat. I heard that the older generation call it cold meat."

  Li Yi saw the barrage in the live broadcast room, and nodded in agreement: "Cold meat is a saying in the Warring States Period. At that time, South Korea was located in the triangle area of ​​Qin, Jin and Henan, and the locals would cook this kind of cured meat.

   Later, after Qin destroyed South Korea, the craftsmanship was passed down to Chang'an, and has been passed down to the present. "

  The audience who mentioned cold meat, but they didn't expect this name to have such a long history, were also surprised.

   "From the Warring States period? I don't even know."

   "Haha! We Laoshan are all descendants of Qin people, and many dialect words are ancient sayings that have been passed down for thousands of years."

  "The ancient Guanzhong dialect belongs to the official language, and is called elegant language. The "Book of Songs" and "Tang Poems" must be read in the Guanzhong dialect to have flavor."

   "I recited Jing Yesi in Guanzhong dialect, it's so funny, haha!"

   "You can recite the wine again, see if it's still funny?"

  While the audience was chatting, Li Yi had already made two more meat sandwiches and handed them to Huang Xiaoming and Zhao Jinmai.

  Wu Lei had already finished eating the Roujiamo, and was licking the soup stained on his fingers.

   Seeing that he was still enjoying his meal, Li Yi asked, "Shall I make you another one?"


  Wu Lei shook his head hastily: "I'll save some stomach and eat fresh meat mooncakes later."

   "I really have a heart to eat!"

  Li Yi sighed with a smile, and then came to the counter and made himself a meat sandwich.

  He hasn't eaten yet.

   There was still a lot of meat left, so Li Yi added some meat stuffing, took another spoonful of soup, poured it on the meat, and took a bite.

   Tasting carefully, he discerned the subtle changes in the aroma of oil, meat, stewed soup and noodle.

  The meat is good meat, and the steamed bun is also good steamed bun. The only thing that is almost interesting is the stewed soup.

  The taste of the newly prepared brine is still incomparable with the old soup. It can only be won by the quality of the meat itself.

  Seeing Li Yi eating carefully, Wu Lei couldn't help it.

  The Roujiamo I just ate seemed to have fallen into a bottomless abyss, and I felt nothing at all.

   After hesitating for a while, he still came forward and begged: "Brother Yi, please make me another one!"

   "Didn't you stop eating?"

  Li Yi smiled and asked: "I'm full after eating another one, and there will be nowhere to eat the fresh meat mooncakes when they're done."

   "It's okay, with my appetite, there is no pressure to eat one more Roujiamo."

  Wu Lei patted his belly: "At most, it will be an indulgent meal, and I will go back to practice for an extra hour at night!"

   What day are you not an indulgent meal? "

  Li Yi laughed and complained, but still made another one for him.

   Maybe the Roujiamo was so delicious, Huang Xiaoming ordered another one after eating one.

  He still has strict control over food, and he is also the one who eats the least.

   But today's Roujiamo is obviously delicious to him.

  After making another one for him, there are still five Baijimo left.

  Li Yi simply made them all into Roujiamo, stuffed the rest of the meat into it, and gave it to the staff to try it out.

  He cleaned up the desk again, and began to prepare the materials for making fresh meat mooncakes.




  (end of this chapter)

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