Chapter 384 Protecting her like this?


  Li Yi explained: "This is only a preliminary estimate. If it is implemented in practice, 200,000 is probably only a conservative figure.

  If you have watched my slicing video, you should know that a portion of my fried rice can be sold for 10,000 yuan.

  If you want to make fried rice, if there are ten guests at a table, and each person has a bowl of rice, it will already cost 100,000 yuan. "


  Shen Han was speechless, because what Li Yi said was true.

   After hesitating for a while, he considered his tone and said, "The price of 200,000 is indeed a bit high.

  Official units all have a budget, so I am afraid there is no way to offer such a high price.

   One table is two hundred thousand, ten tables is two million, twenty tables is four million, which is indeed too high. "

  Hearing this, Li Yi smiled and nodded: "I also know that this price is definitely not cheap.

  But you know me well. When I cook, I always get what I pay for.

  Expensive is a bit expensive, but the money is spent wisely, and anyone who has eaten knows it. "

   "That's true."

  Wang Tian echoed from the side: "Good things have good taste. Brother Yi is very particular about even the most basic salt when cooking. Otherwise, how can you make such delicious taste?"

  Hearing what she said, Shen Han couldn't say anything more.

   "Then I'll report it first and give it a try!"

  He sighed, looked at Li Yi and sighed: "I'll go back and try my best, hoping to get this price.

  I really want to invite you to be in charge of this dinner. Your cooking skills are the best I have ever seen. It would be a pity if you don't go. "

  Listening to him speaking so sincerely, Li Yi felt a little embarrassed.

   But the words have already been spoken, and Li Yi can't go back on his word.

   Therefore, Li Yi could only make a joke: "It depends on whether God gives us this fate."

  After Shen Han sighed, he also calmed down.

  Hearing Li Yi's words, he also stood up with a smile, and stretched out his hand to Li Yi: "Then I hope I can have this good luck! Wait for my good news!"


  Li Yi also stood up and shook hands with him.

   "Director Wang, I'm leaving first."

  Shen Han said goodbye to Wang Tian, ​​then turned and left.

  Watching him leave, Wang Tian also felt a little regretful: "Well, actually, this is really a good opportunity, and the officials in our Hunan Province are pretty good, so there shouldn't be any problems."

   "But the words have been spoken!"

  Li Yi smiled and said: "But if I'm really in charge of the dinner party, the cost will not be much lower. Although 200,000 is quite a lot, it is definitely a reasonable figure.

   Let's see what the leader says after he goes back to report! If we can agree to this price, we still have to talk, don't we? "

  Wang Tian sighed and did not speak.

  She also understands that for such a high price, the possibility of official approval from Hunan Province is almost zero.

  Li Yi didn't worry about it any more, and changed the subject: "By the way, I'm going to go to the farmer's market today. You can ask the driver to arrange a car!"

  Wang Tian nodded and collected his thoughts: "When you sent a message in the group, I told the driver."

   "That's OK."

  Li Yi walked towards the elevator, while saying hello: "Then let's go to the restaurant to have something to eat first?"

   "You go first, I'll make a call."

  Wang Tian took out his mobile phone and sat back.

  Li Yi didn't say much, and got into the elevator alone.

  Going up to the restaurant floor, just as he got out of the elevator, the door of the opposite elevator opened.

  Zhao Jinmai pushed Liu Yifei and walked out of the elevator.

  Seeing Li Yi, Zhao Jinmai's eyes lit up, and he raised his hand to say hello: "Brother Yi! Good morning!"


  Li Yi glanced at her, and then his eyes fell on Liu Yifei.

  Liu Yifei also saw him.

  But maybe because of what happened just now, she was a little nervous, she just raised her hand, opened her mouth, but said nothing.

  Seeing that she was nervous, Li Yi didn't provoke her any more. He just smiled and asked Wei Shuqian who was behind: "Xiaolan isn't coming back today?"

  Wei Shuqian nodded: "Well, she took a day off to accompany her grandma to climb the Great Wall."

  Among the old people yesterday, one-sixth were family members of program staff.

  Including Xiaolan's grandmother and Xiaolu's grandfather.

  Li Yi didn't ask any more questions, but just walked towards the restaurant.

  Zhao Jinmai pushed Liu Yifei and followed him, looking at him for a while, looking down at Liu Yifei for a while, smiling happily.

  Finding an empty table, Zhao Jinmai first pushed Liu Yifei to put it away, and then asked, "Sister Yifei, what do you want to eat?"

   "I'll just have a glass of milk."

   Liu Yifei said something casually.

  Zhao Jinmai heard the words, and deliberately asked jokingly: "Eh? Didn't you say you were hungry just now?"


  Liu Yifei hesitated for a while before saying: "Maybe I'm too hungry, and I suddenly don't feel hungry right now."

  Seeing Zhao Jinmai laughing and wanting to ask something, Li Yi stepped forward, pinched the back of her neck, and pushed her towards the breakfast area: "Stop talking nonsense, get something to eat."

   Pushed by him for a few steps, Zhao Jinmai raised his hand and pushed his hand away, complaining: "It hurts."

  Li Yi let go, and said in a low voice: "She is feeling embarrassed right now, so don't tease her."

  Zhao Jinmai looked back at him, curled his lips, and asked with a smile: "We're not together yet, so you're just protecting him like this?"

"if not?"

  Li Yi also looked at her: "Let you watch the excitement for nothing?"

   "See what's going on?"

  Zhao Jinmai muttered: "You are allowed to flirt, but I am not allowed to watch the fun?"

   "Who is flirting?"

  Li Yi came to the dining table, took a plate, and said casually: "I always look at it in a fair way."

   "Not shy."

  Zhao Jinmai kicked his heel, complaining angrily: "You just look at Yifei as a bully."

   "Nonsense, when did I bully her?"

   As Li Yi said, he took two dinner plates and stuffed them into her hands: "You carry them, I'll get them."

  Following that, he took a few boiled eggs and sections of boiled corn and put them on the plate.

  These pure natural foods taste good as long as they are fresh enough.

   After picking up some pickles and two glasses of milk, Li Yi took Zhao Jinmai back to the dining table.

  Placing a plate in front of Liu Yifei, Zhao Jinmai said with a smile: "Sister Yifei, you eat this, brother Yi brought it for you."

   "Oh, ok, thanks."

  Liu Yifei thanked Li Yi.

"You're welcome."

  Li Yi replied seriously.

  Seeing how serious they were, Zhao Jinmai almost laughed out loud.

  But Li Yi's gaze made her suppress her smile.

  Cleared her throat, suppressed her smile, she changed the subject and complained: "Oh! When the program is not recorded, the most painful thing is not having a good breakfast."

   "It's okay, starting tomorrow, I will have your good snacks."

  Li Yi put the milk in front of Liu Yifei, and said something casually.

  Hearing him mention dim sum, Zhao Jinmai immediately became interested: "Brother Yi, what kind of dim sum are you going to make?"

   "Do whatever you've heard or haven't heard before."

  Li Yi took a sip of milk, put down the glass, and a "milk mustache" hung around his lips.




  (end of this chapter)

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