Chapter 378 Dangerous!

   Not long after, Liu Yifei replied with a message.

   "I brought an unopened one, come and get it from me!"

  Seeing the message, Li Yi immediately replied: "Okay, I'll come over now."

   After finishing speaking, he took his mobile phone and went upstairs to Liu Yifei's room.

  Ranging the doorbell, he waited while communicating with Xiao Lu about buying ingredients in the group.

   After a while, there were a few bouncing sounds from far to near in the room, followed by the door opening with a click.

  Liu Yifei is wearing pajamas with Crayon Shin-chan printed on it, standing on one foot.

  Looking at Li Yi outside the door, she hesitated for a moment before opening the door.

   "Come in first, I'll find it for you."

  Liu Yifei hopped on one leg and stepped aside.

  Li Yi didn't take it seriously, and walked into the room directly.

   Seeing that he was not polite at all, Liu Yifei was taken aback for a moment, but didn't say anything, just closed the door casually.

  Hearing the sound of the door closing, Liu Yifei suddenly remembered that Xiaolan and Wei Shuqian would come to help her wash up later.

  If they came early and saw Li Yi here, wouldn't there be a misunderstanding?

  But Brother Yi is only here to borrow things, so it shouldn't be such a coincidence.


  Li Yi stood at the door of the room and looked around.

   This is a suite, the corridor leads directly to the living room, and you can see the coat on the sofa.

  In the cabinet at the door hung a set of clothes sealed in plastic airtight bags, all matched and vacuumed.

  A large suitcase was placed aside, with a sticky note on it with the word "shoes" written on it.

   "I remember it's in the box inside, I'll go find it for you."

   As Liu Yifei said, she leaned on the wall and jumped into the room with one leg.

  Li Yi looked at her slender ankles, and shook his head: "You are still too thin, and your body is too thin to get sick."

  Liu Yifei stopped in her tracks, and looked back at him with some doubts.

   For some reason, she always felt that something was different about Li Yi.

   Without asking more questions, she continued to jump back and came to the sofa.

  Behind the sofa are two open boxes, which contain some daily necessities, one of which is filled with various skin care products and cosmetics.

  Holding the sofa, Liu Yifei sat on the carpet.

   Supported herself and moved to the box, she rummaged through it.

   Seeing that she had trouble moving, Li Yi stepped over, squatted in front of the box, and asked, "Let me help you find it! Which one is it? What does it look like?"

   "It's a red plastic tube with a glass cap on it..."

  As Liu Yifei explained, she suddenly noticed Li Yi's squatting posture.

  He put his legs together, leaned over and looked curiously at the bottles and cans in the suitcase.

   Picked up a flask-shaped glass bottle, Li Yi read the logo on it: "Deodorant body lotion?"

   As he spoke, he turned his head to Liu Yifei and asked, "What is this for?"

  Liu Yifei was taken aback for a moment, and explained: "This is a body lotion, which is hydrating and moisturizing. It has a better effect and a lighter fragrance."


  Li Yi nodded and asked, "Can I try?"


  Liu Yifei was taken aback again, then nodded hesitantly: "Yes."

  Li Yi smiled, then pressed the mouth of the bottle, squeezed some body lotion into the palm of his hand, rubbed his hands together, and then rubbed it on the backs of his hands and arms.

   "It feels pretty good!"

  Li Yi only felt that the place on his arm where he applied it soon became cool and moisturised, as if his skin had become tender.

  Looking at Li Yi who was applying body lotion, Liu Yifei had a strange expression.

   Is this still the brother Yi who took the pig's life with a knife the day before yesterday?

  Why does it feel different?

   "Modern technology is advanced! This thing is quite easy to use."

  Li Yi picked up the lotion and looked at it, and asked without raising his head, "Can you send me a link?"


  Liu Yifei didn't answer at the first time, she was stunned for two seconds, and then hurriedly said: "Okay, I'll send it to you later, you can use this bottle too!"


  Li Yi glanced at her and said with a smile, "Thanks then!"

   As he spoke, he curiously picked up something like a belt with an oval instrument in front, and asked, "What is this?"

   "This is... a belt."

  Liu Yifei hesitated to explain: "When girls catch cold, their stomachs will feel uncomfortable. Use this to warm their stomachs."

   "Oh, it's also good for Gong Han, right?"

   After saying that, Li Yi knelt down on the carpet, holding a belt, and compared it to his stomach.

   Seeing this scene, Liu Yifei's eyes widened with astonishment.

   "This is a good thing, so convenient."

Li Yi sighed: "In ancient times, women suffered from the cold of the uterus, which was troublesome. Rich people could use a bosom stove, while poor people could at most use a hot towel to compress it. Many women from poor families didn't even have the conditions to use a towel for hot compresses. You can only resist."


  Liu Yifei spoke, a little embarrassed.

  Why did Brother Yi suddenly talk to her about this?

  Li Yi didn't take it seriously, and continued to sigh: "Women's life is hard! You have to suffer every month. If you don't pay attention to it, you will be sick when you get old.

  If I had known about your menstruation these past few days, I shouldn't have let you touch the water.

  Fortunately, it was a cold, which sent out the disease, otherwise the cold would accumulate in the body, and it would be uncomfortable in the future. "

   As he said, he turned around and took Liu Yifei's hand naturally, and said with a smile: "If you encounter such a situation in the future, just tell me, there is nothing to be embarrassed about, we are all..."

   Speaking of this, his expression suddenly froze, and he froze in place.

  Liu Yifei didn't hear what he said, all her attention was on the hand held by Li Yi.

  Brother Yi...what do you want to do?

  She felt a buzzing in her head, and her thoughts were messed up.

  However, what she didn't know was that Li Yi's mind was also overwhelmed at the moment.


What's wrong with me?

  Li Yi was very surprised.

  Has Xiao Meiren's memory been quarantined? Why is he still habitually thinking with female thinking?

   Even in the dream space, when he was possessed by Xiao Meiren, he was always a handsome man in his heart!

  After meeting him, Yuan Mei also said that he has the appearance of a woman, and his gestures are more heroic than men.

  In the store, the shopkeepers and clerks were silent in front of him, and they never regarded him as a woman.

  How did he change after leaving the dream space?

  Confused in his mind, he frowned and thought, but forgot that he was still holding Liu Yifei's hand at this moment.

   And Liu Yifei was already tense and stiff.

  After thinking quietly for a while, Li Yi gradually got his head straight.

  In the dream space, he is Xiao Meiren, so he reminds himself all the time that he is a man.

  So in the dream space, he will deliberately appear more masculine.

  But during the long period of possession, he has unknowingly understood some female ways of thinking, and has been subtly influenced, and has learned to use female thinking to think about problems.

   This change is not obvious, even he himself didn't notice it.

  After returning to reality, he regained his male body and relaxed his vigilance.

  At this time, the feminine way of thinking that has been integrated into his way of thinking quietly surfaced and manifested.

  After realizing this, Li Yi was shocked into a cold sweat.

so close! Almost turned into a bitch!




  (end of this chapter)

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