Chapter 367 [Dongpo Meat]

  This time [Hundred Men's Banquet], Li Yi prepared two kinds of snacks, [Ruyi Roll] and [Buddha Hand Golden Scroll].

   These two kinds of dim sum have a layer of golden skin, which is made of egg skin.

  Originally, he planned to do it himself later, but since Liu Yifei wanted to help, let her do it.

  Anyway, it is not very difficult to spread the egg skins, and it is a big deal to waste some eggs.

  Liu Yifei was very satisfied with this work arrangement and readily agreed.

  Seeing that she agreed readily, Li Yi asked with a smile: "Do you know how to spread egg skin?"

"I can!"

  Liu Yifei smiled and said: "When I was young, I would eat egg dumplings during Chinese New Year. My grandma taught me, it's very simple."

"That's good."

  Hearing what she said, Li Yi was relieved a lot, and said with a smile: "The egg skin will be handed over to you, just be careful, don't worry, just don't get hurt."

"Know it!"

  Liu Yifei responded with a smile, took the egg box, put it on the desk beside her, and started to prepare.

   "Sister Yifei, I'm afraid I can't help you."

  Zhao Jinmai explained: "Xiao Lei outside is too busy alone, so I have to go out and help."

   "You go! I'm fine by myself."

  Liu Yifei patted her arm with a smile, then smiled at Chen Chen who was peeking behind her: "Besides, isn't there a handsome guy here?"

   Chenchen heard the words, and immediately jumped out: "I can help! I can do anything!"

   "Ouch! Is this the sun coming out from the west?"

  Zhao Jinmai squeezed his face mockingly: "I usually ask you to help, why do you push back and forth?"

   Chenchen laughed and said nothing, Zhao Jinmai stopped teasing him, and lowered his head to tell him: "You are a man, if you want to help Sister Yifei, you must pay attention to safety and don't get hurt, okay?"

"I know."

   Chenchen nodded, and sang vaguely with a serious face: "Good man~ ummm... hum... a little hurt..."


  Zhao Jinmai looked at him in shock: "Where did you learn such old-fashioned songs?"

   "I learned it from my father."

   Chen Chen disagrees.


  Zhao Jinmai was speechless, and then patted him on the shoulder: "I'm busy outside, and sister Yifei will leave it to you to protect."


   Chenchen posed with a serious face and POSS: "If a monster comes, I will become an Ultraman! Tiga!"

   "Okay, okay, don't fall into the second grade."

  Zhao Jinmai shook his head helplessly, said something to Liu Yifei, then turned around and went to the front hall to help.

   There are more than one hundred people in the front hall, and it takes at least three or four people to serve tea and water.

  Wu Lei probably broke his leg while she was away.

  After Zhao Jinmai left, Chen Chen suddenly lost the aura of transforming into an Ultraman, and Ai Ai stood there at a loss for what to do.

   Seeing this, Liu Yifei smiled and asked him, "Altman, can you bring me a trash basket?"

  Chen Chen didn't answer. He turned his head to look in the direction of the trash basket, then took a flying pose, and then ran towards the trash basket.

   But after running a few steps, he was picked up.

  Li Yi grabbed his arm, lifted him to the side, and told him: "Don't run, it will be very dangerous to run around."

   "I am Ultraman, I am not afraid!"

   Chen Chen is not afraid at all.

Li Yi pinched his nose and pulled it lightly: "I've drawn out your energy, you can't transform into an Ultraman anymore, just walk honestly and don't run around, or you won't be able to become an Ultraman anymore .”

   "You are a monster!"

   Chen Chen looked at him in horror.

   "I am the ancestor of all beasts, and monsters can only be food for me."

  Li Yi patted his butt: "Go!"

   Chenchen gave him a fearful look, then ran to get the trash basket, walked around half a circle before sending it to Liu Yifei.

  Looking at his nervous appearance, Li Yi smiled and shook his head: "This little showman."

   "Sister Yifei, brother Yi is a monster!"

   Chenchen spoke to Liu Yifei swearingly.


   Liu Yifei pretended to be surprised: "Then can you protect me?"


  Chen Chen hesitated: "My energy was taken away by Brother Yi."

   "Then you can make egg skins with me!"

  Liu Yifei took the trash basket, put it aside, and said with a smile: "The egg skin can replenish energy. After you eat it, you can restore energy."


  Chen Chen squatted down, looking expectantly.

   Seeing him believe him so easily, Liu Yifei was amused.

  Children are too easy to deceive.

  In the past, she always felt that giving birth and coaxing children was difficult.

   Now it seems that it is not that difficult!

  In front of the stove, Li Yi was already holding the casserole with tongs, turning the Dongpo pork stewed in the casserole into the small soup pot.

  Dongpo pork is served as a dish, and each person eats a piece.

  These Dongpo pork are all made of fried pork belly, which is square and square. They were first stewed in a pressure cooker for an hour until they were crispy.

  After that, put them into a casserole and burn them over low heat until the aroma is overflowing.

  Bringing the casserole to the counter, Li Yi scooped up the Dongpo meat inside with a frying spoon, and he had to hold the straw rope above it with one hand to pick it up and transfer it to the soup pot.

  The straw rope is tied to the Dongpo meat before it is put into the pot, the purpose is to keep the shape.

  If it wasn't tied with straw ropes, the Dongpo meat would have been stewed before it was cooked.

After putting all the Dongpo meat into the soup pot, Li Yi poured all the remaining soup into the pot, collected the juice over high heat, thickened it slightly with starch, then scooped it up with a frying spoon and poured it over Dongpo on the meat.

  The bright gravy is poured on the meat, as if covering the whole piece of Dongpo meat with a layer of bright syrup.

  Wrapped in the gravy, the skin of Dongpo pork seems to become transparent, red and attractive.

  The fat part is also like jelly. It will tremble when touched lightly, and it is so tender that it will melt at any time.


   After pouring the Gorgon juice, Li Yi gave instructions.

  Wang Gang had already put the soup cups filled with Dongpo meat on the tray. In front of him was a row of soup cups, a full hundred of them.

   After delivering a tray of Dongpo meat to the dining outlet and handing it over to Wen Song, who served the dishes, Wang Gang couldn't help laughing when he came back: "I have to wash the dishes until two o'clock tonight."

   "It's okay, there is a dishwasher."

  Li Yi casually pointed to the dishwasher by the wall: "Boss dishwasher, one is worth three, freeing your hands and making you fall in love with washing dishes."

   After finishing speaking, he turned his head and pointed at the camera: "Manufacturer, did you hear that? I'm advertising for you! Don't forget to send money!"

  In the live broadcast room, the audience was immediately amused when they heard his words, and they all sent barrage jokes.

   "Hahaha! @Boss Electric, make money!"

   "This sponsorship fee is really worth it!"

   "Is it really that easy to use? I want to buy one and try it."

   "Don't advertise! I have opened the takeaway box, let me have two bites of Dongpo pork."

   While joking, Li Yi had already put the casserole back on the stove.

  【Dongpo Meat】The next dish is 【Dongpo Knuckle】, which happens to be unnecessary to wash the pot.

  While the stove was cooking, Wu Lei had already rushed into the back kitchen.

   "Brother Yi! Do you have a lot of Dongpo meat? Get me a piece!"

  Wu Lei swallowed his saliva: "The grandparents outside **** up fat meat like jelly, I can't stand it, let me try it too!"




  (end of this chapter)

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