Chapter 363 [Milk burst tenderloin]

  Among the sixteen hot dishes, the reason why Li Yi put 【Crispy Twice-cooked Pork】in the first place is to use it as a good start.

  This is the most homely dish, but the most kung fu dish, and it is the dish that can most allow the elderly to establish an intuitive feeling for court dishes.

  Essentially, twice-cooked pork is a home-cooked dish that every household can make, and the simple version of fried pork with garlic sprouts is popular all over the country.

  But if you want to make [Crispy Twice-cooked Meat] this fine level, it is not something ordinary people can do.

   It is not a novelty to be able to make rare ingredients delicious.

  But if you can make the home-cooked food that everyone has eaten to the extreme, it will produce the most direct shock.

  The old people have obviously been shocked by this [Crispy Twice Cooked Pork]. After eating, they began to look forward to the following dishes.

  In the back kitchen at this moment, Li Yi continued to make the second of the four stir-fried dishes without stopping.

  【White fried tenderloin】

  Baibao is a unique cooking method in Jinmen area. It uses milk as an ingredient to make fried dishes.

  Burning is a very common cooking technique, mainly used for cooking brittle and tough raw materials, such as belly, chicken gizzard, duck gizzard, chicken and duck, lean pork, beef and mutton, etc.

  The so-called explosion means fast, fast, and strong. The heating time is extremely short, so the cooked dishes are crisp, tender and refreshing.

  There are many ways of frying, the most used one is oil frying, in addition there are more than a dozen kinds of hot, soup, salt, coriander, green onion, sauce and so on.

  Milk explosion is a commonly used method in Tianjin cuisine.

  However, before the Qing Dynasty, there was no such technique as milk explosion in Tianjin cuisine.

  This technique is a new type of explosion method created by Jinmen chefs by borrowing from the white sauce used in Qishilin Western Restaurant and improving it.

  Because of the early exposure to Western food, there are many Chinese and Western fusion dishes in Jinmen cuisine. The most classic such as black garlic beef cubes are well-known in Jinmen, but they are rarely eaten in other places.

  After being innovated by Jinmen chefs, Baibao has become a major feature of local Jinmen cuisine.

  In addition to putting milk in fried dishes, Jinmen cuisine chefs also use milk as an ingredient in other dishes.

  For example, chicken popping, chicken slices in milk sauce, stewed chicken, casserole ribs in casserole series, assorted casserole, meatballs in casserole, tofu in casserole, and cabbage in casserole will all put milk.

  After adding milk, the dishes will be more white and have a unique flavor.

  The most important ingredients of Jinmen milk pop are milk and sour.

   These are also the two most important flavors of milk explosion.

  In addition to these two main ingredients, the rest is some basic salt, sugar, pepper, and then the corn starch for hanging.

  In order to remove the fishy smell and increase the freshness, Jinmen milk pop will also add MSG and rice wine.

  But Li Yi replaced the monosodium glutamate with washed broth, and soaked it for three hours in advance to soak up the **** water, effectively removing the fishy smell.

  So, after stir-frying, the whole kitchen was covered with the smell of milk and garlic.

   Standing by the desk, Chen Chen looked eagerly at the wok in Li Yi's hands, unconsciously clasped his fingers, and a tear flowed from the corner of his mouth.

  Taking the frying spoon, Li Yi used the frying spoon to fill out the milk tenderloin.

   After filling two plates, he left a piece of meat in the pot.

   Pulling out a pair of chopsticks, he picked up the piece of meat and handed it to Chen Chen beside him: "Try the dish, blow it, be careful of burning it."

   Chen Chen took a sip of saliva first, and then blew on the tenderloin twice.

  Feeling almost done, he opened his mouth and ate the sliced ​​meat into his mouth.

  The sliced ​​meat was still a little hot. He blew hot air, but he was reluctant to spit it out.

  Using the push of the tongue to change the position of the meat slices in the mouth, winking eyebrows, and enduring the hotness, finally lowered the temperature of the meat slices.

   Afterwards, Chen Chen couldn't wait to chew.

"How about it?"

  Li Yi has already taken the new pot, and started frying again.


   Chenchen gave a thumbs up and praised: "It's so delicious!"

  Hearing his voice, Hu Ling looked back and joked with a smile: "Grandpa and grandma haven't eaten yet, so you just ate it?"

  Li Yi continued to fry the tenderloin, and explained for him with a smile: "It's okay, let him try the dishes."

  Seeing this, Hu Ling smiled at Chen Chen and asked, "How delicious is it? Compared with spicy noodles, which one is better?"

  Chenchen said without hesitation, "It's much more delicious than spicy noodles!"

   "Oh my! Why is the evaluation so high?"

  Hu Ling laughed: "Didn't you say that spicy noodles are not the most delicious thing in the world?"

  Chen Chen swallowed the tenderloin, licked his lips with unsatisfied desire, and then raised his fists and cheered: "This meat is the most delicious thing in the world!"

   "Eh? Why does this smell like milk?"

   Tian Wa, who came to serve the dishes, smelled the tangy aroma of milk.

  After seeing the [Milk Burst Tenderloin] served by Wang Gang, he was immediately attracted by this special aroma.

   "Is there milk in this dish?"

  He looked at the tenderloin and exclaimed, "It smells good!"

   "Serve quickly."

  Wang Gang reminded him: "This dish should be served while it is hot."


   Tian Wa glanced enviously at Chen Chen who was following Li Yi's ass, then picked up the plate and sent the food out.

   It’s better to be a child! It's full around the pot.

  In the live broadcast room, the audience was filled with emotion when they saw this scene.

   "Haha! I was like this when I was a child. Before the meal was ready, I walked around the back of my mother's butt."

   "There are earthen stoves in the countryside. I was responsible for lighting fires and adding firewood when I was a child, but after my grandma passed away, I haven't gone back for several years."

   "That's great! I really want to go back to my childhood, but unfortunately I can't go back."

   "When I was young, I looked forward to growing up, but when I grow up, I want to go back to my childhood. People are always so contradictory."

   "I really want to know what this tenderloin tastes like!"

  As [Milk Explosion Tenderloin] came to the table, there was a sudden commotion in the yard.

  The aroma of this dish is so special that it attracted the attention of everyone present as soon as it was served.

  The fresh, spicy and spicy dish of [Crispy Twice-cooked Pork] just now is still on everyone’s mind, but this milky dish once again grabs everyone’s attention.

   Tian Wow still put the two dishes on the two tables near the door.

   Under the envious eyes of everyone around, the old people on the two tables stretched out their chopsticks and began to taste.

  Behind the dining table, Shutop and Mu Shang are also hurrying to shoot the content.

   Today's experience, after they go back, there will also be a special program.

   "This should be Jinmen cuisine, right?"

  The treetops smelled the rich milk fragrance, and Chong Mushang said: "I heard that Jinmen cuisine has a kind of dish that is fried with milk, and the milk is so delicious."


   Mu Shang nodded: "I've been talking about recording, but I haven't been able to."

   "I've never had any idea, but I didn't expect it to smell so good."

  Treetop took a deep breath, smiled and admired.

  Hearing their conversation, Grandpa Chen at the table invited back: "Come and eat!"

   "No, no, you can eat."

  Shutop and Mu Shang hurriedly waved their hands.

   "Oops! Come on!"

  Grandpa Chen got up directly, and pulled Mu Shang with a smile: "You sit here and eat."

   "No grandpa Chen, I..."

   Mu Shang couldn't shirk it, so he said: "Then let's do this! I'll take a bite, and I'll just take a bite, okay?"




  (end of this chapter)

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