Chapter 345 Braised in Red

  After arriving at the restaurant, Li Yi started to get busy.

  There will be hundreds of elderly people coming to participate in the recording today, and at least ten tables of banquets must be prepared.

  So he has to prepare a lot of ingredients in advance.

  Huang Xiaoming and Wu Lei have already washed the pig's head that was taken out according to Li Yi's request.

  The Ivory Mountain Six have also arrived at the restaurant.

   After resting for a night, they regained their spirits, and when they arrived at the restaurant, they all changed into chef uniforms.

  They are very satisfied with their looks, and they are even motivated to work.

  After the preparations started, the live broadcast will also start simultaneously.

  Although it was early in the morning, many viewers still poured into the live broadcast room, and bullet screens and gifts flew together.

   "The broadcast has finally started! I've been waiting for more than an hour!"

   "Get off the night shift! Have a meal, watch a live broadcast, and go to bed."

   "I didn't feel refreshed when I got up in the morning, so I just watched the live broadcast to refresh myself."

   "I found that I have become addicted, and now I don't watch "Chinese Restaurant" for a day, I feel uncomfortable all over!"

   "Where is my Mai Mai? Why haven't I seen her?"

   "Where did Sister Fairy go?"

  The audience chatted in the live broadcast room, but everyone in front of the camera was busy.

  The Ivory Mountain Six attracted the attention of many viewers.

  They were wearing uniform chef uniforms, and each of them had a chopping board in front of them, with large pieces of pork piled on it.

  Each of them carried a big kitchen knife in their hands, cutting or chopping, and they were very busy.

  Their job is mainly to help Li Yi process the ingredients into the desired appearance.

  For example, cut the five flowers into square pier to make Dongpo meat, chop the shaved front leg meat into stuffing to make lion head, etc.

  Seeing their busy and professional appearance, the audience in the live broadcast room ridiculed one after another.

   "The Ivory Mountain theme restaurant is open!"

   "Tian Wah, don't be lazy, with a big head and a thick neck, you are a natural cook!"

   "Haha! These six dressed like this are not against harmony at all."

   "Brother Yi! I want to complain to Liu Neng! There is hair in the meat he chopped!"

  Li Yi didn't pay attention to the audience's barrage, he was busy preparing the soup for [Grilled Whole Pig's Head].

  [Grilled Whole Pig Head] has a long history and a very important status.

  In ancient times, pigs belonged to one of the three animals, and pig heads belonged to the head of the six suns. They were always used only when offering sacrifices to ancestors and worshiping the heavens. Usually, they were eaten without chance.

  In ancient times, the general sacrificial time was on February 2, when the dragon raised its head.

  The "dragon" in which the dragon raises its head refers to the astrology of the eastern blue dragon and seven constellations in the twenty-eight constellations.

  Every year at the beginning of the lunar month in mid-spring, the dragon-horned star will rise from the eastern horizon, so it is called the dragon's head.

  The appearance of Canglong Qisu corresponds to the rainfall.

  The ancients believed that the dragon was in charge of rainfall, which in turn determined the harvest of farming, and the harvest of farming determined people's living standards.

  The raising of the dragon's head symbolizes the growth of yang, the increase of rain, and the vitality of all things.

   Therefore, since ancient times, people have regarded the raising of the dragon's head as a good day to pray for good weather, drive away evil spirits and avoid disasters, and bring good fortune.

  In ancient times, many areas in the south would hold sacrifices to stoves on February 2.

   During the event, sacrifices such as three animals or five animals are often offered.

  Among the sacrifices, the pig's head is the most indispensable one.

  The pig heads used as sacrifices are all boiled.

   But after the sacrificial activities are over, those pig heads and other sacrifices cannot be thrown away naturally.

  So after the sacrifice, the three sacrifices will be re-cooked and distributed to everyone to eat, as a blessing from the ancestors and from heaven.

This is a common phenomenon in ancient times, just like the number one famous dish in Sichuan cuisine [twice-cooked pork]. It will be called [twice-cooked pork].

  [Grilled Whole Pig Head] is a dish born under such circumstances.

  It is to use the whole pig's head that has been exposed, and grill it again, so that it is transparent and soft, and it melts in the mouth.

  The so-called grilled roast is actually braised in soy sauce.

   According to legend, during the Warring States period, braised sauce techniques already existed.

  At that time, among the people, roast pork would be served at the banquet every festive festival.

  Because of its ruddy and festive color, it is also called Xirou.

  The charm of braised sauce lies in red, which is also the color that can stimulate people's appetite the most.

  The most traditional braised pork is toned with soy sauce.

  However, with the development of modern times, more braised sauce is toned with sugar color.

  The color on the sugar color will be redder and brighter, the color will be more attractive, and the taste will be better.

  So, the first step for Li Yi to prepare the sauce is to fry the sugar color.

   "Xiao Lei, go and boil some water, and bring some rock sugar."

   Li Yi arranged for Wu Lei to prepare, while he cleaned the pot himself.

   "Brother Yi, here we come."

  Wu Lei brought the rock sugar over, and when he saw Li Yi cooking the pot, he asked curiously, "Are you going to fry the sugar?"


  Li Yi took the rock sugar and put it into the pot.

  Wu Lei swallowed, and said with a smile: "When I was young, I liked to eat braised pork, and my grandma often made it for me.

  But the braised pork in Shanghai is generally not fried with sugar, and the rock sugar is directly put in when stewing. "

  Li Yi paused slightly when he heard the words, and then said: "The braised pork in Red Sauce in Shanghai is delicious."


Wu Lei smiled and said: "After I left Shanghai, I have eaten braised pork in many places, and I am more used to the braised pork in Wuxi. I don't like the braised pork in other places. It feels like the taste cannot be stewed in."

   "It's burning."

  Li Yi still corrected him: "I can't burn it in."

  Wu Lei was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked doubtfully, "I mean burning?"

   "You mean stew."

  Li Yi explained: "Burning and stewing are two different things."

  Wu Lei was even more puzzled: "Aren't they all boiled with water?"


  Li Yi explained: Cooking pays more attention to eating the ingredients themselves, while stewing pays more attention to drinking soup.

  Cooking starts with a lot of seasoning, so that the taste of the seasoning slowly penetrates into the ingredients.

  The stews add very little seasoning, even the salt is added at the end, and the method of slow cooking is used to stew the taste of the ingredients and stew them into the soup to make the soup taste more fresh. "

  Listening to Li Yi's explanation, Wu Lei nodded half-understanding: "That is to say, cooking is to burn the taste into the meat, and stewing is to stew the taste of the meat."


  Li Yi smiled and said: "It sums it up very well."

   "So it is."

  Wu Lei scratched his head: "My family doesn't distinguish between roasting and stewing, and even roasting and frying. You can say cooking or stir-frying."

   "This is a matter of language habits."

  Li Yi said with a smile: "Ordinary people don't pay much attention to it, but according to professional techniques, cooking and frying are two completely different techniques, and they are completely different.

   Stir-frying is heated with oil as the medium, while cooking is heated with water as the medium.

  Stir-frying uses oil as the medium, and the oil temperature is relatively high, so stir-frying is quick to prepare.

  In order to speed up the maturation of the ingredients, the ingredients used for cooking are cut into smaller pieces.

  Because the frying speed is fast, the taste of stir-fried dishes is relatively tender or crisp, and the taste is often too late to enter the ingredients, and most of them are wrapped on the surface of the dishes.

  Cooking uses water as the medium. Compared with oil, the heating temperature is relatively low, and the heating time is long, so the ingredients can be cut into larger pieces.

  Long-term firing will make the taste of the dish soft and cooked, with some toughness.

  The taste of cooking is not just sticking to the surface of the dish, but can be burned into the inside of the dish, so the taste is more transparent. "

  Wu Lei listened and summed up the Dafa again: "So frying is frying with oil, the ingredients are cut into small pieces, cooking is cooking with soup, and the ingredients are relatively large, right?"

   "Right or wrong..."

  Li Yi shook his head and did not continue to explain.

   Stir-frying does not necessarily only use oil, it can also be fried with water, and oil can also be used for cooking.

  But there is no need to explain too much to Wu Lei, after all, Wu Lei is not going to be a professional chef.

  He just habitually remembered the experience of teaching apprentices in the imperial dining room.




  (end of this chapter)

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