Chapter 340 Meat Meat

  When the audience in the live broadcast room was arguing about the spiciness of Cantonese cuisine, everyone rushed to wash out the burnt pig's head.

  Li Yi took the two largest soup buckets, put a grate curtain under them, and put all the chopped pig heads in.

   This step is to blanch the water and make the pig's head preliminarily cooked.

  After the pig's head was put into the pot, Li Yi cut some scallions and **** into it, and set it on fire.

   It takes at least 30 minutes to boil. Li Yi asked Zhao Jinmai to come over and watch the fire, and then he returned to the desk and asked Wu Lei to come over with four front elbows.

  When loading the car, Li Yi had already divided each part and marked the name clearly.

  Therefore, Wu Lei went to the acid discharge room, and soon got back the front elbow that Li Yi wanted.

  Placing the elbow in front of Li Yi, Wu Lei asked curiously, "Brother Yi, do you want to make Dongpo elbow?"


  Li Yi said something, and then added: "Dongpo elbows are also made, but tomorrow, these are not, these elbows are made of crystal elbows."

   "Crystal Elbow?"

  Wu Lei was surprised when he heard this: "Did the elbow be made transparent? Is it true or not?"

  Li Yi was amused by his brain hole, and laughed and complained: "You think I'm a fairy? Can you make elbows transparent?"

"Oh fine."

  Wu Lei scratched his head and said with a smile: "You can make flowers out of broth, I thought you could also make elbows transparent!"

  Shaking his head with a smile, Li Yi explained: "Crystal Elbow is a home-cooked dish in Shandong cuisine, which is to debone the elbow and boil it, then add pigskin and steam it in a pot to get the jelly.

  Then pour the elbow meat and soup into the mold. After cooling, the soup will solidify and be transparent, just like crystal jelly, so it is called crystal elbow. "

   "Sounds amazing."

  Liu Yifei was listening, thinking in a daze, imagining what the finished product would look like.

   Seeing her puzzled eyes, Li Yi reminded: "In Yangzhong's dinner at night, there was a dish that you thought was luncheon meat with a lot of meat, remember?"

  Under his reminder, Liu Yifei remembered: "That delicacy, right?"


  Li Yi nodded: "The crystal elbow is a bit like that dish."

   "That dish is quite delicious."

  Liu Yifei remembered its taste, and a lot of saliva was secreted in her mouth.

   There are also many viewers who have eaten meat in the live broadcast room, and they are all posting barrage.

   "People from Zhenjiang pass by! The meat dishes are really delicious!"

   "There are three monsters in Zhenjiang, the balsamic vinegar is not bad, the meat is not a dish, and the lid is boiled in the noodle pot."

   "The meat should be eaten with shredded **** and vinegar, and it must be shredded **** and Zhenjiang vinegar."

   "Dish meat is not only available in Zhenjiang, but also in Yangzhou and Taizhou. They are all signature dishes."

   "We also have yaorou in Hai'an, but it's different from Zhenjiang's. It's boiled pork and pure lean meat."

   "Haha! I am also from Zhenjiang. Every morning, I have to have a bowl of pot-covered noodles, soy sauce thick soup alkaline noodles, pour some balsamic vinegar, and add a piece of meat. It is very comfortable."

  Liu Yifei watched the audience's barrage in the live broadcast room, and couldn't help swallowing.

  Following, she couldn't help but asked Li Yi: "Brother Yi, the fried meat is also quite delicious, why don't you just cook the fried meat?"

   "I planned to make meat dishes from the beginning. One is that there is not enough time, and the other is for the sake of the health of the elderly."

  Li Yi turned on the spray gun and roasted the skin of the elbow, while explaining: "The meat needs to be marinated with nitrate salt for two to three days before it can be cooked, and the time is running out.

  Moreover, nitrate salt is toxic to a certain extent, and it is also a carcinogen. Eating too much is not good for your health.

  The people who came this time were all old people, so I changed it to Crystal Elbow. "


  Liu Yifei was a little surprised: "Then why use nitrate salt? What if something goes wrong?"

   "Generally, there will be no accidents, because generally not so much nitrate is used."

  Li Yi explained: "The current edible nitrate is nitrite, which is a legal additive.

  As long as the prescribed dosage is not exceeded, it will not cause direct harm to the human body.

  According to national standards, the maximum amount of nitrate used in meat is 0.15g/kg.

   Canned meat products do not exceed 0.03g/kg, which is considered a legal standard.

  As long as it is sold by a regular manufacturer, it will be implemented in accordance with national standards. "

   "There is a standard, it's not good to eat too much, right?"

  Liu Yifei is still a little worried: "Why do you have to use poisonous nitrate salt? Can't you use ordinary salt?"

   "There is no way, nitrate is the characteristic of meat, without nitrate, it is not authentic."

  Li Yi explained with a smile: "The original name of Yaorou in ancient times was called Nitrou, but later it was considered indecent, so it was renamed Yaorou.

  After adding nitrate salt, the meat will turn red and hard, and there will be a special taste experience.

   It tastes a bit like eating preserved eggs with a white mouth. It has a slightly fermented taste, and people who like it will like it very much. "

   While speaking, Li Yi had already burned and washed his elbows.

  Afterwards, he took the elbow to the chopping board, and quickly slashed the knife with a knife, shaving off the bones in two or three strokes.

  The elbow meat is rich, so he changed the knife with a kitchen knife, sliced ​​the thick part of the elbow meat thinly, and spread it into a piece.

   Asked Wu Lei to bring some pig skins over, roast them with a spray gun, and after washing them, he put the elbow meat and pig skins into the pot, and boiled them for ten minutes.

   Ten minutes will not cook the meat, it will only be tight.

   This step is to finalize the shape.

   First fished out the pigskin, Li Yi used a knife to shave all the fat from the inner layer of the pigskin.

  While shaving, he explained: “It doesn’t matter whether it’s making pork skin jelly, or making crystal elbows, or making soup jelly to make soup dumplings.

  The pigskin used, the fat on it must be cleaned, otherwise the smell will be fishy. "

  While talking, Wen Song, who came back from washing his hands, saw Li Yi's operation of shaving the pig skin, and asked with a smile, "How about making pig skin jelly?"

  Zhou Yunpeng also came back wiping his hands, and when he heard Wen Song’s words, he came over: “Pig skin jelly? I like to eat this stuff the most, and drink with thieves.”

   "Why don't you drink alcohol?"

  Wen Song joked with a smile: "You can drink half a catty with an iron nail dipped in soy sauce, and here is a plate of pork skin jelly, so you can't drink until next month?"

  Zhou Yunpeng wasn't bothered, he just smiled and watched Li Yi handle the pigskin.

   After shaving all the fat off the pig skin, Li Yi fished out the elbow from the pot.

  Bring it under the faucet, he washed it carefully while explaining: "This dish must be clean, otherwise the soup won't be transparent."


  Yang Shulin also came back: "The more oil, the muddier."

   Zhou Yunpeng has a different opinion: "I think it's too clean and it doesn't taste good."

   "It's not delicious, it looks good!"

   Tang Jianjun wiped his hands and walked back.

   Soon, a circle of people surrounded Li Yi, watching him wash his elbows.

  After carefully cleaning the elbows, Li Yi started the pot to boil water again, put the elbows in, added some green onions, **** and peppercorns, and started to simmer.

  Following, he set up another pot and boiled some water.

   While the water was boiling, he carefully cut the pigskin into thin strips.

   Cut the shredded pork skin and boil the water in the pot.

  So he poured all the shredded pigskin into the boiling water.

  Although he has carefully scraped off the oil on the pigskin, there are still some tiny residues.

   The pigskin shreds looked clean at first, but after being put into the pot, the boiling water soon became cloudy, and a layer of white foam floated on the surface of the water.




  (end of this chapter)

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