Chapter 335 Eat well and drink well!

  Wang Xiaoli's words caught everyone's attention. He narrowed his eyes, smiled, and asked Li Yi, "Can you make old-fashioned pot-wrapped meat? I'm proud of that."

   "Hi! Can you stop panting?"

  Tang Jianjun glanced at him sideways, and scolded: "This kind of craftsmanship, making an old-fashioned pot of meat, isn't that a pinch with a hand?"

  Wen Song raised his hand and interjected: "I want to mention something! Although we are here to be on the show, don't take yourself too seriously.

  We should work, work, help if there is anything we can do, we can eat earlier if we finish it early, we are all hungry, okay? "

   "No problem."

  Tian Wa responded from the side: "Eating this piece of pot-packed meat will make me greedy, and I will be even more hungry after eating."

  The others also had no objections, and they all agreed.

   Seeing this, Wen Song said to Li Yi: "Well, Li Yi, they all call you Brother Yi, right? Then let's do the same!

  What kind of dishes do you want to make, and what kind of help do you need from us, just tell us, we know everything. "

"That is required."

  Yang Shulin said with a smile: "We may not be able to talk about other things, but when it comes to cooking, none of us Northeast old men can't cook."

  Wen Song immediately stopped him when he heard the words, and exaggerated deliberately: "Don't take me with you to brag, and tell Brother Yi that you can cook? I can't, okay?"

  Yang Shulin was also happy: "When I say I can cook, I just cook some home-cooked meals.

  He is a professional chef and can cook any dish, so we are definitely incomparable.

   But it’s still possible to start a fight, right? Wash a dish, choose a dish or something, right? Brother Yi? "

   As he spoke, he asked Li Yi a question.

   "It's not that exaggerated, and I'm not very good at cooking."

   Li Yi said with a smile.

   "Oh my god! You are hitting people a little bit!"

  Wen Song spread his hands: "You are not very good at cooking, so what are we? Feeding pigs?"

   "That is, excessive modesty is pride."

   Zhou Yunpeng joked on the side: "Admit it! You are the number one chef in the universe, you are the God of Cookery!"

   "The God of Cookery! The God of Cookery!"

  The others also yelled like booing.


  Li Yi shook his head helplessly.

  He is really not humble. For him, if he has not reached the state of "family", he has mastered all the cuisines, formed a system of his own, and established a school. He is not considered good at cooking.

  But according to this standard, there are not many people in the world who can be regarded as good at cooking.

  According to this standard, there are only six people who can be regarded as good at cooking in domestic history.

  His goal is to become the seventh person.

  Northeast people still have to admire their ability to create atmosphere, especially these professional duo actors, no matter what time it is, they can always make the atmosphere extremely happy.

  After making jokes, they started to help Li Yi.

   They do know how to cook, and they do it well.

  With them joining, Li Yi's cooking speed has also accelerated a lot.

  He only needs to tell them the dishes he is going to cook, and they will skillfully help prepare the materials, wash and cut them.

  Northeast cuisine is mostly rough and not so refined.

  So although their knife skills are not as good as professional chefs, it will not affect the finished dishes.

  And they talked to each other, joked, and chatted happily. It felt like visiting relatives at a Northeast family during the Chinese New Year, and cooking together lively, which was very happy.

  Liu Yifei and the others followed to help, and they didn't even need to talk. They just listened to their chat and were amused from time to time.

  With them here, there is no need for them to create program effects.

   Very quickly, within an hour, a table of dishes was ready.

  Everyone helped to carry the bowls and chopsticks, served the rice, poured the tea, and sat down at the table lively.

  Looking at the table full of steaming and fragrant dishes, everyone sat down, their index fingers moved, but they didn't move their chopsticks.

  Tang Jianjun glanced at the crowd and asked with a smile, "What's wrong? Do you have to say a few more words?"

  When everyone heard the words, they all looked at Huang Xiaoming. He is the manager of the restaurant, so he had to come if he wanted to talk.

  Seeing this, Huang Xiaoming sat up straight and said with a smile: "Then let me just say something briefly!

   First of all, I would like to thank the six teachers who came one day earlier and helped us with the day's work.

  Thank you so much. So far, today’s work is the heaviest and most difficult.

  It was really not easy for the six teachers to help out from morning till night. "

   After finishing speaking, he looked at Wu Lei and the others: "Everyone has worked hard today, and Xiao Lei and I washed so many large intestines for the first time today.

  Yifei and Maimai are also great, you wash so many internal organs, it’s really amazing that two girls can do this.

  But Brother Yi is the one who has worked the hardest. Today, Brother Yi did all the pig slaughtering, scalding, cutting, and other physical work.

   The work we do is actually a bit dirty, but we are not as tired as Brother Yi.

  Brother Yi can cook some simple dishes, but he prepared these hard dishes for the grandparents who came all the way here.

  So, thank Brother Yi for his dedication! "

  After he finished speaking, everyone turned their attention to Li Yi.

   "There's nothing wrong with that."

  Wen Song said solemnly: "My brother Yi is a real man, slaughtering twenty pigs, big and small, a day, this is really not something ordinary people can do, anyway, I can't come, it's too fierce."


  Yang Shulin looked at Li Yi and said with a smile: "Brother Yi, with his strength, if you put it in ancient times, he would definitely be a fierce general!"

  Huang Xiaoming also smiled and asked Li Yi when he heard the words: "Brother Yi, can you say a few words?"

  Li Yi glanced at him with a smile, then at the others, picked up his teacup, and said slowly, "Eat well, drink well!"

   After speaking, he took a sip of tea and ended his speech.

  Hearing his words, everyone at the table was stunned for a moment, and then they laughed together.

   This stalk is a line from a skit in the Spring Festival Gala by their master Zhao Benshan.

  In the skit, Zhao Benshan pretends to be Manager Ma to accompany the client to dinner, but he can't talk about the scene, he can only say that the food and drink are good.

   But for ordinary people, this is the most simple and direct greeting.

   "Yes! Eat and drink!"

  Huang Xiaoming greeted with a smile: "Everyone eat! The food won't taste good when it's cold."

  Everyone had been waiting for this sentence for a long time. Hearing this, they all picked up their chopsticks and picked up their favorite dishes.

  Wang Xiaoli had a plate of old-fashioned pot-wrapped meat in front of him.

  He picked up a piece of meat, took a bite, and immediately nodded in satisfaction: "Well, that's the taste!"

   Tang Jianjun on the side had already set his sights on the plate of blood sausage.

   This blood sausage was washed by Huang Xiaoming and Wu Lei, and poured by Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai. It was cooked in a small pot at that time.

   Picking up a section, he dipped some garlic in it and put it in his mouth.

  The mouth is soft and glutinous, and the casing is springy. He chewed the blood sausage and couldn't help sighing: "This dish, if you don't drink some wine, you'll be blind."




  (end of this chapter)

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