Chapter 319 Gold Washing Water

   Facing Zhao Jinmai's complaint, Liu Yifei smiled and comforted her: "Brother Yi was just joking with you, just don't take it seriously."

  Seeing this, Zhao Jinmai could only mutter resentfully: "I knew you were reluctant to talk about him..."

  She spoke vaguely, and the audience didn't hear clearly, but Liu Yifei understood what she was moaning about.

   Shaking her head helplessly, Liu Yifei looked at Li Yi and asked with a smile: "Brother Yi, can you help us make some skin care products with bletilla striata if you have time?"

   "It's easy to say, it's a matter of hand."

  Li Yi agreed casually.

  Seeing that he agreed, Liu Yifei smiled at Zhao Jinmai and said, "Okay, brother Yi will make some skin care products for you."

  Zhao Jinmai was satisfied when he heard the words, and joked: "It's still better if you talk."

  While they were talking and laughing, Li Yi had already glued the gold thread pattern on the bowl tire.

  The next thing he has to do is to burn all the gold wires on the gold tire.

  Placing the bowl tire glued with gold wire on a crucible, Li Yi turned around and lowered the temperature of the kiln to 800°C.

  Afterwards, he picked up the bowl tire with pliers and sent it into the kiln.

  Seeing that he directly sent the bowl tires into the kiln without any fixing, Geng Wanhua couldn't help reminding: "If you put it in like this and burn it directly, the pattern will fall off."

   This is the experience accumulated by the expert group after many experiments.

  But Li Yi casually pointed at the mouth of the kiln: "Whether it will come off or not, you can see for yourself."

   Seeing what he said, Geng Wanhua and Cai Yi became a little curious.

  Where did he get his confidence?

   Is he really not afraid of falling off?

  Geng Wanhua glanced at Cai Yi, and then walked to the entrance of the kiln.

  He wanted to see the firing situation, Li Yi said so, just as he wanted.

  The special structure of the kiln prevents hot air from blowing out of the kiln mouth.

  However, the high temperature of 800°C in the kiln still projects a lot of high-temperature rays from the kiln mouth.

  Geng Wanhua came to the entrance of the kiln, squinted his eyes, and looked in, but found that it was too dazzling and he couldn't see anything clearly.

  Master Han on the side kindly brought him a dark lens and handed it to him.

  Geng Wanhua thanked him, took the sunglasses and put them in front of his eyes.

  With the cover of the dark lens, he could clearly see the golden bowl tire that was being roasted at high temperature inside.

  But when he saw the bowl tire clearly, he couldn't help but be stunned.

  In the kiln, the bowl was sitting on the crucible end-to-end, and all the gold wire patterns stuck to the bowl wall were all stuck to the end of the bowl, and none of them fell off.

   Seeing this situation, Geng Wanhua was stunned.

how so?

   It was clearly not fixed at all, so why didn't any of those gold wire patterns come off?

  They are just glued with bletilla striata glue?

   At a high temperature of 800°C, no glue will work. How can bletilla striata glue stick to it?

  Suddenly, he found that a ball of fire burst out from the outside of the bowl wall, and several sparks popped out at the same time.

  Following, another place suddenly burst into flames, and sparks shot out.

   Soon, the golden bowl tires seemed to be setting off firecrackers, and the flames kept shining out.

   Seeing this scene, Geng Wanhua suddenly understood.

  He turned his head to look at the bletilla striata glue in the glass bottle next to Li Yi's hand in surprise, and asked, "Is there welding powder in there?"

  Seeing that he guessed it so quickly, Li Yi was also a little surprised.

  But Li Yi didn't deny it, he just nodded and smiled: "The bletilla striata melts when it encounters fire, it just serves as a fixation.

   After entering the furnace, the gold wire must be welded with flux. "

  Geng Wanhua didn't understand: "But then the gold would be impure!"

   "It's not a pure gold bowl, why should it be so pure?"

  Li Yi didn't take it seriously: "And it's not that it can't be washed off, just wash the gold water once and it will be fine."

   Hearing what he said, Geng Wanhua was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "It makes sense."

   Gold washing water is water, that is, sulfuric acid solution, which has a strong corrosion and stripping effect on metals.

  The main components of welding flux are metal oxides and aluminum powder, which will indeed contaminate gold when burned.

   But the cloisonné bowl is indeed not made of pure gold, and there will be glaze between the gold wires and the surface.

  So as long as the pure gold luster on the surface can be guaranteed, it is not so important whether the internal adhesion welding is pure gold.

  Li Yi was also observing the condition of the bowl tires in the kiln.

  Seeing that the bowl tire no longer ignited and shot sparks, I used tongs to pinch it out.

  At this moment, the golden bowl tire has turned into a "flower bowl", and the bowl wall is black and gray, as if it was burned as the bottom of a pot.

  Placing it aside to cool down, Li Yi took out a brown glass bottle and a glass beaker.

  The brown-yellow glass bottle contained water. After he opened the bottle, he poured the water into the glass beaker.

  Following that, he picked up the golden bowl tire and put it into the cooling water just now to lower its temperature.

  Afterwards, he wiped off the water and put the golden bowl tire into the water beaker.

  The camera zoomed in for a close-up shot, and everyone behind them stretched their necks, watching Li Yi's movements.

  I saw that after Li Yi put the golden bowl tire into the water, the burnt golden bowl tire recovered its original pure gold luster at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   Seeing this scene, there was a burst of exclamation at the scene.


  In the live broadcast room, the audience also exclaimed again and again.

   "I got it! So magical? It feels like magic!"

   "What's in that brown glass bottle? How does it feel like you're doing a chemical experiment?"

   "H2SO4? Is this sulfuric acid? No wonder it can clean the gold! This thing is very corrosive!"

"Why do I feel that Brother Yi is becoming more and more like a wizard? He can also cook, mix rouge, and build equipment. He can easily take out concentrated sulfuric acid. If it is put in the game, it will be a big villain boss! "

  The audience was joking in the barrage area, while Li Yi took out the golden bowl tire from time to time to observe.

   Seeing that all the discolored areas on the golden bowl tires had returned to pure gold, he took the golden bowl tires into the bucket beside him, brewed them and washed them.

  After washing it once, he took the golden bowl tire under the faucet by the wall, rinsed it again, and then took it back.

   Later, when he wants to order blue, he has to hold the bowl of tires with his hand.

   Don't wash it off, the sulfuric acid solution is not good for the skin if it gets on your hands.

  Back to the table case, he put the golden bowl tire on the table case, let the camera get close, and took close-up shots for the audience.

   Seeing the golden bowl tire completely restored to gold, the audience was amazed again and again.

   But when Li Yi saw this, he reminded them: "This is concentrated sulfuric acid, also known as washing water, which is the so-called gold washing water in many gold shops.

  Its effect is indeed very strong, but it directly corrodes a layer of gold objects, and it will lose grams.

  So, if you have gold jewelry, don't take it to a gold shop for someone to wash it with this kind of gold washing water.

  These gold washing water can still extract gold after washing the gold. Some profiteers rely on this method to deceive people. You must pay attention. "




  (end of this chapter)

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