Chapter 314 Furnace Melting Gold

Hearing Zhao Jinmai's reminder, Li Yi smiled and persuaded him: "Forget it, money can't buy a good heart. Since your grandpa likes it, then wear it! Why let him know that he was cheated, and make him feel uncomfortable?" happy?

  If wearing it can make him feel better, maybe it can also act as a placebo, and it may not necessarily have a positive impact on his health?

  Anyway, colored glaze does not harm the body, and there is no bad effect when wearing it. It is right to be a street stall handle string, so wear it for fun! "

   "Well... that's right!"

  Zhao Jinmai thought about it and thought it made sense, so he waved his hand at the camera and asked, "Forget it, mom, don't tell grandpa, let him wear it for fun!"

   Seeing this, Li Yi joked, "Auntie, is you watching the live broadcast? Are you talking in the air?"

   "Should be watching."

  Zhao Jinmai laughed and said: "My mother is watching our live broadcast on time now, she is more diligent than going to work."

   While speaking, the forklift had already placed Li Yi's tools next to the kiln on the right side of the door.

  Seeing this, Li Yi waved to Wu Lei and led him to the kiln.

  The main products of this glass factory are glass handicrafts, so there is no assembly line glass production equipment of a large glass factory.

  Because of the pressure of environmental protection, most of the kilns here are small electric melting crucible kilns.

  This kind of electric melting furnace can control the temperature in the kiln within the range of 800-1500 ℃, which can be used for firing cloisonne.

Director Yu enthusiastically brought over a master craftsman and introduced to Li Yi: "This master Han is the one with the longest working years and the most experience in our place. If you don't understand something when using the kiln, just go ahead ask him."

  Seeing this, Li Yi took the initiative to reach out his hand to the master, and greeted him politely: "Master Han, I'm sorry to trouble you."

   "It's okay, if you want me to help you just say it."

  Master Han shook hands with him, said something politely, and then asked curiously, "Are you a star?"


  Li Yi smiled: "I'm just a craftsman."


  Master Han seemed to understand, but he still praised with a smile: "Good craftsman! With a craft, you won't be hungry anywhere.

  Now there are fewer and fewer young people who are willing to learn crafts. They all find it hard and want to sit in an office.

  No way, it’s too hard to do our glass blowing job, it’s hot and tiring, and even young people can’t bear the hardship. "

  Li Yi heard this and said with a smile: "That's not necessarily the case. Nowadays, many young people are very interested in traditional old crafts. If they have the opportunity, they are very willing to learn an old craft."


  Master Han was happy: "That's a good idea, I'm really afraid that if our generation dies, this craftsmanship will be broken!"

   "Can't break it."

  Li Yi smiled and said: "One generation will eventually grow old, but there will always be someone who is young."

   "It makes sense, the waves behind the Yangtze River drive the waves ahead!"

  Master Han nodded with a smile.

  Watching Li Yi and Master Han talking and laughing, Guan Xue frowned slightly in the blind spot of the camera, a little puzzled.

  When Li Yi had dinner with Guan Yue, he acted quite arrogantly.

   But in front of such an ordinary glass blower, he is very polite, what is this?

  Li Yi and Master Han talked and laughed a few words, and after asking for advice on how to control the temperature of the kiln, they took the suitcase from Wu Lei and put it on the operating table beside it.

  The suitcase was opened, and ten golden gold bars appeared in front of everyone.

  Master Han was taken aback when he saw the gold bars.

   "Is this gold?"

  He hesitated to ask.


  Li Yi smiled and nodded.

   "Good boy!"

   Hearing this, he couldn't help but marvel: "With so much gold, you can buy a house in the capital!"

   "It's okay, and I can make a set of bowls."

   As Li Yi said, he put the wooden box of the Wanshou Wujiang bowl on the desk, and took out the Wanshou Wujiang bowl from it.

  Looking at the Wanshou Wujiang bowl that Li Yi took out, Guan Yue in the wheelchair couldn't help but sit up straight.

  Cai Yi and Geng Wanhua on the side also became nervous, looking solemnly at Li Yi's Wanshou Wujiang bowl on the table, with complicated expressions.

  The cameraman came up close and took a close-up shot.

  Seeing ten golden bars and a complete set of Wanshou Wujiang bowls beside it, the live broadcast room was full of bullets.

   "Am I not mistaken? Is that a gold bar? Ten!"

   "Damn it! It says 1000g on the gold bar, so it's one kilogram? This one is four to five million!"

   "Please be respectful to gold in kilogram units, please call it gold bricks, thank you."

   "One stick costs four to five million yuan. Don't these ten sticks cost four to five million yuan? Brother Yi is so rich?"

   "Does the anchor really want to reproduce the Wanshou Wujiang Bowl? I thought the anchor forgot about it!"

   "Brother Yi, is this too much? Take out hundreds of millions of bowls and mess around?"

   "Are there any old viewers who have watched "Challenge the Limit"? Brother Yi said at the beginning that he would reproduce the Wanshou Wujiang Bowl, and he really did what he said!"

   "I remember at that time, didn't Brother Yi say that he wanted to lower the price of this set of bowls? Using millions of big gold bricks to reproduce it, how can this be regarded as lowering the price?"

Li Yi could see the audience's barrage. After reading the questioning barrage, he said with a smile: "This is the first time I try to reproduce this set of bowls. In order to ensure the success rate, it is best to use the same bowl as much as possible. Material.

   This set of bowls is originally made of gold tires and gold wires, so I also use pure gold to make the carcass to fit the original shape as much as possible.

  Don’t worry, when I use these golds to practice my hands, the success rate can be guaranteed, and I will use brass to reproduce it again. "

  After hearing what he said, what else did the audience say in the live broadcast room, but Guan Xue was glaring at him at a blind spot of the camera, very annoyed.

   Li Yi is simply too arrogant!

  Although those ten gold bricks are nothing to the Guan family, they are still gold after all, right?

  Ordinary people may not earn that much money in their lifetime, but he actually used that gold to practice his hands!

  But Guan Yue in the wheelchair was not angry at all, instead he looked at the Wanshou Wujiang bowl in front of Li Yi with great interest.

  The more confident Li Yi is, the more at ease he is.

  He is just curious now, is Li Yi really willing to destroy this set of bowls?

  In front of the camera, after Li Yi answered the audience's questions, he picked up a gold bar and put it into the stone-milled crucible.

   Afterwards, he clamped the crucible with tongs and put it into the kiln.

  Master Han helped him adjust the temperature of the kiln and set the temperature inside the furnace at 1100°C.

  The melting point of gold is 1064.43°C. If the temperature exceeds the melting point, it will turn into liquid.

   Soon, the temperature in the kiln rose.

  The furnace mouth is a 20 cm high arched gap. The silicon carbide on the side wall of the kiln is used as a resistance heating element, which is burned red and emits hot heat radiation.

   After a while, the gold bars in the crucible were melted into a puddle of liquid gold, which spread on the bottom of the crucible.

   Taking the tongs, Li Yi pulled out the crucible.

  The temperature dropped rapidly, and the liquid gold under the crucible soon returned to a solid state, turning into a one-centimeter-thick gold plate.

  Li Yi took it out with a clip and put it into the bucket beside it.




  (end of this chapter)

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