Chapter 311 Thousand Pure Gold

   "The big tree attracts the wind, you are the signboard of our show, so I will definitely grab your wool."

  Wang Tian made a joke before asking: "What are you going to do next issue?"

   "A whole pig feast."

  Li Yi smiled and said: "They are all hard dishes."


  Wang Tian was a little surprised: "Don't you? Isn't it good for the elderly to eat so greasy?"

   "It can be made non-greasy."

  Li Yi smiled and said: "But for the elderly, fat meat is the best food."

   "Okay, just close it."

  Wang Tian nodded: "If you need anything, just let Xiao Lu handle it."

  Xiao Lu nodded quickly when he heard the words: "Brother Yi has already told me."

   "Then you are connected."

  Wang Tian gave some advice, and then signaled to Li Yi: "If you need my help, just tell me."

   "I really have a favor to ask you to do."

  Li Yi smiled and said, "I'm going to ask for a day off. I won't participate in today's live broadcast."

  Wang Tian was taken aback when he heard the words, he hesitated, and asked puzzledly, "Is there anything to deal with?"

  Currently, half of the program's ratings are tied to Li Yi. If he doesn't participate in the live broadcast, the data will definitely drop.

  Sponsors look at the program data. If the data drops suddenly, it will easily cause the sponsors to lose confidence in the program and affect the sponsorship fee.

   Seeing her question, Li Yi thought for a while, and then explained: "Remember I was participating in "Chinese Restaurant", that issue of "Challenge the Limit"?

  I once said that the craftsmanship of the Wanshou Wujiang Bowl will be reproduced in public one month later.

  The one-month deadline is coming soon, and I have to fulfill my promise. "

  Listening to his explanation, Wang Tian was a little confused: "You mean, you want to ask for leave to reproduce the craftsmanship of the Wanshou Wujiang Bowl?"


  Li Yi nodded.

  He doesn't need to hide anything, anyway, when the time comes for the engraving, he will also start a live broadcast for everyone to see.

  But when Wang Tian heard his words, he fell into deep thought.

  She remembered what Li Yi said, and she was there at the time.

  However, she also remembered that the experts at that time had been trying their best to dissuade Li Yi, not wanting Li Yi to try to reproduce it, saying that it would damage the Wanshou Wujiang bowl.

  For the Wanshou Wujiang bowl, she bought a high amount of insurance and sent a special person to take care of it.

  Since the recording of the program, she has also sent someone on duty, just because she is afraid that there will be problems with the set of bowls.

  But Li Yi actually wanted to risk destroying the set of bowls because of one sentence, and tried to reproduce it.

  Is he so confident?

   But that's not her concern.

   What she cared about was the consequences of the sharp drop in live broadcast data after Li Yi left.

  For the sake of program data and sponsorship income, she couldn't ask Li Yi to ask for leave and quit the live broadcast.

  After thinking about it, she decided to tell the truth.

   "Li Yi, you are the core of the show, if you leave, our live broadcast will be impossible.

  A new client just came to talk about sponsorship today. If our live broadcast data drops, the client will definitely not be happy.

   Moreover, if there is no sponsorship, the cost of the next program will also be gone, which is difficult to handle! "

  Her words are well-founded, she has face and integrity, after listening to Li Yi, she began to think about it.

   Not to mention anything else, the fee for the next program must be obtained, otherwise how would you invite those old people to the capital?

   After thinking for a while, he asked, "How about you go with me?"

  Wang Tian had this intention, but she didn't speak, but looked at Liu Yifei and the others present.

   Seeing this, Liu Yifei smiled and said, "I have no objection."

   "I have no objection either."

  Wu Lei and Zhao Jinmai followed suit and raised their hands.

   Seeing this, Wang Tian also smiled and said to Li Yi: "I'm sure it's fine, but is it convenient for you?"

   "It's okay."

  Li Yi smiled and said, "We're all from our own family, what's the inconvenience?"

  He was not there, and no one took them to prepare the ingredients. The content and effect of the program would definitely be greatly reduced.

   It's better to let Liu Yifei and the others follow him to join in the fun, and they can also spend a lot of time.

   As for Guan Yue and the others, there is no need to think too much.

   It was they who were begging for help, and they had to answer what Li Yi did.

  So, after having some casual breakfast in the hotel restaurant, Li Yi went to the restaurant first to bring the set of Wanshou Wujiang bowl.

   Afterwards, he returned to the hotel, and walked towards Liulichang with everyone in the program group.

  Liulichang is located in Liuliqu Village outside Mentougou, near Jiufeng Park on the north side.

  Sitting in the car, watching the scenery flashing by outside the window, Li Yi was recalling the memories related to Liuliqu Village in his mind.

  Since the Liao Dynasty, Liuliqu Village has started to manufacture colored glaze.

  In the fourth year of Zhongtong in the Yuan Dynasty, the palace government set up the Liuli Bureau in the local area to supervise the burning of glaze, so the local place name is still called Liuli Bureau.

  Since then, Liuliju Village has taken full responsibility for providing Liuli products to the palace in the capital.

   During the reign of Emperor Guangxu, the Yongding River flooded, and the imperial court appointed officials to control the course of the Yongding River, and built a large irrigation canal in Liuliju Village.

   And this canal also changed the name of Liuliju Village to Liuliqu Village.

  From the Ming and Qing Dynasties, all the repair projects in the palace were handed over to Liuliqu Village to provide Liuli products.

   It is said that the local kiln fire has been burning for seven hundred years and has not been extinguished.

  But after the war, the Liuli Bureau was destroyed, the craftsmen died, their skills were lost, and Liuliqu Village was burned to the ground.

  The current Liulichang is just a well-known name in the local area, but in fact, it is a factory for firing glass products. '

  After an hour's driving, Li Yi and his party finally arrived at Liuliqu Village.

   Now it has been transformed into a village combining tradition and modernity. The buildings and facilities in the village are very modern.

   Li Yi and his party had just arrived at Liulichang when they saw a series of luxury cars parked at the gate of Liulichang.

   Among them, the one parked at the front is the Maybach S680.

  Seeing this car, Li Yi knew that Guan Yue and his party had arrived.

  Seeing the bus coming, the Maybach's door was opened by the driver.

  Guan Xue got out of the car first, and then helped Guan Yue down.

  Cai Yi and Geng Wanhua were both in the car behind, and when they saw this, they got out of the car together and waited for Li Yi.

  The bus came to a complete stop, and Li Yi got off the bus first.

  Seeing Li Yi, Guan Yue immediately walked up to him on crutches, and shook hands with Li Yi with a smile.

   "Mr. Li, thank you for your hard work, we meet again."

  He spoke politely, but his gaze involuntarily fell on the box in Li Yi's hand.

   Behind, Liu Yifei and others got out of the car together.

  Wu Lei looked around curiously, like a curious baby.

  Zhao Jinmai stood behind Liu Yifei, observing the surroundings carefully.

   Huang Xiaoming, who had just squinted in the car for a while, stretched his waist, looked at the green plants in the surrounding buildings, and sighed: "This environment is not bad!"

  Li Yi glanced at Guan Xue behind Guan Yue, smiled slightly, and asked, "Have you brought what I want?"

  Guan Xue subconsciously glanced at Guan Yue.

  Guan Yue turned his head and looked at her, with a slight hint in his eyes.

  Seeing this, Guan Xue immediately put the suitcase in her hand on the hood of the car, opened the suitcase, and turned to Li Yi.

   "Here is the ten kilograms of gold you want, all of which are pure gold."

  In the suitcase, I saw ten golden bars lying quietly.

   Behind Li Yi, there was complete silence.

   After a while, the staff subconsciously exclaimed softly: "Damn!"




  (end of this chapter)

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