Chapter 308 [Full Dolphin Feast]

  After hanging up the voice call with Liu Yifei, Li Yi soon fell asleep.

  By the time he opened his eyes again, he had already returned to the space of the wooden monument.

   Sure enough!

  He clapped his hands, very happy.

  He guessed right, to let him fall in love is to fall in love with [Beauty Feast]!

   As long as Liu Yifei is happy, isn't the task completed?

  Patting the wooden tablet in front of him, Li Yi smiled and muttered: "Finally back again."

  Although only a week had passed in reality, he felt that it had been a long time.

  The last time he came in was the longest time he stayed in the space, because he entered the dream space twice.

  Passing over the wooden tablet, he glanced at the eight-faced tablet on the other side of the foggy wall behind him.

  Before he made a bamboo weaving work of the handed down level, he could not enter the Eight-faced Monument for the time being.

   Let’s take a look at what we will learn when we enter the wooden tablet space this time!

  Bleeding from the familiar stab, he was in a trance for a moment, and he woke up on a canopy bed.

  The sky is bright outside the door, and the cicadas are annoying.

  The stuffy air wrapped around her body, like lying in a steamer.

  Li Yi knew before he opened his eyes that he was in the south again this time.

  Opening his eyes, he looked at the bed curtain and wanted to get up, but found that his body was quite heavy.

  Looking up at himself, he found that the one possessed by him this time was actually a fat man.

  Even lying down, his belly is still upright, even blocking the toes.

   In the south, he is a fat man again.

  He probably already guessed who was possessed this time.

   Turning over, he leaned on the edge of the bed and sat up.

  Although he is fat, his movements are still nimble, at least his hands are strong, and he sat up with a light push.

  But the weather was hot and the air was humid. He just sat up from the bed and felt a little hot all over his body, wanting to sweat.

   Standing up, he looked around the room and found a washbasin stand.

  Stepping forward, he looked down, the copper basin was half filled with water, reflecting his white and chubby face.

  Looking at his own eyes squeezed into slits by the fat in the reflection, he smiled and shook his head: "It really is Zhu Erguan."

  Zhu Erguan is the head chef of Suzhou Weaving Mansion, and one of the apprentices of Zhang Dongguan, the head chef of the Imperial Dining Room.

  After Zhang Dongguan retired and returned to his hometown, Qianlong asked Suzhou Weaving Mansion to select two other chefs to go to Beijing to be in charge of the imperial dining room, and Zhu Erguan was one of them.

  The first time Li Yi entered the dream space, the possessed Li Kaile learned how to cook in Suzhou Weaving Mansion, and later went to Beijing with Zhu Erguan and entered the imperial dining room.

  Based on seniority, Zhu Erguan should be regarded as Li Kaile's uncle.

  However, compared with Song Yushan and Li Kaile, who specialize in fried rice, Zhu Erguan has more dishes.

  He is Zhang Dongguan's favorite apprentice, because he is very talented, has a keen sense of taste, and has a tongue comparable to the emperor's tongue.

  So since he learned to cook from Zhang Dongguan when he was a child, he was often called by Zhang Dongguan to try dishes.

   Being fed big fish and meat every day, he has been fatter than his peers since he was a child.

   But his physical strength is not lost, and good nutrition also makes him have a strong physique and extraordinary physical strength.

  When slaughtering pigs during the Chinese New Year, he can hold down a healthy pig by himself and easily kill the pig.

  And his favorite and best dish is all kinds of dishes made with pork.

   Zhang Dongguan presented the Su-made meat to the emperor, and Zhu Erguan fully grasped its essence, and further developed the cherry-made Su-made meat, which successfully won the favor of Qianlong and secured his position as the head chef of the imperial dining room.

   What he is best at is a table of [Full Dolphin Banquet], which was rewarded by Qianlong many times to meritorious officials.

   Among them, the most delicious dish is a roasted whole pig, which was not only loved by Qianlong, but was also regarded as one of the main dishes of the Manchu-Han Banquet for Thousands of Seniors, and was loved by the elderly.

  Looking at Erguan Zhu in the mirror, Li Yi was thoughtful.

   It seems that this time, what he wants to master is Zhu Erguan's whole pig feast.

  After confirming his identity, Li Yi relaxed his mind and walked out the door.

  Since I have entered here, it will take at least a few years before I can get out, so there is no rush.

  However, he did not expect that after only four years, he reappeared in the wooden monument space.

  Recovering consciousness in front of the wooden tablet, Li Yi looked at the inscription floating above the wooden tablet, a little surprised.

  Compared to the previous dreams, which lasted for decades, this is the first time he returned from learning in just four years.

   This also became his shortest dream space experience.

  Although it was only four years, he still learned all of Zhu Erguan's [Full Dolphin Feast].

  On the wooden tablet, Zhu Erguan's life has also been revealed.

Male, from Gusu, learned cooking at the age of six, went to Suzhou to weave the back kitchen, and studied under Zhang Dongguan. In the forty-ninth year of Qianlong, he was recommended by Zhang Dongguan, and went to Beijing to help cook. He made a feast for thousands of old people and was appreciated by Emperor Qianlong. Bless the title of cook, and die well.

  Looking at the Banquet of Thousand Seniors mentioned in the inscription, Li Yi thought about it.

  Before he returned to reality, he received an oral order from Qianlong, asking him to be in charge of making the banquet for thousands of seniors.

  He didn't hear clearly at the time, and asked about the banquet.

  The **** who passed the word of mouth joked that he was a thousand-year-old man and asked him to take care of him.

  Although it was just a joke, it also revealed the requirements of the mission.

  The task he has to do this time is to make banquets for the elderly and gain their approval.

  The combined age of the elderly must be more than a thousand years old, so that the task can be considered completed.

  According to the requirements of the Thousand Seniors Banquet, only those who are over 60 years old are eligible to participate.

   This requirement was considered high in ancient times, but in modern times, people over sixty years old abound, and it is not difficult to find them at all.

   Withdrawing his gaze, Li Yi looked over the wooden tablet and looked at the eight-faced tablet space behind the fog wall.

   After a little hesitation, he still made up his mind, took all the space items with him, passed through the fog wall, and came to the space of the eight-faced stele.

  Trying to smear the blood, as he expected, the Eight-faced Monument did not respond.

   Fortunately, he was dispelled, and he still had to make bamboo weaving works handed down from generation to generation before he could enter again.

  Thinking again, the space object returned to the original place in reality, and he also planned to return to reality.

   Before leaving, he habitually glanced at the metal plate behind him.

  Suddenly, he found that in the column of his occupation, his [Chef] occupation had changed.

  The original [Chef] has become a [Culinary Expert].

  Seeing the name change, Li Yi was stunned for a moment, and then realized that his professional level had been improved.

  According to the division of the three levels of craftsman, teacher, and family, and the three levels of professional, famous, and junior, he is now in the fourth level.

   On top of that, there are five levels: [Famous Chef], [Master Chef], [Expert Chef], [Famous Chef], and [Master Chef].

   But is he only level 4?

  Li Yi was a little confused.

  With his craftsmanship, he is not considered the top in the real world, but he can be regarded as the first echelon, right?

  It's only the fourth level?




  (end of this chapter)

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