Chapter 305 Can you still get this question right?

  After the groups were divided, Xiao Jin, who was in charge of the game environment, came behind the camera and directed the game session.

   "We can solicit votes for ourselves before the game."

  Xiao Jin took the plan and gestured to the guests.

   "I'll come first!"

  Wu Lei volunteered, raised his hand and stood up: "It is said that Jiang is still old and hot! My team has Mr. Cai, a veteran, and we are absolutely right to choose us!"

  Cai Lan was listening, but pretended to be puzzled and asked: "Aren't our mental ages the same?"


  Wu Lei was stunned for a moment, and his brain turned quickly: "Yes! In fact, my mental age is already over seventy."

  Everyone laughed when they heard what he said.

  Cai Lan pointed at him with a smile, and praised: "Good job! You are awake."

   "Brother Ming."

  Xiao Jin stood behind the camera and gestured to Huang Xiaoming, who was clapping and smiling.

Hearing this, Huang Xiaoming turned his head to look at Li Ruotong, said a few words in a low voice, then stood up together with a smile, and said: "Our combination is a new generation of Condor Heroes, with two swords combined, invincible in the world! Support us, definitely!"

  Hearing his words, the audience in the live broadcast laughed and laughed.

   "Wow! Don't push me away! Play the emotional card!"

   "Of course Xiaolongnu is Xiaolongnu, but Yang Guo may not be so!"

   "Guoer! Someone is pretending to be you and robbed your aunt!"

  Looking at the ridicule of the audience in the live broadcast room, the cameraman also pointed the camera at Gu Tianle beside him.

  Seeing this, Gu Tianle smiled and said, "Everyone is mistaken, in fact my name is Xiang Shaolong."

  The audience heard the words, and the barrage instantly soared.

   "Haha! Xun Qin Ji is out?"

   "Huh? Yang Guo, you wolf-hearted guy, did you actually abandon your aunt?"

   "Liu Che is Liu Bang's fourth-generation descendant, and Xiang Shaolong is Xiang Yu's father. I don't need to say who is better?"

   "It's easy to judge who is Yang Guo. Yang Guo has carvings. Whoever takes out the carvings first will be the real Yang Guo."


   "Fuck! The upstairs is really scary! Tell me your dad's phone number!"

  The barrage was rampant, and the camera turned to Li Yi and Liu Yifei.

   Facing the camera, Li Yi smiled, and smiled at Xiao Jin behind the camera: "I want to find someone to try the dishes in the next episode, who should I find?"

  Hearing his words, the barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly boiled!

   "Shady! There is a shady!"

   "The contestants openly bribed the referee! Does anyone care?"

   "Hold on! Don't be fooled by sugar-coated bullets!"

   "Stupid people are still arguing about fairness, but smart people have joined the group!"

  After Li Yi finished speaking, the histograms of the number of supporters of the four groups of guests at the bottom of the live broadcast room began to change significantly.

  The support of Li Yi and Liu Yifei's group has already been overwhelming, leaving the other groups behind.

   Seeing this scene, the other three groups began to protest loudly.

  Wu Lei pointed at the screen and shouted: "It's not fair! This is blatant canvassing! Plus blatant bribery of the program group! I want to report it!"

  Huang Xiaoming raised his hand to signal: "Those who support our group, I will support one hundred more sets of gifts, which will be deducted from my salary!"

  Zhao Jinmai became anxious when he heard the words: "No, no, no! This is too stupid!"

   But it was useless for her to be anxious, the number of support for her and the Gu Tianle group quickly became the lowest.

Behind the camera, Xiao Jin silently smiled and watched the guests vying for support. After the number of people stabilized, he reminded the audience with a smirk: "I want to remind the audience that more people are more powerful, but it will also lower the winning rate. , the game starts now! Three two one! Lock the ticket!"

   Following his order, the approval ratings of the four groups of players stopped moving.

   In the live broadcast room, there was a burst of laughter and cursing.

   "Oops! It's over! I fell for this guy's big B!"

   "Dog plan! Eat shit!"

   "Hmph! If you have ever traded in stocks, you will know that those who buy up or buy down are all leeks."

   "Oh! It's cool! There are so many people in Brother Yi's group, how can you smoke!"

   "Wow hahaha! I knew it was right to support our family Maimai! Come on Maimai! I rely on you for my microwave oven!"

   In front of the camera, Xiao Jin has already started announcing the rules of the game.

   "Next, let's play the first game, with a tacit understanding.

  Competitors need to answer the questions raised by the referee at the same time. They are required to answer immediately when the referee calls out please answer. If they are behind by more than one second, they will be considered as failed.

  If two people answer the same answer, then it is considered a success.

  Each group of contestants has five chances. During the game, private communication is not allowed. The group of Wu Lei and Cai Lan will start first. "

   After Xiao Jin finished explaining, the game officially started.

  Cai Lan was still confused about the rules of this game, after trying to play it twice, he finally understood.

   But even so, he and Wu Lei didn't have the slightest tacit understanding at all. They answered five questions in a row, but there wasn't even a single answer that was similar.

  However, the effect of their program was very good, and the audience enjoyed watching it very much.

   Next, it was Huang Xiaoming and Li Ruotong's turn.

  With demonstrations by Wu Lei and Cai Lan, they have thoroughly understood the rules of the game.

   But even after figuring out the rules of the game, they still failed to answer a question correctly.

  Finally, when it was the turn of Gu Tianle and Zhao Jinmai, their luck exploded and they successfully answered two questions and won two gifts for the audience who supported them.

  Seeing that two lucky spectators in their group successfully obtained a bluetooth headset and a microwave oven, the spectators in other groups were envious.

   Soon, the game progressed to Li Yi and Liu Yifei's group.

   "Please ask Li Yi and Liu Yifei to prepare to answer the questions."

  Xiao Jin looked at the list of questions, chose five questions at random, and asked: "Please listen to the first question, what is your favorite color?"

"White pink."

  The two answered in unison, but they were different answers.

  Li Yi glanced at Liu Yifei thoughtfully.

  She likes pink, no wonder she likes to eat [Zhuang Zhou's Dream Butterfly] so much.

  The meat of tiger blowfish is light pink.

  Liu Yifei also glanced at Li Yi, smiled, but said nothing.

   Behind the camera, Xiao Jin then asked the second question: "What's your favorite drink?"

   "Water." "Plain water."

  The two answered again, but this time the answers matched.


  Xiao Jin said with a smile: "Forget that you got one question right, keep listening. Next question, what is your favorite sport?"

   "Dream." "Stay."


  Hearing these two outrageous answers, Xiao Jin looked at the two of them in surprise.

  Seeing this, Li Yi spread his hands and said with a smile: "If dreaming is not considered exercise, then I will also choose to wait."

   "Staying is not considered exercise!"

  Xiao Jin complained helplessly, shook his head, and continued to ask: "Who is your favorite poet?"

   "Li Bai." "Li Bai."

  The two answered at the same time, and then looked at each other in surprise.

   Actually got another question right.

   "That's right again, not bad! You have already got two questions right."

  Xiao Jin smiled and said: "You still have a chance for the last question, if you can answer it correctly, you can break the record of Gu Tianle and Zhao Jinmai's group.

   Pay attention to the questions, how many children do you hope to have in the future? "

   "Two." "Two."



  Everyone present looked over in surprise, with weird expressions.

  How can Xiao Jin ask such a question?

   Just asking, why do these two people have the same answers?

  Is this question still correct?




  (end of this chapter)

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