Chapter 303 Turn dishes

   Putting down his chopsticks, Cai Lang smiled and said: "The roast goose is eaten in Xiangjiang, the key point of roast goose is to eat the skin, the skin must be crispy to be delicious, but the meat is not that important.

  The preserved meat of roast goose has a bite and is very juicy, but if it is eaten by an elderly person like me, it may clog the teeth.

  This goose breast is different. It is sliced ​​obliquely, and it is sliced ​​very thinly, and it is steamed so soft that an elderly person like me will not feel pressured to eat it.

  It also tastes very good, and the layering is well done. Although the floral fragrance is very prominent, it will not overwhelm the meaty taste.

   On the contrary, after the meat smell comes out, it will appear more prominent, with a compound aroma. "

Having said that, he smacked his lips, picked up his chopsticks suddenly, and said with a smile, "Oh! I can't help it. I'm over seventy years old, and I don't violate the rules. I'll take another slice, and you'll take care of me. old man."

   As he spoke, he picked up another piece and put it in his mouth, his face flushed with a smile.

  Huang Xiaoming heard the words and greeted with a smile: "It's okay, you can eat more if you like, Brother Le, Sister Ruotong, you should try it too, we are with Brother Yi every day, there are plenty of opportunities."

   "Wow! You're showing off, aren't you? Versailles!"

  Li Ruotong laughed and complained: "We know that it is rare for us to eat, but we are so greedy."

   "Since it's rare to get it, eat more!"

   Gu Tianle smiled and stretched out her chopsticks, picked up a piece of goose breast, and put it into her bowl.

   "Thank you, Brother Le."

  Li Ruotong expressed his thanks.

  Wu Lei on the side heard it, and asked with a smile: "Shouldn't you call me?"

  When everyone heard the words, they all smiled and looked at them.

  Wearing costumes, although they are quite old, they can still awaken everyone's memories.

  Gu Tian was happy to see that everyone looked over, and followed everyone's words, and gave Li Ruotong another piece of fish, and said with a smile, "Gu Gu eats fish."

  Li Ruotong immediately entered the role, pursed his lips and smiled: "Thank you very much."

  Seeing this scene, the audience who watched the 95 Condors grow up in the live broadcast room suddenly couldn't hold back, and the screen was filled with barrage.

   "Ye Qinghui!"

   "Wow! It feels like summer vacation back then."

   "It hasn't changed at all, it's still the same as before!"

   "This is the real goddess! She is recognizable, unlike the current female stars who all look the same."

   "Time is not forgiving! Guo'er and my aunt are old, and I'm bald too."

   "Ah! So many years have passed in a blink of an eye, time flies so fast... Here is one!"

   "Accompany one."

  In the barrage, the audience who watched Liu Yifei's version of Shendiao were also swiping their screens.

   "I don't think so, Yifei's Little Dragon Girl is still the most classic."

   "Why does Yifei wear Linger's clothes? She should also wear Xiaolongnu's clothes, how pretty?"

   "It's dozens of years away! Relying on your youth to compete with the old seniors? Yifei still has a sense of propriety."

   "Linger is also very good-looking! Yifei has always been Linger in my heart, and it hasn't changed."

  The audience in the live broadcast room and everyone in front of the camera were chatting, but Cai Lan's attention was all on the dishes in front of him.

   There is delicious food first, why bother to be distracted?

  After tasting several dishes in succession, his appetite has been completely mobilized.

   Turning the plate on the table, he turned [Viewing Flowers in the Rain] in front of him.

   While making this dish, it has already aroused his strong interest.

  Whether it is shape or smell, this dish is impeccable.

  The only thing that is not yet clear is its taste.

   Cai Lan took the male spoon next to the plate, cut open a shad flower, scooped it up together with the soup underneath, and put it in her own small bowl.

   Bowed his head and sniffed, the familiar fresh fragrance came to his nostrils.

  With such a clear aroma, even without looking, he can recognize that it is the smell of shad.

  Hu shad also has such a strong aroma?

  He was a little surprised, and immediately put the soup and fish flakes into his mouth with a spoon.

  The fresh fragrance in the mouth reminded him again that this is the taste of shad.

   Tasting the oily taste of shad, his memory that had been silent for several years was also awakened.

   This is the shad he used to eat decades ago!

   No, in terms of taste alone, this shad is even more fragrant than the shad he has eaten!

how so?

  He couldn't figure it out.

  When will the taste of lake shad surpass that of river shad?

  Is this impossible?

   Are the varieties different? Or environmental impact?

  If Gaoyou Lake can produce shad with a taste comparable to or even surpassed that of Jiang shad, then the local people will get rich!

  He just said that he was going to participate in the Gaoyou Food Festival, and he was going for Li Yi's craftsmanship.

  But after tasting this [Raining Flowers], he changed his goal.

  Even for this kind of shad, he still has to go to Gaoyou!

  Across the table, Li Yi didn't move his chopsticks, but poured himself a cup of peach blossom wine, and drank it in small sips.

  His attention was on Liu Yifei, observing her movements.

  Every time Liu Yifei moved his chopsticks to eat, he would glance at it from the corner of his eye.

  When Liu Yifei ate a few more mouthfuls of any dish, he would calmly transfer that dish to Liu Yifei.

   Liu Yifei didn't notice it once or twice at first.

   But after the third or fourth time, Liu Yifei noticed this coincidence.

  After eating two pieces of [Peony Fish Slices], she was afraid that she would finish eating, so she wanted to try [Zhuang Zhou's Dream Butterfly].

  But just as she was about to reach out and turn the turntable, Li Yi stretched out her hand and turned the turntable.

   Seeing this, she thought Li Yi wanted to eat something, so she didn't move the dial.

   But after turning around, the [Peony Fish Fillet] turned back again.

  She was a little puzzled, and turned to look at Li Yi who was not far away.

  But Li Yi drank the peach blossom wine with a calm expression, as if nothing had happened.

  She was a little confused, thinking that she was thinking too much.

   So she decided to experiment.

  She found an opportunity, stretched out her hand and turned [Zhuang Zhou's Dream Butterfly] in front of her.

  Picked up a slice with the chopsticks, after she finished eating, she waited for the opportunity, and when [Zhuang Zhou's Dream Butterfly] turned to her, she picked up another slice.

  After eating this piece, she put down her chopsticks and listened to Gu Tianle and Li Ruotong chatting, but she was paying attention to the turntable from the corner of her eye.

   Soon, she found that the turntable moved.

  She looked back calmly, and sure enough, she found that it was Li Yi who was turning the turntable.

  Pretending not to care, she withdrew her gaze and looked at Li Ruotong.

   After a while, the turntable stopped after half a turn.

  She lowered her eyes, and in front of her was the plate of [Zhuang Zhou's Dream Butterfly].

  In an instant, her heart was in a mess.

   Li Yi took a sip of his wine and glanced at Liu Yifei from the corner of his eye, only to find that she hadn't moved her chopsticks.

   Shouldn't it?

   Didn’t you just eat two pieces of puffer fish in a row?

   Is it too hot?

  The base of her ears seemed to be a little red, probably because she was too hot in the costume.

   Seeing this, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message in the group, asking the staff to lower the temperature of the central air conditioner by two degrees.

  After sending the message, he glanced at Liu Yifei again, confirming his judgment even more.

   It should be hot, and my face is a little red.

  It's too hot and definitely loses my appetite.

  Seeing that Cai Lan turned the turntable again, he picked up a peony fish fillet.

   Li Yi waited for him to finish clamping, then stretched out his hand and turned the turntable, turning [Zhuang Zhou Mengdie] back in front of Liu Yifei.

  Withdrawing his hand, he took the napkin and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

  Eating this meal, seeing all directions and listening to all directions, is more tiring than serving the emperor.

   Liu Yifei must eat to his satisfaction!

   Otherwise his work would be wasted.




  (end of this chapter)

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