Chapter 301 Cai Lan's mouth skills

   Slightly narrowing his eyes, Cai Lan savored the minced fish flower and crab powder in his mouth, with an unstoppable smile at the corner of his mouth.

  The cameraman pointed the camera at him and took a close-up.

  But he didn't open his mouth, he just enjoyed the delicious taste of crab powder in his mouth.

   It wasn't just him, the others also closed their mouths after tasting their favorite dishes, and savored carefully.

  Looking at the guests enjoying the food in front of the camera, Wang Tian was a little anxious backstage.

   Don't just eat it, talk about words?

  But in front of the camera, although several guests present were full of surprises, none of them opened their mouths. They all exchanged glances, and then all their eyes fell on Cai Lang.

  In front of gourmets like Cai Lan, everyone dare not speak casually, lest they show timidity.

  So, everyone waited for Cai Lang to speak first.

   After a while, Cai Lan finally opened his eyes and laughed.

  Hearing his laughter, Huang Xiaoming hurriedly asked: "Teacher Cai Lan, what do you think of this dish?"

   "What else? Good!"

  Cai Lan smiled and said, "There are so many crab noodles, no matter how you do it, it won't taste bad."

Then, he glanced at the crab roe in the crab bucket, dug a little with a spoon, put it in his mouth and tasted it, and then said: "Crab roe is delicious, but the cholesterol is too high. People of my age can't eat it." too much.

   But this dish is very delicately designed. It is first fried and then steamed to force out all the crab oil. It also uses minced fish to make flowers, so that the sweetness of the fish neutralizes the greasy leftover crab powder.

   In this way, the crab powder in this crab bucket will not taste greasy at all, only strong fragrance. "

  As he talked, he ate up the whole crab bucket in a short while.

   After digging out the last trace of crab powder from the crab bucket and putting it in his mouth, he put the crab bucket on the table with a lot of satisfaction.

   Wiping his mouth with a napkin, he said with a smile: "I don't like to add crab vinegar when I eat crabs, I think that will change the aroma of crab roe.

  In my understanding, adding crab vinegar is to relieve the greasiness and neutralize the greasy taste of crab roe.

  But there is no need to add crab vinegar to the crab roe in this [Furong Crab Bucket], just eat it directly. This really suits my taste and tastes good. "

  Listening to his evaluation, everyone present was fascinated.

  The audience in the live broadcast room were drooling and wailing.

   "Ah! I really want to eat it!"

   "I can't stop drooling! Do you want to explain it in such detail?"

   "I seem to be hallucinating, I feel like I smell crab roe!"

   "If you can't afford crabs, just buy a roasted sweet potato! Anyway, they are all yellow, and they look similar."

   "Hey! Isn't it just a crab? Buy it! I have earned so much money for so many years, can't I enjoy it?"

   "I like it? Buy it! Why do you work so hard? Buy it! Don't buy it if you like it. Are you from a human?"

   "I wear cheap, use cheap, eat cheap, I don't deserve to buy [cry] [cry]"

  In front of the camera, after Cai Lan spoke to make a sample, other guests also chatted.

   "This peony fish fillet is delicious!"

  After Zhao Jinmai took his seat, the first thing he picked up with his chopsticks was 【Peony Fish Fillet】.

  She has basically eaten all the other dishes.

   But this [Peony Fish Fillet] was made by Li Yi today. She only saw the recipe, but didn't try a piece.

   Now she finally had a chance, so she took the lead in attacking 【Peony Fish Fillet】.

   And the taste of [Peony Fish Fillet] did not disappoint her. The thin fish fillet was fried to a crisp, and then absorbed the fresh and thick abalone sauce poured on top.

   Once the fish fillet is bitten, the fresh and thick juice immediately oozes out, which is extremely mellow.

   "This fish fillet is a bit like potato chips poured with juice, with a crispy texture and soup."

Zhao Jinmai scraped the mashed yam below with a spoon, took a sip, shook his head happily, and said with a smile: "This mashed yam tastes a bit like mashed potatoes with condensed milk, but it tastes better. , very suitable for girls' taste!"

  Listening to her description, Cai Lan also picked up a piece of fish fillet with chopsticks and tasted it.


He nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "This fish fillet should have been smashed with a hammer or other heavy objects, just like a pork chop, breaking the texture of the meat inside, so the taste will be more crispy and easier to eat." Crumbly, but not too greasy."

  Hearing that he directly explained the production process of the fish fillet, Zhao Jinmai was very surprised: "Mr. Cai Lang, how do you know that this fish fillet has been smashed?"

   When Li Yi was processing these fish fillets, Cai Lan hadn't come yet, so naturally he didn't see how it was done.

  But he explained the production method in one bite, as if he had seen it with his own eyes. Zhao Jinmai was very curious.

   "It's very simple! It's easy to eat."

  Cai Lan said with a smile: "It's hard to cut it so thin and smooth by pure hand cutting.

  However, with Chef Li Yi's knife skills, it is not impossible to cut it so thin.

  But hand-cut fillets don't have these frills on the edges.

   These frills look like they were stretched out when the fish fillets were smashed, and then piled up.

   This should be to simulate the frilly shape of the petals, deliberately smashed like this.

   Such fish fillets will look more like petals after being fried and shaped, and the appearance will be better. "

   Hearing what he said, Zhao Jinmai was completely convinced: "Teacher Cai Lan, you are so amazing, you are exactly what Brother Yi said!"

   "Haha! I'm not that good, but the chef is the really good one."

  Cai Yi smiled and waved his hands: "I'm just good at talking, I can talk about it, and I can eat it, but if you let me do it, it will be embarrassing.

  This kind of technique cannot be practiced in a day or two. I can’t cook it myself if I want to eat it, so I can only ask the chef to cook it for me, and I applaud behind me. "

  They had a lively chat. On the other hand, Li Ruotong tried to taste [National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance] under the introduction of Liu Yifei.

   "Is this flower really broth? Can it really melt?"

  She looked at the peonies in broth in full bloom on the plate in front of her, very curious.

  Liu Yifei told her how to drink this soup, but she was skeptical.

  Although she helped serve a lot of [National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance] when she was working in the morning, she has never tasted it, nor witnessed the scene of peony flowers in broth entering the water with her own eyes.

   "Yes, just try it."

  Liu Yifei signaled her to pick up the peony flower in broth and put it directly into the hot water bowl.

  She did as she said, and the next moment, the broth peony flowers that fell into the warm water quickly melted, turning the clear water below into a bowl of delicious broth.

  Seeing this scene, Li Ruotong was instantly amazed by the form of this soup.

"What a beauty!"

  She exclaimed: "It's like snow, it disappears when it enters the water."

   "It didn't disappear, it just turned into soup."

  Liu Yifei smiled and said, "Would you like to try it?"

  Hearing this, Li Ruotong picked up the soup bowl and took a sip, then narrowed his eyes happily.


  She let out a sigh of relief and sighed: "It's so fresh, this is the most amazing soup I've ever had."




  (end of this chapter)

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