Chapter 296 Three Bad Women

  Li Yi took a piece of dry ice and put it on the bottom of the plate.

  The billowing white mist dissipated, like a fairy palace or garden, or like a lotus pond on Yaotai, beautiful and magnificent.

  Looking at the lotus blooming in the clouds on the plate, Liu Yifei was amazed.

  After adding dry ice, the presentation effect of this dish has risen to another level, and it has directly ascended from the mortal world to the fairy world.

  Zhao Jinmai and Li Ruotong have been paying attention to Liu Yifei.

   Seeing that she had made a finished product, they all surrounded her.

   Seeing the fairy-like [Lianfang Fish Bun], their expressions were the same as Liu Yifei's, and they were also amazed by the effect of this dish.

"so beautiful!"

  Zhao Jinmai gently touched the petals of the lotus and exclaimed: "This doesn't look like a vegetable at all, it's just a potted flower!"

   "It's a work of art."

  Li Ruotong couldn't help but took out his mobile phone, took a few photos of [Lianfang Fish Bun], and praised Liu Yifei repeatedly: "Why are you so good? This dish is so beautifully cooked!"

   "It's Brother Yi's idea."

  Liu Yifei said something with a smile, but still felt a sense of accomplishment in her heart.

  She looked at Li Yi, and asked with a smile, "Brother Yi, do you think my skills are okay?"


  Li Yi nodded and praised, jokingly said: "He is very talented, and he is a good seedling to be a chef."

   "Haha! Then I might as well ask you to be my teacher!"

  Liu Yifei smiled and made a joke.

  Seeing this, Li Yi also smiled and joked with her: "Seeing that you are sincere, I will accept you as a registered disciple!"

   "Isn't the registered disciple too young? If you want to be a true disciple!"

  Liu Yifei made fun of it on purpose.

  But Li Yi shook his head: "If you want to be my true disciple, the requirements are still a bit high."


  Liu Yifei complained, but she was not really angry, and then looked at the lotus in full bloom on the plate.

   There is a fragrance from the lotus chamber, mixed with the smell of pepper.

  It seems that there is too much pepper...

   She was thinking, while taking the chopsticks, carefully squeezed out the lotus pod filled with fish from the center of the lotus.

  Women have no resistance to this kind of ceremonial thing. Zhao Jinmai and Li Ruotong looked at the lotus chamber filled with fish in Liu Yifei's hands, and envy was about to emerge in their eyes.

   "Sister Yifei, try it quickly."

  Zhao Jinmai swallowed, looking at Liu Yifei expectantly.

  Li Ruotong also nodded: "This must be delicious."

  Liu Yifei held the lotus pod between her arms, looked at the expectant eyes of Li Ruotong and Zhao Jinmai, and after a little thought, put the lotus pod in a small bowl.

  Looking at the fish stuffed in the lotus pod, she took the civil and martial knife, cleaned it, cut the lotus pod horizontally and vertically, and cut it into four pieces.

   "Let's taste it together!"

   She smiled invitingly.


  Zhao Jinmai and Li Ruotong readily agreed.

  But Li Yi didn't speak, just looked at them silently.

  The lotus pod stuffed with fish is like a siu mai that has been cut into four pieces. Liu Yifei picked up one piece first and put it in her mouth.

  Seeing her eating, Li Yi watched curiously, waiting for her reaction.

   After tasting it carefully, Liu Yifei's eyes widened in surprise, exclaiming: "It's so fresh! This is really delicious!"


  Li Yi frowned slightly in doubt.

  She actually thought it was delicious?

  Put so much salt, doesn't she feel salty?


  Zhao Jinmai also picked up a petal and put it in his mouth.

   Bite down lightly, she was taken aback for a moment, and then exclaimed: "Wow! The fish inside is so tender and smooth! It's so fresh!"

   Seeing that they were all talking about delicious food, Li Ruotong also put a lotus petal into his mouth.


  She was a little puzzled, tasted it carefully, and asked in surprise: "How can this fish be so delicious? Wow! The fragrance of the lotus pod is so strong! It's so fresh!"

   Seeing them say it was delicious one after another, Li Yi was a little confused.

how so?

   He clearly saw that Liu Yifei put a lot of salt in it, why did they all think it was delicious?

  Could it be that they usually lose weight and stay in a low-salt state for a long time, so they are so accepting of salty taste?

  Li Yi looked suspiciously at the remaining lotus pod in the bowl, took the chopsticks curiously, picked up the lotus pod, and sized it up carefully.

   "This is the best fish I've ever eaten."

  Zhao Jinmai is still full of emotions.

  Li Yi glanced at them, and put the lotus chamber into his mouth.

   Bite down, Li Yi's expression became weird in an instant.

  The three of Liu Yifei also looked at him together, with smiles in their eyes.

   Pulling out two pieces of paper from the table, Li Yi spit out the lotus chamber silently.

Depend on!

   I fell for the tricks of these three villains!


  Zhao Jinmai couldn't hold back his laughter.

   And Liu Yifei also took the tissue with a smile and spat out the lotus chamber.

  Li Ruotong took the paper that Zhao Jinmai handed over, and smiled while spitting out the lotus: "Wow! I endured so hard, and you guys can bear it for so long."

  Zhao Jinmai laughed while wiping his mouth: "I can't help it any longer. When Brother Yi looked at me just now, I thought he was suspicious, so I almost spit it out."

  Liu Yifei threw the paper into the trash can, looked at Li Yi and asked with a smile, "Why didn't you tell me that there was too much salt?"

   "This way you can remember the amount of salt in the future."

  Li Yi wiped the corner of his mouth, felt his tongue was still a little bit bitter, shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity, you've been hunting wild geese all day long, and I've put myself in a hole. You really deserve to be professional actors, and your performances are too similar."

"of course."

  Li Ruotong laughed and said, "This is our professionalism!"

  Shaking his head, Li Yi joked: "It's true to say that there are three women in one play, and I will never trust your words so easily in the future."

   "Hmph! Brother Yi, you are also a bad guy."

Zhao Jinmai curled his lips and said with a smile: "You know that you put too much salt, but you didn't remind Sister Yifei, you just wanted to salt us to death, and now you have been salted, it can only be regarded as reciprocal retaliation, which is fair ah!"

  Li Yi thought about it for a while, and it seems that it really makes sense.

   Helplessly smiled, he waved his hand and skipped the topic: "Work, work, the guests are still waiting for the food!"

   Seeing him return to work in front of the stove, Li Ruotong glanced at Zhao Jinmai and Liu Yifei, and couldn't help laughing happily.

   Seeing this, Liu Yifei smiled and asked, "Sister Ruotong, have you been hit with the laugh point?"

   "No, haha!"

  Li Ruotong sighed with a smile: "Your show is so fun, I really don't want to leave."

  Although he only stayed for half a day, Li Ruotong was attracted by the interaction between Li Yi and the others.

  They are like friends, encouraging each other, teasing each other, having fun and playing together.

   This kind of atmosphere is something she has participated in so many shows, but she can rarely feel it.

  In such an atmosphere, even at work, everyone can be happy and motivated.

  If it is really possible, she is really willing to be a resident guest on this show.

  Unfortunately, her itinerary was planned long ago, and this can only be a beautiful luxury.

   Just when the back kitchen was "intriguing" because of a super-salty lotus root, a special guest was ushered in in the front hall.

  Huang Xiaoming was playing the Qixi Festival game with the couples when he suddenly saw an old man with gray hair, red face, and a smile walking outside the door.

   "Huh? Mr. Cai Lan?"




  (end of this chapter)

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