Chapter 290 Tiger Blowfish

  After handing the crabs to Liu Yifei and the others, Li Yi waved to Wu Lei, signaling him to follow him into the storage room.

   "Bring a basket here."

  He gave Wu Lei instructions, took the fishing net, and came to the fish tank.

   There are not many fish left in the fish tank, and most of them were shaved into fish meat by him yesterday.

  But there is still a giant hidden in the fish tank at this moment.

  It was a fat, short and strong puffer fish that looked like a piglet.

   This is a wild tiger puffer that the Yangzhong Puffer Fish Association contacted the Puffer Fish Association in Neon Country and helped to airlift it. It weighs 13 jin, or 6.5 kg.

  It is very difficult to come across such a large wild tiger puffer even in the Neon Country.

   Therefore, when he received the puffer fish, Li Yi called several seniors of the Yangzhong Puffer Fish Association and thanked them.

  He intends to use this puffer fish for a formal [Beauty Banquet].

  But because it is more troublesome to deal with, so he plans to deal with it in advance, so as not to be too busy when he gets it.

  Down into the fishing net, Li Yi drove the tiger puffer fish into the net and scooped it up.

  The wild tiger puffer fish has a ferocious temperament. After a night's rest, its energy has recovered by 70% to 80%.

   But in Li Yi's hands, no matter how hard it struggled, it was still useless, so it could only be put into the basket brought by Wu Lei by Li Yi in vain.

  Looking at the tiger puffer fish that was still flopping in the basket, Wu Lei pulled the corners of his mouth, pointed at its sharp teeth with some guilt, and exclaimed: "Its teeth look so sharp! They feel like knives!"

   "It eats shells and corals in the sea. It has a strong bite. Biting off a finger is like playing with it. Be careful, don't be bitten by it."

   As Li Yi said, he turned the basket half a circle, so that the mouth of the tiger puffer fish was facing him, then he held the handle, and motioned to Wu Lei: "Hold the handle, and carry it out."

  Seeing that the tiger puffer fish's mouth was no longer facing him, Wu Lei became more courageous, bent over and held the handle, and helped Li Yi lift the tiger puffer fish out.

  Seeing the two of them carrying a huge puffer fish out, Li Ruotong, who was helping to peel the crab, stood up in shock.

   She stared at the tiger puffer fish and asked in surprise, "Is this a puffer fish? It's so big?"


  Liu Yifei smiled and said: "When we received the goods yesterday, we were shocked when we saw how big it was.

  The puffer fish we ate in Yangzhong were all the size of a palm, and this one was already more than half a meter long. "

  Looking at the tiger blowfish that needs two people to lift it out, the audience in the live broadcast room were also surprised.

   "Fuck! This is too big!"

   "Is there really such a big pufferfish? If it is inflated, how big is it?"

   "Such a big puffer fish can poison several elephants, right?"

   "If this is put in Journey to the West, it will be more or less a monster!"

  Li Ruotong was also amazed, and couldn't help thinking of taking a closer look.

   But she just took two steps forward when Li Yi turned around and stopped her: "Don't get close, this puffer fish is poisonous, if you accidentally get some poison, it will be bad."

  Hearing what he said, Li Ruotong hurriedly stopped, turned around and ran back.

  She still cherishes her life very much, this kind of risk, she will not take it if she can.

  Backing to Liu Yifei, she asked in surprise, "He wants to cook with poisonous puffer fish? Isn't he afraid of accidents?"

   "Brother Yi is a professional."

  Zhao Jinmai smiled and said: "We went to Yangzhong this time, he specially took the puffer fish certificate, even if it is poisonous puffer fish, he can clean it up."

   "But what if he didn't clean it up?"

  Li Ruotong was very worried: "If you're not afraid of 10,000, you're just in case!"

  Hearing this, Liu Yifei smiled and comforted her: "It's okay, Sister Ruotong, if you are really scared, you don't have to eat puffer fish dishes, other dishes are also delicious."

   "Well, that's fine."

  Li Ruotong breathed a sigh of relief.

  She glanced at Liu Yifei and asked, "Then will you eat it?"

"I can!"

  Liu Yifei smiled and said, "Puffer fish is still delicious."

   "Aren't you afraid of being poisoned?" Li Ruotong asked her suspiciously.

   "Not afraid."

   Liu Yifei said without thinking, "I believe him."

  Li Yi did not use the usual vegetable sink to process the tiger puffer fish, but took a new vegetable sink and a counter from the warehouse, and connected a water pipe from the faucet to rinse the puffer fish.

  He asked Wu Lei to take the largest basin and put it under the vegetable sink, which was specially used to hold the blood and other liquids of tiger puffer fish.

  After putting the basin away, Wu Lei did not leave, but watched Li Yi's movements curiously.

  He wasn't there when he went to Yangzhong before, and he didn't see how Li Yi handled the puffer fish, but only heard Zhao Jinmai and the others talk about how handsome Li Yi was at that time.

   Therefore, he was very curious about how Li Yi would deal with this tiger puffer fish.

   "Don't get too close."

  Li Yi reminded him, then hugged the tiger puffer fish in the basket and put it on the desk.

   Lying on the desk, Tiger Puffer was still struggling, twisting and turning.

  Li Yi took out a long knife with a thin blade, pressed the tiger puffer's head with one hand, spotted the spine at the back of its head, and slashed his hand.

  The blade plunged into the back of the pufferfish's head, and it suddenly twitched as if it had been electrocuted.

  Seeing the knife, Wu Lei on the side took a hissing breath, and couldn't help but raised his hand to touch the back of his head.

   Huang Xiaoming noticed his movements and couldn't help being amused.

  Wu Lei twitched the corner of his mouth, and muttered softly: "Brother Yi's knife is too ruthless, he killed him with one knife!"

  Tiger puffer fish was not killed by a single knife, but its convulsions became smaller and smaller, and its body became limp.

  At this time, although it is not completely dead, it has already lost its ability to resist.

  Li Yi picked up the water pipe, signaled Wu Lei to turn on the tap, and began to rinse the tiger pufferfish.

  Although it is a bit bigger, there is not much difference in the processing method of blowfish.

  However, when the pufferfish grows bigger, the toxin-containing blood and internal organs are much more than that of the small pufferfish.

  Li Yi handled it very carefully, not letting a drop of puffer fish blood splash out of the pool.

  After shaving off all the puffer fish meat, he carefully rinsed the pool and counter before asking Wu Lei to take it to the warehouse.

  After the work is done, the pool and the countertop have to be sprayed with a spray gun before they can continue to be used.

   As for the **** water in the basin below, Li Yi added some edible alkali to it, and then put them into the warehouse.

  The **** water cannot be discharged directly as sewage. It must be boiled in a pressure cooker for an hour before the tetrodotoxin in it can be completely decomposed.

   Right after Li Yi finished processing the tiger puffer fish, all the crab roe and crab meat were stripped out on Liu Yifei's side.

   At this time, it was past eleven o'clock, and Wang Tian reminded on the internal channel: "Customers have already started queuing up, and they can change their clothes and open for business."

  Today’s Qixi Festival event, the program team prepared props and costumes for everyone.

   As the flying guests, Li Ruotong and Gu Tianle, their props and costumes are the costumes of Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv in the version of the sculpture.

  Originally, the program team also prepared Huang Xiaoming and Liu Yifei's version of their costumes, but Liu Yifei refused and asked the program team to prepare another set.

   That is the suit she wore as Linger in "Sword of Heaven".

   Today she doesn't want to be a little dragon girl, she wants to be a Linger.




  (end of this chapter)

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