Chapter 288 Fish Wonton

  Li Yi also saw the bullet screen flashing in the live broadcast room, and slightly raised his eyebrows in surprise.

   I didn't expect someone to know the goods in the live broadcast room.

  His handwriting really imitated Qianlong's.

  The seal of "Children Yongbao" on the Wanshou Wujiang Bowl is written in seal script by Qianlong himself.

  If he wanted to reproduce the Wanshou Wujiang Bowl, he had to learn Qianlong's handwriting.

  In addition, in order to reproduce the Wanshou Wujiang Bowl, he had to find a way to get close to the craftsman who made the enamel.

   And if you want to build a relationship with a stranger, the most effective way is undoubtedly money.

  But in the dream space, he is an imperial chef.

  Although there is no need to worry about eating and drinking, the money is not so much that it can be bribed wantonly.

  As the imperial chef, where he can get money is from raw materials.

  Cooks don’t steal, and don’t collect grains. Every cook in the imperial dining room does this.

   But everyone doing it means it's no secret.

   And a way to make money that is not a secret, naturally someone is in charge.

   The way to make money in the imperial dining room has always been controlled by the chief eunuch.

   After layers of peeling, what can fall into Li Yi's hands is only a dozen or so taels of silver a month, which is not enough at all.

   Therefore, when Li Yi was possessing Qin Song, he spent a lot of time reading a lot of Qianlong's copybooks through Concubine Rong Fatima, and learned Qianlong's calligraphy.

  Outside the palace, imitating Qianlong's handwriting is a very profitable way.

   It was also because of this skill that he knocked on the door of enamel making, made friends with the target person, and learned the craft of cloisonné.

  In the live broadcast room, the viewer's comment attracted the attention of many viewers.

  They were skeptical, and they used barrage to ask Li Yi for confirmation.

   Everyone in front of the camera also noticed the audience's barrage, and looked at Li Yi suspiciously.

  Wu Lei asked curiously: "Brother Yi, is this Qianlong's font you wrote? I think the audience is asking."

  Li Yi nodded upon hearing this, "That's right, it's Qianlong's running script."


   Li Ruotong on the side was surprised and said, "You can write Qianlong's characters? Have you learned it?"

   "Of course you have to learn."

  Li Yi said with a smile: "Calligraphy is not accomplished overnight, it takes time to copy."

  Huang Xiaoming was a little puzzled, and asked: "Why do you want to copy Qianlong's calligraphy? You also said that Qianlong's calligraphy is not good, so why don't you copy some great calligraphers' calligraphy?"

   "I can do other fonts too!"

  Li Yi smiled and said: "But Qianlong's characters are the ones I use the most, because I can use them in cooking."

  When he possessed Shuanglin, in order to gain Qianlong's trust as soon as possible, he made a bowl of soup using Yinyang soup.

  He wrote the birthday character in Qianlong's handwriting in the soup. After Qianlong saw it, Longyan was really happy, and his status quickly equaled that of Zhang Dongguan, becoming one of Qianlong's two favorite imperial chefs.

  Hearing Li Yi's explanation, several people present were very curious and wanted Li Yi to show other fonts again.

  But Li Yi refused with a smile: "Let's talk about it when you have time! There is still a lot of work to be done! The Master will be too late in a while."

   Seeing this, everyone had no choice but to give up.

   In the live broadcast room, they were still curiously discussing how many kinds of calligraphy Li Yi knew.

  Li Yi is not being modest, the back kitchen really has a lot of work to do.

  The first thing to do is to fill the stomachs of the five of them.

  Wu Lei and the others habitually skip the hotel meal in the morning, waiting for this meal in the restaurant.

  So, he returned to the kitchen and started to get busy.

  I didn’t run out of the noodles I made last night, there are still a lot.

  He took some fish meat that was shaved yesterday, chopped it into minced fish, and chopped some pork belly into it, added some chopped leeks and seasonings, and made it into fish and leek stuffing.

   Afterwards, he took out the leftover noodles from last night, kneaded them again, cut them into dough, rolled them into dough skins, and planned to wrap some wontons.

  Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai also returned to the kitchen, and when they saw this, they came to Li Yi's side familiarly, and helped out together.

  Li Ruotong also followed in.

   Seeing their skillful movements, she couldn't help but marvel: "You guys are so good! You wrap it so fast!"

   "Brother Yi taught us all."

  Liu Yifei smiled at her and raised her hand to greet her: "Sister Ruotong, can you come and pack together?"

"Let me try."

  Li Ruotong went to wash his hands, then came to the front, followed their example, and wrapped wontons.

  The three of them packed together, the speed was very fast, and a large tray was wrapped in a short time.

  Yesterday, there was still some broth left in the noodles. Li Yi added some water to make a pot of fresh soup. He planned to use this pot of soup to cook wontons.

   Before the pot boiled, the fresh aroma of the broth had already wafted away.

   Li Ruotong could not help but swallowed when he smelled the fresh fragrance, and asked, "What kind of soup is this?"

   "Wonton Soup."

  Li Yi took the tray and asked Liu Yifei and the others, "How many do you all eat?"

   "I'll be fine if I eat ten."

  Liu Yifei is controlling her appetite.

   "I want fifteen."

  Zhao Jinmai said something, then smiled and said, "Just twenty boys each, they must be able to finish eating."

  Li Ruotong was listening, and asked in surprise, "Did you eat these yourself?"


  Zhao Jinmai nodded and smiled, "We haven't had breakfast yet!"

  Li Ruotong was puzzled: "Doesn't the hotel have breakfast?"

   "Haha! How can the hotel's breakfast be compared with Yige's?"

  Zhao Jinmai said with a smile: "As long as Brother Yi is around, we rarely eat outside, and Brother Yi has spoiled our appetite!"

   "That's it!"

  Smelling the aroma of broth, Li Ruotong was a little annoyed: "I would have known that I would not have breakfast at the hotel."

   This wonton smells much more fragrant than those semi-prepared ones in the hotel.

   "It's okay, you can have another meal!"

  Zhao Jinmai joked with a smile: "Since you've come to our show, don't even think about leaving if you don't gain a pound or two!"

  Liu Yifei also persuaded her with a smile: "Sister Ruotong, can I give you a few to try? It's definitely worth it."

  Li Ruotong hesitated for a while, then nodded and said: "Then give me three... no, five! I've already eaten, so I can't eat too much."

   The wontons cooked quickly, and Li Yi turned off the fire not long after putting them in the pot.

   "It's time to eat."

  Li Yi took the spoon.

  When Zhao Jinmai heard the words, he ran to the door and shouted, "It's time to eat!"

   Soon, the sound of rumbling footsteps came from the front hall, but it was Wu Lei who strode over.

   After a while, behind Li Yi, there was a small line of rice cookers, each with a small basin in their hands.

   It was the first time for Li Ruotong to experience this kind of experience, and it was very novel to stand behind Zhao Jinmai with great interest.

  Li Yi served them wontons one by one, and scooped up some soup.

  Afterwards, he pointed to the pepper jar and vinegar pot on the lower desk, as well as the chopped green onion and coriander, and indicated: "The small ingredients are all there, you can add whatever flavor you want."

  He said this to Li Ruotong and the others, and the others didn't need him to remind, they just went to add seasoning according to their own taste.

  Li Ruotong took his own bowl of wontons, came to the small ingredients, added some pepper and chopped shallots, and came to the side.

   Others have already started eating.

  Wu Lei took a spoon bigger than his mouth, scooped up a spoonful of soup, blew it a few times, and sucked it in.

  Although he grinned from the heat, he enjoyed it.

Huang Xiaoming scooped up a wonton, blew it to cool, tasted it, gave Li Yi a thumbs up, and said with a smile, "Brother Yi, your stuffing is so delicious, even better than the mackerel stuffed dumplings from my hometown! "




  (end of this chapter)

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