A Mouthful of Sky-high Fried Rice, Lao Tang Apprenticed on the Spot

Chapter 285: This is 【National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance】!

  Chapter 285 This is [National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance]!

"real or fake?"

  Zhao Jinmai was curious: "Is it so amazing? This is soup! Can it be dried into a solid?"

Li Yi smiled and said: "I see that you have been honest since you were a child, and you have never played with glue. Liquid glue can be air-dried. If you put a layer of liquid glue on your arm, after it dries, you can tear it off completely. Will leave your skin lines."

   "Oh, I remembered."

  Zhao Jinmai patted his forehead and said with a smile: "Boys in our class like to play like this, but they rub their fingertips and then take fingerprints, saying they want to be secret agents."

  "Agents generally use adhesive tape, but the principle is the same."

   As Li Yi said, he took the prepared tweezers and picked up the petals, dipped a small brush in broth, and brushed the petals a few times.

  The thick broth quickly wets the entire petals and spreads a layer on top.

  Afterwards, he put the petals on a tray aside.

   "Only one side?"

  Liu Yifei looked at the petals that had been brushed with broth, and asked softly.

  The petals are thin and thin, and she feels that if she speaks louder, the petals will be blown away.

   "Only brush one side is enough, the two sides are not easy to tear."

  As Li Yi said, he pointed to the small brush and tweezers beside him: "Have you seen it? You can try it too."

   The operation of brushing the soup is not difficult, just keep your hands steady.

  Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai tried it, and they got started quickly.

  At this time, they also understood why Li Yi asked them to put the petals of each flower together.

   In this way, the petals of each flower can be brushed from the inside to the outside, which is convenient for subsequent assembly.

  The thick soup dries quickly, and it didn't take long for the first batch of petals to be brushed with soup to dry.

  Li Yi picked up the first petal with tweezers, and the broth above it had turned into a hard shell with toughness.

  It is really simple to brush the soup, but it is not so simple to tear off the petals of the soup.

  Li Yi clamped the end of the petals with tweezers, peeled off a gap in the hard shell of the broth attached to it, and then tore it off bit by bit.

   With his last tug, the petals under the broth were completely torn off by him.

  The broth that condenses into a hard shell maintains the original shape of the petals, just like a transparent petal.

  Seeing that Li Yi really peeled off a petal, Zhao Jinmai couldn't help but admire: "Wow! It really peeled off! It's so beautiful!"

  The transparent broth petals are even more beautiful than the original petals. It has a combination of natural beauty and artificial beauty, which can be called ingenious.

   "This is the main raw material for the beauty of the country."

Li Yi held the high soup petals in his hand, showed them, and said with a smile: "Although it is air-dried, if it is put into clean water, it will quickly melt into high soup. This is called Pintang is soup, Pintang is not soup , soup or soup."

  Looking at the transparent petals in Li Yi's hands, Zhao Jinmai was eager to see it: "I'll give it a try."

   As she spoke, she also picked up a dried petal and tried to peel it off.

  However, peeling off the petals was much more difficult than she had imagined. When she was halfway through the peeling, she groaned, but it was the broth petals that were peeled off by her.

   "It's over, it's broken."

  She asked Li Yi, "Brother Yi, what should I do?"

   "There is no way, this film should be wasted."

  Li Yi shook his head: "These petals are disposable molds, there is no way to fix them, so we can only be careful."

"Oh fine."

  Zhao Jinmai put the torn petals on the table aside, feeling a little regretful.

   If this petal is peeled off, it means that the flower will lose one petal when it recovers.

   This made her feel a little guilty.

  So, when peeling off one piece, she was extra careful, even holding her breath, for fear of peeling off another one.

  Finally, under her careful peeling, the second broth petal was completely peeled off.


  She happily held up the broth petals, wanting to show off to Liu Yifei, but found that there were already three broth petals in front of Liu Yifei.

   "Wow! Sister Yifei, you stripped so fast!"

  Zhao Jinmai's eyes widened in surprise: "How did you do it?"

   "Just be careful, it's not too difficult."

  While Liu Yifei was speaking, she tore it lightly, and another petal of broth was peeled off.


  Zhao Jinmai's eyes were full of envy, and he looked at the only petal in broth in his hand, and was a little bit shocked.

  But soon, she cheered up again.

   She can do as much work as she has ability. If she strips slowly, she can do it slowly, as long as she can ensure her integrity.

   These petals were all worked hard by her and sister Yifei, picking them off one by one, and brushing them one by one.

  She was already very distressed at the flap that was just peeled off.

  She would rather slow down than reduce her yield.

  However, Liu Yifei's speed was slower than Li Yi's.

   Right now, Li Yi has almost torn the whole flower.

  As he peeled off the delicate petals at the last stamen, all the broth petals of a whole flower appeared in front of him.

  Seeing that all the petals in the broth were peeled off, Li Yi put down the tweezers and took a small plate from the side.

   Taking a fine brush, he began to stitch together the petals.

  Using tweezers to pick up the broth petals, he dipped a fine-bristled brush into the thick broth as an adhesive, and put together the stamens one by one, from the inside to the outside, circle after circle.

  Both Zhao Jinmai and Liu Yifei had stopped their work, and came behind Li Yi curiously, watching his movement of splicing the petals together, they didn't dare to let out a breath.

   Soon, Li Yi finished the last petal.


  He let go of the tweezers and took his hand away, and a delicate peony in broth appeared on the plate.

  Hearing his words, Zhao Jinmai surfaced like a diver and took a deep breath before exclaiming, "It's so beautiful!"

  Liu Yifei also looked at the peonies on the plate and admired sincerely: "It's really beautiful."

  This peony flower, if it wasn't because of its transparent color, she must have thought it was real.

  Its petal texture is exactly the same as a real flower.

  She believed that if anyone from the street came over and told him that it was a new variety of transparent peony, he would definitely believe it.

   And after Zhao Jinmai was amazed by the shape, he became very interested in the smell of this flower.

   "Flowers made with dashi stock..."

  She swallowed her saliva, and asked excitedly: "Brother Yi, can it really turn into soup again?"

   "Try it and you'll know?"

   Li Yi said something with a smile, and then took a bowl of hot water from the water dispenser beside him.

  Put the hot water on the table, and Li Yi picked up the broth peonies in the plate with tweezers.

   Seeing his movements, both Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai couldn't help but hold their breath.

  Li Yi used tweezers to hold the peony flower in broth, and gently placed it in the hot water bowl.

  The light peony in broth floats easily on the hot water, like duckweed.

  But it took less than a second, it melted quietly and quickly melted into the water like snow that had encountered hot water.

   "Oh my god!"

  Zhao Jinmai covered his face excitedly: "It's amazing!"

  Li Yi smiled, raised his hand and introduced: "This is 【National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance】!"




  (end of this chapter)

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