Chapter 278 Taihu Three Whites

  The way to hang the broth is not bad. As long as the ingredients are good, the stewing time is long enough, and the heat is well controlled, the taste is generally not bad.

  But if you want to make the broth into flower petals, then only the broth is not enough, you also need good fish maw.

  After putting all kinds of processed seafood into the soup bucket, Li Yi took out the white flower gum, put it in warm water, and soaked it.

  The fishy smell of old glue is much lighter than that of new glue, but because it has been left for a long time, there will inevitably be some dust and impurities, so it needs to be soaked in advance and cleaned.

  It takes two hours to simmer the seafood broth, and it takes at least three hours to start the soaking of the isinglass.

  So after soaking the isinglass, Li Yi went to the storage room, took out thirty hairy crabs bought by Gaoyou, cleaned them, and sent them to the steamer to steam them.

  These crabs are what he intends to use to make 【Furong Crab Bucket】

   This batch of hairy crabs was contacted by Deputy Director Wang. They are not small, each around six taels.

  In the breeding farm introduced by Deputy Director Wang, there are still eight taels and more than one catty of crabs.

   But Li Yi didn't need crabs that big, so he only needed six taels of crabs.

  The steamer was steamed very quickly. After 20 minutes of steaming, Li Yi took out the steamed hairy crab.

  As soon as it comes out of the steamer, the unique umami taste of crabs permeates.

  Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai, who were still picking petals, couldn't sit still. Seeing Li Yi put the tray on the desk, they both got up and came closer.

   "Wow! So many crabs! It's so satisfying to watch."

  Zhao Jinmai rubbed his hands with excitement.

   Soon, Huang Xiaoming and Wu Lei who were in the storage room also ran out smelling the smell.

  They didn't eat in the morning, and they went to work as soon as they woke up. They were so busy that they were so hungry that their chests were pressed against their backs.

   "Can I try one, Brother Yi?"

   Wu Lei swallowed and asked.

   "Taste it!"

  Li Yi smiled and said: "I know you are all hungry, but be careful when eating, and leave all the crab buckets, I am useful."


  Wu Lei responded happily, pulled out a pair of chopsticks, took a small bowl, and brought out a crab.

  Looking at the faint golden color of the crab's belly, he couldn't help but marvel: "Wow! This crab is so full of roe!"

   "I picked it myself, of course it's full."

  Li Yi smiled and signaled to Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai: "After you finish eating later, take out the roe of these crabs and put them together."

   Liu Yifei asked curiously, "What are you going to do?"

   "[Furong Crab Bucket]."

  Li Yi explained casually: "I'm going to fill all the crab roe into the crab bucket, then use the meat of seven kinds of fish and shrimp to make a paste, and make hibiscus flowers on the crab bucket.

  After being steamed in the pot in this way, the final product will look like a hibiscus flower blooming in a crab bucket, which is beautiful and delicious. "

  Listening to his explanation, the people around were stunned, and the action of peeling crabs stopped.

   "Eat first, and then get busy after eating."

   After Li Yi said something, he turned around and went to the storage room to catch fish.

Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai looked at each other, and Zhao Jinmai blinked, feeling a bit dull: "Just now I said that I want to use soup to make flowers, but now I want to use fish mud to make flowers, just cooking, are you going to be so exaggerated?" ?”

   "Use soup to make flowers?"

  Wu Lei was in the storage room just now, and didn't hear Li Yi's words. Hearing this, he was surprised and asked, "How do you make flowers with soup?"

"I don't know either."

  Zhao Jinmai spread his hands: "Brother Yi didn't say anything."

Wu Lei looked at the crab in his hand, and couldn't help sighing: "I have eaten so many delicious food from Brother Yi for so long, I thought Brother Yi's cooking skills were already high enough, but I didn't expect him to show his real skills at all! "


  Zhao Jinmai was also full of emotion: "I have never heard of using fish to make flowers."

  Liu Yifei didn't speak, but just took the crab bucket that Wu Lei had taken down, put it on an empty plate aside, and kept it.

  Just now Li Yi said that these crab fights are useful.

  In the live broadcast room, watching the few people eating crabs for breakfast in front of the camera, the audience was envious.

   "It's so good! There are crabs to eat early in the morning."

   "I'm so hungry, I don't think I've eaten crabs since the Chinese New Year."

   "Haha! This is the hairy crab from my hometown Gaoyou, it is very delicious!"

   "In two months, the hairy crabs in my house will be at their fattest. I must have a good time!"

   "Crabs used to be eaten by the poor. They had no rice to eat, so they could only eat crabs to satisfy their hunger. But now they are so expensive that the poor can't afford them."

   "I really want to go back to the time when I ate crabs until I was full!"

   "My family has a crab pond, and I am now recruiting a lady boss. Is there any beauty who loves crabs?"

   "Can we go on a blind date first? You treat me to a crab, and then stop contacting me because I don't think it's suitable."

   "Upstairs, the abacus made Beihai hear it, hey!"

  The audience in the live broadcast room kept talking and laughing.

  In the storage room, Li Yi was looking at the pots all over the floor, and all kinds of fish in the pots.

  Most of the fish are still alive, but there are some fish that are dying, and even turned their bellies.

  Li Yi didn't care, he just fished out the belly-turned fish into a separate basin.

  These fish have been transported for thousands of kilometers before arriving here, and some of them died are normal losses.

  Looking around, he brought two basins over and started to catch fish.

   After catching several kinds of fish together, he used a net bag to catch the lake shrimp in the basin and put them in another basin separately.

  He returned to the kitchen with two basins in his hand. Just as he put the fish down, Wu Lei came over.

   "Is this much fish going to be used?"

  He sucked the crab roe and looked curiously.

   "What kind of fish are these? And shrimp?"

  Zhao Jinmai also seemed to be a curious baby, and followed him.

  Huang Xiaoming looked at the fish in the basin and tried to identify them: "I recognize that one as a puffer fish, but that one should be shad, right? I see that you are fishing on Gaoyou Lake, and it seems to be this kind of fish."

   "Shad, puffer fish, saury, these are the three delicacies of the Yangtze River, we have seen them all in Gaoyou."

  Liu Yifei followed and recognized three kinds of fish.

   But looking at the remaining three fish of different sizes and shapes, and a translucent shrimp, she had no clue.

   "This is white fish, and this kind of small long strip is called whitebait."

  Li Yi pointed to the fish in the basin and explained to her: "This kind of shrimp is called white shrimp. The sum of these three kinds is the three whites of Taihu Lake."

   "Three Whites of Taihu Lake?"

  Liu Yifei suddenly realized: "This is Taihu Sanbai! I have only heard of it, and this is the first time I have seen it."

   "But it's not in vain?"

  Zhao Jinmai pointed to the white fish in the basin curiously and asked: "Is this fish obviously silver?"

   "Silver is also white!"

  Li Yi smiled and said: "Its common name is Baitiao, Qiaobai, also known as Qiaozui. There is a fish named Deng Gang who specializes in catching this kind of fish."

  Huang Xiaoming heard the words, and suddenly remembered: "I've seen his video, so it turns out that the fish he caught with pouty mouth is this kind of fish!"

   As he spoke, he stepped forward curiously, looked at the white fish in the basin, and sighed in admiration.

   "This kind of white fish that lives in Taihu Lake is called Taihu Whitefish, but there are also this kind of fish in other places, but the one in Taihu Lake is more famous."

  Li Yi was explaining, when Wu Lei on the side suddenly exclaimed, pointing to a slender fish floating in the basin: "Brother Yi! This fish is dead!"




  (end of this chapter)

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