Chapter 239 Stomach Nourishing Puffer Fish Skin

  Hearing Li Yi's words, Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai's eyes fell on the puffer fish skin in the basin.

   On the boiled puffer fish skin, fluffy burrs can still be seen, which looks a little scary.

  But both Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai knew that Li Yi must have a reason for asking this question.

  In his hands, there has never been any bad food.

   "How do I eat this?"

   Liu Yifei asked curiously.

  She picked up the chopsticks and touched the puffer fish skin with the tip of the chopsticks.

  The thorns on the top scratched the tip of the chopsticks, making her eyes slightly widen.

   "It definitely can't be eaten like this."

  Li Yi picked up a pair of chopsticks with a smile, pressed the puffer fish skin, and pushed in with the spoon in the other hand, quickly turning the sleeve-shaped puffer fish skin inside out.

  The external burrs are wrapped inside, and the internal gelatin comes to the outside, shining with an oily and tender luster.

   "Eat like this."

  Li Yi explained: "You can't chew the puffer fish skin, you have to swallow it in one bite, otherwise you will bite the thorns, which will affect the taste very much.

  The puffer fish skin eaten in this way will have the effect of nourishing the stomach. If you have a bad stomach, you can eat more. "

  Listening to what he said, Liu Yifei and the others finally understood.

  Zhao Jinmai said with a smile: "My stomach is pretty good, let's eat it, sister Yifei!"

  Liu Yifei thought for a while, but didn't refuse, she nodded and agreed: "Then let me try!"

   As she spoke, she picked up the puffer fish skin, put it in a bowl, and poured some soup on it.

  Holding the elastic puffer skin, Liu Yifei couldn't help laughing and said, "It looks like elbow skin!"

   "It's a bit like it, it's all collagen."

   Li Yi said with a smile.

  Zhao Jinmai heard it from the side, with a look of envy: "Eat more collagen, it can beautify the skin, and it is good for the skin."

  Hearing her words, the audience in the live broadcast room sent barrage rebuttals in the live broadcast room.

   "Collagen can't beautify the skin. I've read reports that eating more collagen will only make you fat."

   "It's all rumors, no matter what kind of collagen, it has no cosmetic effect."

  In the box, there is a screen displaying the barrage of the live broadcast room.

Li Yi saw the audience's barrage, and said with a smile: "Collagen is indeed not good for beauty, but it depends on how you understand it. After getting fat, the skin quality will become better, because the natural secretion of oil has increased. "


  Liu Yifei put down her chopsticks and looked at him helplessly: "Will you let me eat?"

   "Haha, it's okay, just stop eating staple food later."

  Li Yi said with a smile: "Actually, the biggest beauty effect of collagen is because it is delicious. When you eat something delicious, people will naturally show a happy smile. A happy smile is the best beauty treatment."

  Hearing Li Yi's explanation, Zhao Jinmai couldn't help clapping his hands and said with a smile, "That's right! Happiness is the best beauty medicine!"

   "I can really blow."

  Liu Yifei smiled and shook her head, and picked up the puffer fish skin again.

   After carefully looking at it, she stuffed the whole puffer fish skin into her mouth.

  The smooth and tender puffer fish inner skin is hung with fresh and thick juice, and the mouth is smooth, like a piece of soft jelly.

  Liu Yifei chewed subconsciously.

  The tooth penetrates the inner gelatinous skin and soon encounters the burrs of the outer layer.

   Eat grits!

  It was like biting unshaven pig fur. The burrs penetrated through the inner gelatinous layer and scratched the teeth. The bad taste immediately made Liu Yifei frowned.

   "Don't chew, just swallow."

  Seeing her expression, Li Yi knew she had chewed, and reminded her with a smile.

  Liu Yifei didn't dare to chew any more, and swallowed the puffer fish skin in one gulp.

"What's wrong?"

  Zhao Jinmai looked at her strange expression and asked doubtfully, "Isn't it delicious?"


Liu Yifei shook her head, took a napkin, wiped the soup from the corner of her mouth, and explained: "The soup is very fresh, and the inner layer of skin is also very good, full of gelatinous texture, but the outer one Layer thorns, hmm... kind of weird."

  After speaking, she added with a smile: "It's the first time I'm eating it, and I'm not used to it, but it feels good after eating it, and my stomach seems to be warm."

   "Eat a few times and you will get used to it."

  Li Yi said with a smile: "Many people like to eat this skin the most, and they have to swallow this one. It's very refreshing to eat."

  Liu Yifei smiled and said, "I still prefer fish white."

"Me too."

  Zhao Jinmai nodded repeatedly.

   Soon, the striped dolphin of the two of them was also cooked and served.

  The puffer fish master helped them cook them into braised mouth, the taste is a little more of the aroma of soy sauce, which is very appetizing.

  The boss is very enthusiastic and even served a few extra dishes as gifts.

   The amount of free dishes is not too large, but they are all good things.

  The two side dishes are fried fish roe and braised fugu liver.

  These two dishes are the boss's special skills, and they have two famous names, "the best of porpoise" and "sai cheese".

  Puffer liver is delicious, Liu Yifei and the others have tasted it just now.

  Seeing that the boss generously sent over a portion of fugu liver, they were very happy.

  Zhao Jinmai thanked him again and again, and even advertised for the boss to the camera, which made the boss laugh from ear to ear.

  Li Yi was very interested in deep-fried fish roe. When it was served, he picked up a piece and tasted it.

  Puffer fish roe is also highly toxic, and one can kill a person.

  In the story the boss told before, the chef in Jingjiang was poisoned to death by puffer fish roe.

  However, the fish roe sent by the boss is made of non-toxic farmed puffer fish, which is not dangerous.

   Correspondingly, its taste is not as amazing as wild puffer fish roe.

  But after being fried with the puffer fish liver, it is soaked in the special aroma of the puffer fish liver, which also makes it taste far better than the roe of other fish. Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai are very satisfied with the food.

   After eating Li Yi's piece of chrysanthemum yellow puffer fish skin, Liu Yifei waited for her puffer fish to be served, and then gave the puffer skin inside to Li Yi: "Give me back this piece of puffer fish skin!"

  Li Yi did not refuse. After taking the bowl, he put it in his mouth and tasted the braised mouth prepared by the master.

  Perhaps he was stimulated by his performance in the kitchen before. The fugu master also showed his housekeeping skills.

  However, braised puffer fish is served with rice, so it is normal to be a little salty, after all, it has to be served with rice.

   After a meal, Li Yi and his party were very satisfied.

   After eating, Li Yi went to pay the bill, but the boss insisted on refusing to accept it.

  So, Li Yi winked at Liu Yifei who was behind.

  Liu Yifei understood, took advantage of the boss's obstruction, directly scanned the QR code to pay, and bought the bill.

  Hearing the sound of the account coming in, the boss was a little embarrassed: "Look, what are you doing? It took so much effort to come here and do publicity for us. It's right to treat you to a meal!"

   "Brother, one size fits one size."

  Li Yi smiled and said: "You have helped me so much, I haven't thanked you yet!"

   As he spoke, he moved closer to the boss and said with a low laugh: "The program crew pays, so don't be polite to them."


  The boss heard the words, and immediately stopped talking.

  He thought it was Li Yi and the others who paid for it themselves. Since it was reimbursed by the program group, there was no need to save money for the public.

  So, he directly took the car keys from the front desk, and greeted Li Yi: "Then you come with me! I'll take you to school and take the ID test first."




  (end of this chapter)

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