Chapter 230 Crab roe soup dumpling

   "Want to fart?"

  Li Yi smiled and said, "You think I'm not tired enough?"

   Catering is called Qinxing for a reason. The better the business, the more tiring it is.

  The most tiring one is the cook.

  Li Yi's body is strengthened by the mysterious space, but when the business is good, he will feel tired, let alone an ordinary chef.

   If the store really opens, then he will wait for fried rice with soy sauce every day from morning to night!

  Hearing Li Yi's words, Zhao Jinmai became a little anxious: "Then what if we want to eat the food you cook?"

   "It depends on your performance."

  Li Yi made a joke, and then smiled: "At least in the short term, I don't plan to open a shop, it's too much trouble to open a shop, and someone has to take care of everything.

  Don’t say I’ve opened my own shop, even on the show, without your help, I wouldn’t even be able to do the cooking. "

   "Huh~? That's a pity."

  Zhao Jinmai was very disappointed: "If you open a store, you will definitely kill those Michelin black pearls in seconds, and beat them all!"

   "Don't say that, it's too offensive."

  Li Yi said something solemnly, and then raised the corner of his mouth: "Then why not?"

   "Eh! Haha!"

  Zhao Jinmai was fooled by his serious look, and only laughed when he heard his last sentence: "You are so arrogant!"

   "Are you still young if you're not aggressive?"

  Li Yi made a joke.

  Liu Yifei has been listening by the side, and suddenly, she asked: "If you hire a professional team to help you take care of it, you only need to control the production, so it should be fine?"

  Li Yi heard the words and said with a smile: "What? Do you want to invest?"

  Liu Yifei smiled and explained: "I just think it's a pity that more people don't have such a good craftsmanship of yours."

  Hearing her words, the audience in the live broadcast room ridiculed.

   "It is recommended to go directly to the mom-and-pop shop!"

   "I don't want to invest, but I want to buy shares."

   "If only I could marry Brother Yi, I will eat delicious food for the rest of my life!"

"To be honest, if Brother Yi really opens such a store, he will definitely make a lot of money! I have eaten a lot in tire stores, but most of them are IQ tax. The good ones are all based on the ingredients. Brother Yi is simply incomparable, if Brother Yi opens a restaurant, I will definitely eat there!"

  Listening to Liu Yifei's words, Li Yi smiled and shook his head: "It's not that simple, the operation of the restaurant can indeed be managed by a professional team, but the kitchen team is not so easy to form.

  Cooking is like being a human being. A good team can only be tempered by years of running-in.

  In addition to the core chefs, other assistant chefs are also equally important. Many veteran chefs lead their own apprentices. "

  The audience in the live broadcast room became interested when they heard Li Yi's exclamation.

   "Brother Yi! I am willing to worship you as my teacher!"

   "I have learning experience from New Oriental, and I request priority admission!"

   "Damn it! If Brother Yi really accepts an apprentice, I'll just resign and go to apprentice!"

   "Master, please be respected by your apprentice!"

  In an instant, a group began to form a group to worship the teacher in the live broadcast room.

  Behind the camera, the staff of the program team held up a screen, showing the barrage of the live broadcast room.

Facing the sudden army of apprentices, Li Yi did not refuse, but smiled and said: "If you want to worship me as a teacher, you can! Remember the inlaid silver buds we made before? You can try to make it at home, it's ready Take a video and post it on the platform, then @我看看。

  I will comment on it for you. If there is someone who I think is talented, I will contact you. If you are interested, you may wish to give it a try. "

  His words immediately caused a sensation in the live broadcast room.

  The audience was just joking, but they didn't expect Li Yi to be really willing to accept apprentices.

   All of a sudden, all the audience began to discuss excitedly.

   After watching so many episodes of the show, you naturally know how valuable Li Yi's cooking skills are.

  As far as Li Yi's cooking is concerned, any one of them is enough to become a famous dish in a restaurant.

  If you can really learn Li Yi's cooking skills, you can open a restaurant casually and earn tens of millions a year without any problem!

   As a result, many viewers are already eager to move, thinking about trying their luck by making an inlaid silver bud.

   After drawing the attention of the audience, Li Yi picked up a tofu skin bag and took a bite.

  Bean curd skin buns are also one of the characteristics of Yangzhou steamed buns. The bean curds used in it must first be fried until tough, and then boiled until soft, so it is particularly delicious and full of flavor.

   This taste is very similar to the one he ate in the dream space, still soft and delicious.

  Shuanglin also made this steamed stuffed bun in the palace, but it uses golden bean curd skin, which tastes better than this steamed stuffed bun.

  Eating the tofu skin bun, Li Yi pointed to the crab roe soup dumpling and reminded: "There is only one soup dumpling in a cage, but the quantity is not too small. You can share the taste, or order another one."

  Zhao Jinmai glanced at the crab roe soup dumpling, and asked Liu Yifei, "Sister Yifei, can we have one?"

  Liu Yifei nodded: "Just eat this one! Don't order it, it's too wasteful if you order too much."

   "Then you drink first."

  Zhao Jinmai took the straw and handed it to Liu Yifei.

  Liu Yifei took the straw and carefully punctured the soup foreskin.

  Using a straw to **** lightly, a stream of orange soup was sucked into her mouth by her.


  She raised her eyebrows slightly, savored the taste of the soup, nodded and smiled after swallowing: "This soup is so fresh, and it's not fishy at all, it's quite thick."

   "I'll try it."

  Zhao Jinmai took the soup bag and took a sip of the soup with Liu Yifei's straw.

   She squinted her eyes and savored it carefully, but she was not too surprised.

"not bad."

  She swallowed the soup and said with a smile: "It's quite delicious, but it's still incomparable with Brother Yi's Qiankun eggs."

  Liu Yifei has heard Zhao Jinmai talk about Qiankun eggs several times, and even watched the sliced ​​video of Zhao Jinmai eating Qiankun eggs, but she has never tasted them.

  Hearing what Zhao Jinmai said, she couldn't help but ask: "How delicious is that Qiankun egg? Are you so obsessed with it?"

   "Fresh! Very fresh!"

  Zhao Jinmai swallowed her saliva. She recalled the taste of Qiankun Egg, and her saliva was already overflowing.

   "Is it fresher than this soup dumpling?"

   Liu Yifei has no reference, so it's hard to imagine.

Zhao Jinmai tilted his head, thought for a while, and said, "Maybe more than ten times fresher! The most important thing is that the taste is amazing, and I remember that the crab roe used by Brother Yi should also be the best. Fresh.

how to say? This soup dumpling is indeed delicious, and the crab roe soup is also very fragrant.

  But the crab roe in Qiankun Egg is like pulling the crab out of the lake. The fresh crab roe is stuffed into the egg. The taste is particularly bright, and it bursts in one bite, wow! So cool! "

  Listening to her description, Liu Yifei blinked and looked at Li Yi from time to time.

   Seeing this, Li Yi could only smile and said, "I'll give you a taste of this episode."




  (end of this chapter)

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