Chapter 226 Goose and Duck Kill

  The audience who inquired about the news quickly returned the answer: "Fuck! The boss said that the goose used is really Taizhou goose, but I don't know if it is a hybrid."

   Seeing his barrage, the live broadcast room suddenly exploded.

   "Fuck! Brother Yi even knows Taizhou goose?"

   "Is this what a chef knows about ingredients?"

  “Me: Which brand is this watch from?

  Brother Yi: I don’t know.

  Me: Excuse me, this piece of meat...

  Brother Yi: This piece of meat comes from a two-and-a-half-year-old yellow cattle from Huizhou Province. This piece of meat is live meat three centimeters behind the right shoulder blade, suitable for hot pot. "

   While the audience was teasing, the program team's car had already arrived at Shaoguan Town, which was also a place recommended by an audience to eat salted goose.

  Yangzhou people's enthusiasm for salted goose is incomparable, which can be seen from the fact that a salted goose stall pops up every ten meters on the street.

   Randomly found a stall lined up, and as soon as the program team's car stopped, Li Yi and the others couldn't wait to get out of the car.

   While the camera crew was still resisting the machine and turning on the lights, Li Yi had already walked towards the booth first.

   Before reaching the cart, a strong fragrance unique to the old goose wafted over.

   Coming to the cart, Li Yi looked through the glass of the cart, looking at the old goose, goose intestines, goose feet, foie gras, dried bamboo shoots, stewed tofu, etc. in the cart.

  Looking good, Li Yi secretly decided to eat the salted goose here.

   Sensing Li Yi's figure behind him, the diners queuing in front all looked back.

   Two of the girls carrying bags suddenly recognized him and exclaimed in surprise, "Huh? Brother Yi?"

   Unexpectedly, he was recognized as soon as he got out of the car. Li Yi was slightly taken aback, but he still smiled and said hello: "Hello."

   "Eh? Are you really Brother Yi?"

  The two girls covered their mouths in surprise: "Aren't you recording a program in the capital? Why did you come to Yangzhou?"

   "You guys don't watch live broadcasts, do you?"

   Li Yi asked with a smile.

   "We can't watch the live broadcast when we are at work."

  The girl wearing black-rimmed glasses on the left explained with a smile: "We all watch the feature film and slices of the show after we come back."

   "No wonder."

  Li Yi smiled and said: "We will be recording a program in Yangzhou in the next few days, and we just arrived in Yangzhou an hour ago."

   "Huh? Really!"

  The round-faced **** the right asked in surprise, "Will Yifei and the others come too?"

   "They have come."

  Li Yi pointed to the direction to get off the car, and they looked in the direction he pointed, and they saw Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai walking arm in arm, followed by cameras and lights.

   "Oh my god! Yifei!"

  The two girls exclaimed and covered their mouths with disbelief on their faces.

  Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai came to the front, and seeing them with surprised faces, they smiled and said hello together: "Hello! Hello."

   "You... hello..."

  The two girls were short of breath and almost speechless.

  Both girls, they have been completely conquered by the star aura of Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai.

  Especially Liu Yifei, at such a close distance, her aura almost made the two girls almost stop breathing.

  Seeing their excitement, Liu Yifei smiled and asked, "Is this salted goose delicious?"

  Hearing her question, the two girls just woke up like a dream, and nodded quickly: "It's delicious! We often eat at this restaurant, it's so delicious!"

"That's good."

  Liu Yifei smiled: "It's the first time I've eaten it, but the goose meat will be very fragrant if cooked well, just like the roast goose in Guangdong Province, it is very fragrant."

   Seeing her smile, the two girls couldn't help covering their faces and turned around: "Don't smile at us, my heart is about to jump out!"


  Liu Yifei was stunned for a moment, and then she was amused by them: "Why can't I just smile?"

  At this time, a barrage floated in the barrage in the live broadcast room.

   "Reba: I understand this feeling!"

  The cameraman has followed and surrounded the salt water goose stall.

  The customers in front of the queue also noticed the program group behind them, and looked back curiously.

  They were all obviously new to filming the show, and they were a little curious.

  After finishing their shopping in a hurry, they didn't leave. Instead, they stood by the side of the road, eating salted goose, and watching the excitement.

  After they finished shopping, it was the turn of the two girls.

  Two girls invite: "You guys come first!"

   "No need, you guys come first."

  Liu Yifei hastily declined.

   Seeing this, the two girls hurriedly bought a few things they wanted, and came to the side with bags.

   It was the turn of Li Yi and the others. It was obviously the first time for the stall owner to be photographed by so many cameras, and he was a little nervous for a while.

  Li Yi searched around the booth, then pointed to the fattest old goose and said, "Hi, I want that one."


  The elder brother of the stall owner responded, grabbed the old goose, and skillfully chopped it up.

   Soon, he cut the old goose into pieces with bones and tendons, and put them in the packing box.

  Following that, he picked up a plastic bucket full of oil soup and poured some into the packing box.

  After that, he picked up a bigger plastic pot and poured some braised soup into the packing box.

"what is this?"

  Liu Yifei looked at his movements, a little curious.

  Hearing her question, the stall owner's movements were a little distorted, and he stammered his explanation: "Uh, it's marinade and oil."

  Seeing this, Li Yi added: "It's the goose oil and stewed soup that are made when the goose is roasted. Adding these two makes the taste delicious enough."

  The microphone picked up his voice, and the audience in Yangzhou in the live broadcast room were crazily praising him.

   "It must be delicious with oil and marinade!"

   "Brother is too right! Brother is so right!"

   "Oh my god! My mouth is watering!"

   "From small to large, I can't get enough!"

  Suddenly, there was a barrage from a Nanjing netizen: "It's not as good as a salted duck."

  Seeing this barrage, the live broadcast room suddenly boiled.

   "Don't talk nonsense! Can salted duck and salted goose compare?"

   "The salted duck should not touch porcelain, right?"

   "Come and eat salted goose once, and you will know which one is delicious. Don't judge, okay?"

   "You may have eaten cold salted goose. The fishy smell of goose meat is stronger than that of duck meat. If it is cold, it will be particularly unpalatable, but if it is hot, it will not be too delicious!"

  However, this wave of rebuttals also aroused the dissatisfaction of the audience in Nanjing.

   "I have eaten salted duck for a lifetime, but salted goose is really not used to it, it is too bad."

   "Obviously the salted duck tastes better."

   "Salted goose is extremely expensive, and the taste is not as good as salted duck."

  “I have eaten both, but I think salted duck is better.”

  Suddenly, the live broadcast room seemed to become a battlefield of salted duck and salted goose. Both sides were standing for their favorite food. For a while, bullet screens were flying, and gunpowder filled the air, but they were evenly matched, and no one could convince the other.

  In this case, it is natural to need a person with sufficient authority to mediate in order to convince the public.

  So, the audience in the live broadcast room turned their attention to Li Yi.

   "Brother Yi! Are you talking about salted duck or salted goose?"

  Facing this dangerous "geese and duck killing", Li Yi knew that he must not stand in line easily.

  So, he said in a deep voice: "Food has never been the first, everyone has their own taste, and each region has its own characteristics.

  Different water and soils cultivate different flora, and different flora shape different stomachs. Only the one that suits you is the best.

  So, as long as you think it’s delicious, that’s enough, there’s no need to compete. "

  After hearing Li Yi's words, the audience in the live broadcast room finally stopped.

   "That's right, what suits you is the best."

   "Thousands of people have thousands of faces, and it's difficult to adjust the taste of everyone. Everyone will definitely think that the food from their hometown is more delicious!"

  The audience in the live broadcast room accepted Li Yi's theory, and Master Cai also refocused the camera on the salted goose stall.

  At this time, Li Yi suddenly leaned forward from the camera, raised his fist and shouted: "I love Shenjing Roast Goose! I love Shenjing Roast Goose!"

  In an instant, the barrage in the live broadcast room was extremely unified.

   "Fork out!"




  (end of this chapter)

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