Chapter 224 Laoguan's heart disease

  After nearly a month of live broadcast, "Chinese Restaurant" has become the most popular variety show at the moment, with nearly 10 million people watching the live broadcast every day.

  The number of broadcasts of the main feature film of the program is more than 50 million for each episode, and the number of broadcasts for the second episode even reached 80 million.

  The various exquisite dishes in the program have become the spiritual food of many people. Whenever there is a live broadcast, they will wait in front of the screen and enjoy the various delicacies presented in the program.

  But in addition to the general audience of the show, there are some people who are also paying attention to this show.

  In a community in Yuquan Mountain, Cai Yi, Geng Wanhua, and Guan Xue were watching the live broadcast of "Chinese Restaurant" on the TV screen with a gray-haired, wrinkled old man.

   In front of the old man, both Cai Yi and Geng Wanhua were very respectful, only Guan Xue was more relaxed, answering the old man's questions with a smile.

  The old man had a smile on his old face, pointed at the screen, and said to Guan Xue beside him: "Your great-grandfather started his business by selling cosmetics, and our invincible brand was also a well-known national brand in China.

  When your great-grandfather was young, all the popular cosmetics were western cosmetics. At that time, the most famous one was Danqi lipstick, which sold very well in old Shanghai.

  There are also Simon's face powder and honey, Sunsilk Snowflake, Stancom hair cream, Paris Sulan cream, Bacon shampoo balm, and Lux ​​soap, all of which are in short supply.

   At that time, your great-grandfather thought it was a good business opportunity, so he found a partner and made some chilblain ointment to sell, but the sales were not very good.

   Later, when foreign products were boycotted and domestic products began to rise, Grandpa Ni began to transform and became the first domestic tooth powder brand, becoming the largest tooth powder manufacturer in China at that time.

  The main raw materials of sodium lime tooth powder have to be imported. Your great-grandfather started to study chemistry again, founded a magnesium factory and a mint factory, and only then did he earn some money.

  Relying on the little money from selling tooth powder, your great-grandfather started to expand his business, started to make cosmetics, made sirloin cream and butterfly cream, and exported them to foreign countries. Only then did he really start to make money.

  Although your great-grandfather later opened a soda factory, a glass factory, and a paper factory, the most profitable businesses are still sirloin and butterfly cream,

  Looking back now, our family’s wealth was earned from Xilenshuang and Dieshuang! "

  Guan Xue nodded and sighed: "Grandpa died young, otherwise how happy would he be to see you are better than blue?"

   "I'm not really a blue boy."

  The old man shook his head and sighed: "Your great-grandfather and his generation of entrepreneurs are all big-hearted and ambitious. They don't all want to make money, they want to prove that Chinese people are no worse than foreigners.

  It’s different in my generation. The war is over and the family business is gone.

  The reason why I was able to make a fortune was all due to good luck. When the good times came, I got a ride and had relatives from overseas to help me. To be honest, I was far behind! "

   "One generation has the advantages of one generation!"

  Guan Xue comforted him with a smile.


  The old man's expression became complicated, and he shook his head and sighed: "My advantage is that I can be a prodigal son, right? If I can go back to the past, I will never sell that big jar..."

  Hearing this, Guan Xue hurriedly coughed, cleared her throat, and looked back at Cai Yi and Geng Wanhua.

  Cai Yi and Geng Wanhua looked away, pretending not to hear clearly, but they all knew which big jar the old man was talking about.

  The big lid jar, the full name is the Cloisonne Dragon Pattern Big Lid Jar, and there are two repeated styles of "Made in Xuande of Ming Dynasty" and "Made by the Imperial Supervisor" on the edge of the mouth of the jar.

   Not only is there an inscription on the edge of the can, but it is engraved again inside the can.

   This is to show that this jar is the exclusive possession of Emperor Xuande of Ming Dynasty.

  This jar is a very rare black color in cloisonne, with strong contrast, fierce dragon pattern, strong relaxation, and imposing momentum. It can be called the pinnacle of cloisonne craftsmanship in the Ming Dynasty.

   Both Cai Yi and Geng Wanhua have seen that jar, which is now housed in the Great Eagle Museum in Lengdun.

   And this jar was sold by Laoguan back then.

  The money from the sale also became the initial capital for Lao Guan's business, and eventually Lao Guan's business empire.

   This is not a secret in the circle. The reason why Lao Guan has been buying cultural relics abroad these years and donating them to the old museum is because of this incident. He feels guilty in his heart, so he has been trying to make up for it.

Seeing him bring up this matter again, Guan Xue took advantage of the opportunity to glance at Li Yi in the live broadcast, and said with a low voice, "Dad, I know, this matter has always been a thorn in your heart. The Wanshou Wujiang Bowl may have been sent to you specially because God didn't want to see you torture yourself like this.

  You sold a pot back then, and you donated a set of bowls this time, it should be able to make up for it, right? "

  Listening to her words, Lao Guan didn't speak, but it could be seen from his clenched thin fingers that his mood was very complicated.

   This matter has indeed been a thorn in his heart, and he has never shied away from it.

   Over the years, he has been buying back cultural relics at overseas auctions, also in order to offset some guilt.

   It is true that when Guan Xue first brought him the news of this set of bowls, he was also very excited.

   This set of bowls is roughly the same level as the jar he sold that year, and even slightly higher.

   But after the excitement passed, he regained his composure.

  Although at first glance, this set of bowls is indeed suitable for getting rid of his heart problems.

   But think about it carefully, but there is a little deviation.

  First of all, the biggest problem is that this set of bowls is privately owned by a domestic collector. Even if it is sold to him, it is equivalent to being left-handed and right-handed, wandering around in your own home, and never going out.

   But the big pot back then was sold abroad by him, and the proper fat water flowed to outsiders.

  Secondly, the price offered by this collector is also a bit high.

  The price of 200 million yuan is very reasonable, and even relatively cheap, but the 200 million yuan in cash, even for him, is a bit painful to take out.

  Although 200 million is not too much for him, a rich man like him generally does not have much liquidity on the books, and most of them will buy high-quality assets.

  If you force cash, you will definitely lose a lot of profits.

   Lost profit equals less money earned.

   Less money earned is equivalent to a loss.

   In this way, he will lose a lot of money.

  If this set of bowls is in the hands of a foreigner, he will definitely not hesitate, let alone 200 million, he will not hesitate to win 400 million.

   But it happens to be in the hands of domestic collectors, which is a bit difficult to handle.

  Since he learned about this matter, he has been thinking about it, thinking about it, but still can't make up his mind.

   Guan Xue was a little anxious seeing that the time agreed with Li Yi was approaching, so she mentioned it to him again.

   After hesitating for a while, Lao Guan said, "You have made an appointment with this child next month, right?"

  Guan Xue looked back at Cai Yi and Geng Wanhua, nodded and asked, "Then shall I arrange for him to meet with you?"

  Lao Guan was noncommittal, and told: "Be polite, he is capable, so don't offend him."




  (end of this chapter)

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