Chapter 222 Dry powder rouge

  After trying to brush her teeth twice and finding that the color was not clean, Zhao Jinmai finally chose to become a quiet girl who smiled without showing her teeth.

  But the audience also gained an additional hobby, that is, posting outrageous barrage in the live broadcast room, trying to make Zhao Jinmai laugh.

  Zhao Jinmai deliberately didn’t look at the barrage, and Liu Yifei smiled and said, “The audience is asking you questions! Can you answer them?”

  Zhao Jinmai looked helplessly at the screen, and saw a bullet screen floating past.

   "Mai Mai, may I ask, I have a bald head, should I use shampoo or facial cleanser to wash my hair?"

   Bald? shampoo? cleasing milk?

  Zhao Jinmai looked at this barrage, his nostrils flared, and he almost laughed out loud.

   But thinking of her red teeth, she suppressed a smile and said sternly, "I suggest conditioner."

"Ha ha!"

  The audience hadn't laughed yet, but Liu Yifei was amused by her instead.

   Seeing Zhao Jinmai start to interact, the audience in the live broadcast room asked questions one after another, asking a bunch of outrageous questions.

   "Mai Mai, can the walnuts caught by the door nourish the brain?"

   "If I take a cold medicine every day, will I still have a cold?"

   "The pig I raise has a kidney deficiency, so can eating its kidney nourish the kidney?"

   "I was arrested on the way to surrender, is it still surrendered?"

  Looking at these questions, Zhao Jinmai was a little bit overwhelmed, but he was still reluctant to answer.

   "No, because the walnut caught by the door has pits."

   "It's best not to take medicine indiscriminately, it's not good for your health!"

   "Should be ok? Isn't negative negative equal to positive?"

   "It should be counted as an attempt at justice."

  However, it was fine if she didn't answer, but the audience became more excited when she answered, and all questions were asked in a short while.

   "May I ask if beating a pregnant woman counts as gang assault?"

   "Is infertility hereditary?"

   "Use all-purpose glue to stick a non-stick pan, can it stick?"

   "Will a mouse die if it eats expired rat poison?"

   "Taking sleeping pills and laxatives together will stretch the bed?"

   "Can eating Jianweixiaoshi tablets make you full?"

   "After taking painkillers and going to war, won't it hurt?"

  Looking at their series of outrageous questions, Zhao Jinmai finally couldn't hold back anymore, covered his mouth and raised his head with a smile and wailed: "Oh! What are you doing! Why do you like taking medicine so much?"

  While Liu Yifei couldn't stand up from laughing, she clapped her hands and praised the audience in the live broadcast room with a smile: "You guys are so amazing! What kind of strange questions are these?"

  At this time, a silver barrage floated above the barrage army, which was Wu Lei's number.

   "Wu Lei: Can I have luncheon meat at night?"

  Seeing this barrage, Zhao Jinmai immediately found the target of fire, pointed at the camera and shouted: "Hey! Let's see who is this?

  Why don't some people take good care of filming and watch the live broadcast here? "

  At this time, another purple bullet screen floated by, with Reba's head and name hanging in front of it.

   "Reba: Biting a police dog counts as assaulting a police officer?"

   Seeing her barrage, Zhao Jinmai jumped anxiously: "Oh! Sister Reba, why are you joining in the fun?"

   With Reba interrupting, Wu Lei became even more arrogant, and several barrages flew by one after another.

   "Wu Lei: I don't have my camera at the moment, so I can take a look at our restaurant?"

   "Wu Lei: You haven't answered my question yet! I'll ask you a few more questions."

   "Wu Lei: If cannibals are vegetarians, do they eat vegetatives?"

   "Wu Lei: How should Erlang God do eye exercises?"

  Seeing this, Zhao Jinmai learned how to mislead others: "I can't answer! You have the ability to ask Brother Yi!"

   As she spoke, she asked Li Yi: "Brother Yi, how do you think Erlang God does eye exercises? He has three eyes!"

  When the cameraman heard this, he also cut the camera to Li Yi.

  Li Yi was debugging the breaker. Hearing this, he looked up at the lens of the glasses, and said casually, "Don't worry about how he does eye exercises. Tell me first, whether his third eye is single eyelid or double eyelid?"


  Zhao Jinmai was dumbfounded.


  Liu Yifei laughed so hard that she almost fell to the ground.

  The audience in the live broadcast room even answered Li Yi's question with a screen full of question marks.


   "Brother Yi is still ruthless!"

   "No decade of mental illness can come up with this kind of problem!"

  While joking, Li Yi had already adjusted the broken machine.

   And Zhao Jinmai finally escaped the audience's sand sculpture bombardment, and came to help Li Yi.

  With a row of wall breaking machines working at the same time, all the petals were crushed and squeezed into juice soon.

   After filtering out the petal juice, Li Yi got a row of dyes of different colors.

  These dyes can also form new colors after mixing two or more of them.

  Li Yi took the breaker aside, and then set up a row of alcohol stoves and beakers.

  Afterwards, he poured various juices into beakers, put them on the alcohol stove, and boiled them.

   Soon, the flower juice was boiled.

  Li Yi added pearl powder into it one by one, and stirred evenly, so that the flower juice became thicker.

  Turn down the flame, and not long after, the flower juice in the beaker began to bubble, and the juice had turned into a thick color paste.

   At this time, the rouge is ready.

   After turning off the fire, Li Yi took out a cotton swab, dipped it into the beaker, and then wiped it on his wrist.

   This beaker is pink rouge boiled from peach blossoms.

  Li Yi observed the color brightness and drying speed of the rouge marks on his wrist, and judged the quality of the rouge.

   "Stop burning?"

  Zhao Jinmai asked curiously: "Is this still dry?"

   "No, it's ready to use."

  Li Yi explained casually.

   "Are you ready to use?"

  Zhao Jinmai was a little puzzled: "There is still a lot of water in it! I thought the rouge was thicker, like old-fashioned inkpad!"

   "The kind that need to add wax and oil, and have to be dried in the shade, it can't be done in a day or two."

  Li Yi explained: "The techniques of these two kinds of rouge are different, and the effects are also different.

  Adding oil and waxy rouge, the makeup setting effect will be stronger, and the makeup can last longer, but the effect is not as good as this dry powder.

  The effect of this kind of dry powder rouge will be more ancient, it will feel a bit like Han and Tang women's makeup, it will be more immortal, and it looks hazy.

  However, it is less stable and is easily washed away by sweat.

  Just like the "Kaiyuan Tianbao Legacy" records Yang Guifei, every time she sweats, she becomes red, greasy and fragrant, or wiped on a towel, her color is like peach red.

   It is said that Yang Guifei smeared rouge, and when she sweated, her sweat would be dyed pink.

  But the effect it produces is very good, more suitable for Chinese girls. "

  Zhao Jinmai didn't understand too well: "The stability is so poor, how can it be more suitable for Chinese girls?"

   "Let me tell you so!"

  Li Yi smiled and said: "The rouge with oil and wax is more like lipstick, and the makeup is more western, like oil painting, clear and accurate, looking for the conflict of colors and the effect of light and shadow.

  So after European and American stars put on makeup, their faces are always oily, with clear lines and deep eyebrows and eyes.

  But if you look at the women in ancient Chinese paintings, the makeup is more in the style of landscape painting, with a smudged effect, a blank space, and a hazy beauty, as if covered by a layer of tulle, half-hidden with a pipa.

  This is the effect of dry powder rouge, the makeup with it will have a more ink painting feel. "

   "So it is."

  Zhao Jinmai suddenly realized: "No wonder I don't like that kind of oily and watery skin, it looks too strange."

  Li Yi smiled, raised his wrist and glanced, the traces of rouge just applied had dried, and the color retention effect was good.

  Seeing this, Li Yi smiled and asked, "Do you want to try it?"

  Zhao Jinmai was taken aback when he heard the words, and pointed to himself: "Me?"


  Li Yi smiled and said: "There are many colors here, you can try them all."


  Zhao Jinmai looked at the rouge color paste tumbling in the beaker, and hesitated: "How about I go to remove makeup first?"

  Seeing her hesitation, Liu Yifei on the side spoke directly: "Let me try it!"




  (end of this chapter)

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