Chapter 220 The Law of Hundred Books


  Seeing Li Yi looking at him, Taishan jumped into the river.


   Li Yi exclaimed in a low voice, and then stood up.

   Don’t drown this kid!

   But Mount Tai's water quality is very good, using both hands and feet, he swam across the river in a short while and landed downstream of Li Yi.

  After landing on the shore, he didn't care about resting, so he ran towards Li Yi in a scrambling manner.


  He rushed to Li Yi, only yelled, tears and snot sprayed out together.

   "Woohoo! Immortal, you finally appeared..."

  He cried sadly, knelt on the ground and bowed again and again, very excited.

  Li Yi didn't dare to speak, but just looked at him, the more he looked, the more confused he became.

  This Taishan was much older than the one he saw just now, with dark skin, sunken eye sockets, and pouty lips. He looked haggard.

  Seeing this, Li Yi asked in surprise, "Why are you so haggard after not seeing you for a while?"

   for a while?

Hearing Li Yi's words, Tai Shan froze for a moment, and cried even more sadly: "Shangxian, you told me last time, boy, that you would come to the riverside to look for you the next day, but I haven't seen you since noon to midnight." trace.

  The kid thought he missed the fairy fate, and blamed himself for a long time. Since then, he has come to the river to search every day, and found today, exactly one year.

   Heaven pays off, boy, I finally saw you again today, old man! "


  Hearing what he said, Li Yi immediately understood.

  He thought that after he came in again, the copy would be refreshed, but in fact the copy was not refreshed, but developed according to the normal track.

  Because of the different speed of time, he stayed in reality for an hour, but a year has passed in the dream space.

Seeing Taishan crying sadly, Li Yi was a little embarrassed, and could only sigh: "I forgot, one day in the river, a thousand years in the world! After I talked to you just now, I went back to the mansion to pick up some things. But I didn’t think about it, it’s been a year.”

  When Taishan heard the words, his eyes widened immediately, his tongue fell open, and he fell into deep shock.

   It turns out that the gods just went home to get something, and a year has passed in this world?

   No wonder it is said that immortals live forever, so it is true!

  Hearing this, the panic and depression he had been waiting for for a year all disappeared, replaced by excitement and ecstasy.

  He is not crazy, this year of waiting is worth it!

  Looking at his excited look, Li Yi asked: "Have you ever revealed me to others?"

   "The kid never revealed anything!"

  Taishan hurriedly answered seriously.

  He always remembered Li Yi's words, and also remembered that Li Yi trapped his soul in the box.

  During this year, he couldn't eat well and couldn't sleep because of this matter.

  Father thought he was sick, so he invited a witch to call his soul.

   But he never dared to reveal anything about Yuxian to anyone.

   Seeing his promise, Li Yi nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Yes, since you have the perseverance, then I will teach you the method of bamboo weaving!"

   After checking the historical records of Mount Tai, Li Yi couldn't do without teaching him bamboo weaving.

  Because it is recorded in history that he became a famous bamboo artist because he obtained the fate of immortality.

  Then Li Yi, the instigator, must complete this link, otherwise God knows what the consequences will be.

  Therefore, Li Yi rushed to Mount Tai and ordered: "Go home and get some well-smoked bamboo shreds, and I will wait for you here."

Hearing this, Taishan stood up quickly, and took out a handful of bamboo silk from the bamboo tube behind him: "Shangxian, since the kid missed the fairy fate last time, every time I go out, I always bring a good bamboo silk, just because I am afraid that I will miss it again." Xianyuan."

   "In this case, you present it."

  Li Yi stretched out his hand, and Taishan immediately presented the bamboo thread respectfully, and sent it to Li Yi.

   Taking the bamboo threads, Li Yi picked them up with his hands. These bamboo threads are already cooked, and they are excellent bamboo weaving materials.

  Bamboo weaving is a traditional Chinese craft that has been passed down for thousands of years, and each region has its own unique bamboo weaving techniques.

  For example, Sichuan Province’s porcelain-bodied bamboo weaving and bamboo silk palace fans were all famous court tributes.

  But the bamboo weaving in Sichuan Province needs to use local knotless porcelain bamboo.

  The place where Mount Tai is located is the Zhejiang Province area of ​​later generations. The bamboo varieties here are different, and the applicable techniques will also be slightly different.

  However, there are many techniques. The basic technique of bamboo weaving is the same everywhere. Basically, it has to go through three processes: starting, weaving, and locking. Most of the weaving techniques are warp and weft weaving.

   What Taishan currently masters is the oldest warp and weft weaving method.

  But on the basis of this warp and weft weaving method, various different techniques can be interspersed, such as thinning, weaving, inserting, threading, cutting, locking, nailing, tying, covering, etc. There are more than one hundred techniques.

  Li Yi took out a bamboo thread, checked the thickness, and nodded: "It's almost enough."

  Taishan heard the words, and hurriedly said: "Last time I saw Shangxian's fish basket, the bamboo thread used is extremely thin, so since then, the boy has been thinking about weaving some things with this thin bamboo thread."

   As he spoke, he took out a small bamboo pot and presented it to Li Yi.

  Li Yi took it over and took a look, and found that although the bamboo pot still uses the most basic warp and weft weaving method, because the bamboo thread is fine enough, it can already hold water without leaking.

  Seeing this, Li Yi couldn't help but glance at Mount Tai in admiration.

   No wonder he can become a generation of famous bamboo weaving masters. If ordinary people encounter Xianyuan, their minds will be soaring to the sky because of Xianyuan.

  But Taishan did not give up his efforts, he was still trying to use his own study and research to improve his skills.

  Seeing this, Li Yi stretched out his hand to him: "Bring the bamboo pieces."

  Taishan heard the words and hurriedly delivered them.

  Li Yi grounded the bamboo slices, and said in his mouth: "Thin bamboo weaving, the best raw material here is water bamboo, if weaving with natural color, use green fence bamboo.

   Bamboo weaves should not be blindly refined, but must be both thick and thin to be in various poses and with different expressions.

  If you want to weave high-quality goods, you must base on the law of the heaven, latitude and earth, supplemented by the method of hundreds of weaves, so that you can be free-spirited. "

   While speaking, his fingers fluttered, bamboo strands fluttered, and in an instant it became the base of a tea box.

  Following that, he disassembled the base and weaved it again, and it turned into another completely different saucer after a while. The patterns on the top formed a delicate orchid.

While dismantling and weaving, Li Yi demonstrated the technique of bamboo weaving to Mount Tai, and introduced: "This is the method of pressing, this is the method of Huadong, this is the method of channeling silk, this is the method of weaving silk, and this is the method of bombardment." The law of flowers..."

   Soon, he demonstrated more than a dozen techniques. Tai Shan stared at his fluttering fingers, dazzled and blushing.

  Li Yi could understand his excitement. These hundreds of techniques, no matter any one, condensed the wisdom and essence of countless people's lifetime.

  For a person like Taishan who loves bamboo weaving, this is tantamount to a spiritual feast, which he is crazily devouring and absorbing, hungrily.




  (end of this chapter)

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