Chapter 212 Lipstick

  Facts have proved that even without a camera, beauties like Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai are still easily recognized when they go shopping together.

  However, most of the people did not come forward to bother, but just took a photo from a distance.

  Only some courageous people will come forward to talk, want to say a few words, and take a photo together.

   Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai will try their best to meet their requirements.

  But what Li Yi didn't expect was that most of the people who came to talk to him knew him.

  They all watched the live broadcast or official program of "Chinese Restaurant", and some of them even met Li Yi through sliced ​​videos.

  Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai are obviously used to being recognized and asked for at any time.

  They can take photos with fans at any time while shopping in brand stores, and they can also find clothes, shoes and bags that they are interested in, and let the store staff take them down and try them on.

  Li Yi followed behind them, watching them try on all kinds of clothes, shoes and bags, he couldn't help asking curiously: "Haven't you all accepted brand endorsements? Why are you still short of clothes?"

  "The endorsement clothes are worn during promotional activities, we must still wear our own clothes at ordinary times!"

  Zhao Jinmai explained casually: "And we have to appear on camera frequently. When we appear on camera, we can't wear repeated clothes by default, so no matter how many clothes there are, it is not enough."

   "Is there such a trouble?"

  Li Yi looked at Liu Yifei and asked her for confirmation.

"well enough."

  Liu Yifei smiled and explained: "The clothes I appear in are all provided by the brand, but I still like to wear my own clothes in private."

   "Eh? That's right."

  Zhao Jinmai remembered something and asked her: "Is your down jacket still there? I remember you've been wearing it for several years, right?"

   "Is it the one you guys keep talking about?"

  Liu Yifei knew which down jacket she was asking about as soon as she heard it, and explained with a smile: "It's still there, and I was still wearing it during the Chinese New Year! It's mainly because I'm used to it, and I don't feel as comfortable wearing it otherwise."

   "That one is really old-fashioned."

  Zhao Jinmai complained: "Only you can hold down that down jacket."

  During the conversation, they had already looked at more than a dozen sets of clothes, but after looking at them all, they returned them to the clerk, not intending to buy them.

  Usually they do like to wear their own clothes, but their own clothes are also high-order and new orders, and the sense of design is still a little different from ordinary ready-made clothes.

  They came to shop purely to enjoy the feeling of going through the stores.

  For boys, it is undoubtedly a kind of torture to wander around these same stores aimlessly.

  But for girls, the stores in this family are like large wardrobes, jewelry rooms, and luggage rooms, allowing them to choose, match, and dress up.

  It’s like a boy discovers that the game he is playing has been updated with a large version, and a large amount of new version of the game content has been announced, with new characters, races, props, equipment, mounts, pets, titles, etc. appearing.

  New characters and races have brand new skills and talents, and various equipment and props also have various magical effects, and can also be matched with each other to form hidden suit effects and special attributes.

  At this time, boys can sit in front of the computer and study for a day, and they still enjoy it.

   And girls often find it difficult to understand why boys still have such a strong sense of freshness for an old game that has been played for so long.

  The two are essentially the same.

  When a boy matches a character's racial skill talent, he is imagining himself as a strong player in the game, enjoying the voices of other players and envious eyes.

  And when girls are trying on clothes, they are also imagining that after wearing the clothes they like, they will become radiant and overwhelming.

  After visiting more than a dozen brand stores, Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai only bought a few simple small T-shirts and earrings, which together cost less than 500 yuan.

  Going up another floor, they saw a Givenchy lipstick counter, and four or five girls gathered in front of the counter, choosing lipsticks.

  Liu Yifei turned her footsteps, Zhao Jinmai was held by her hand, and walked along with her.

   Sensing a customer coming, the two salesmen habitually greeted: "Welcome to Givenchy..."

  But when they saw Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai clearly, they couldn't help being startled, took a breath, and then covered their mouths.

   Aware of their abnormality, the girls who were immersed in choosing lipsticks also looked back in doubt, and were suddenly shocked, all of them were stunned, covering their mouths and exclaiming.

   Smiling and nodding at them, Liu Yifei looked down at the lipstick.

   "My God, it's Liu Yifei!"

   "This is Zhao Jinmai! Oh my god! Are you filming?"

  Li Yi could hear the girls whispering, followed the sound, but found them looking for hidden cameras.

   "Hi Yifei, would you like to see our new model?"

The salesperson politely took out a lipstick, put it in front of Liu Yifei, took one out, tried the color on Liu Yifei, and introduced: "This is our new Qixi Festival special edition, and the colors are seven classic reds. They are all made of pure natural cochineal, which will never hurt the skin, and the color is very delicate, so you don't have to worry about fading..."

  Listening to her introduction, Liu Yifei took the lipstick, sized it up, and said to Zhao Jinmai, "I tried this lipstick on their Spring/Summer conference, and it felt pretty good. Do you want to try it?"

  Zhao Jinmai took the lipstick, applied a line on his wrist, looked at the color, and nodded: "It looks very delicate."

   Upon hearing this, Liu Yifei asked the salesperson, "What's the price of your set of lipstick?"

  The salesperson introduced: "This special model was released at the spring and summer conference. The price is 1314 yuan per set. If you choose the special set, there will be seven lipsticks plus four color loose powders and finishing powder. The total is 13140 yuan."

"How many?"

  When Li Yi heard the price, he couldn't help asking, "This lipstick costs 1314?"

  The salesperson obviously didn't know him, but when he saw that he came with Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai, he nodded politely and said, "Yes, sir."

  Li Yi was silent, then smiled.

  Seeing him laughing, Liu Yifei asked curiously, "What's wrong? Is it more expensive or cheaper?"

   "It's not a question of whether it's expensive or not."

  Li Yi said with a smile: "I just think that money is really good for you women!"

   What he said obviously meant that he thought it was expensive.

   After hearing this, the salesperson explained: "Our family is a big brand, and all products are made of pure natural raw materials, absolutely without any chemical additions. They are genuine materials, which can be found online.

These lipsticks are made of imported cochineal, and the cost is not comparable to those of other brand lipsticks. The price is a little more expensive, and it is also based on the attitude of being responsible for customers. You definitely get what you pay for, sir. You can rest assured. "

  Listening to her explanation, Li Yi nodded and didn't say much, but the smile still didn't fade away, on the contrary, it became more obvious.

   "Brother Yi, why are you laughing? Is there a problem?"

  Zhao Jinmai was also confused by his laughter and couldn't help asking.

   Seeing her question, Li Yi thought for a while, and still smiled and said: "It's nothing, I just think that if an item that costs at most ten yuan can be sold for more than one thousand yuan, people really know how to do business!"




  (end of this chapter)

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