Chapter 205 One step away

  Watching the staff eating deliciously, the three of them sighed and groaned when they were not full.

  They ate too much noodles for lunch, and now they have roasted whole lamb, but they can't eat any more.

   The noodles at noon are still a little full, and they finally understand why Li Yi calls the noodles "reinforced noodles".

   This thing is really hungry!

   "Sister Yifei, I'm leaving tonight."

   Reba came to Liu Yifei and looked at her reluctantly.

  Liu Yifei was amused by her appearance: "Why this expression? It's not like I'll never see you again. Didn't we add WeChat?"

   "Then I'll send you a message when I'm free."

   Reba grinned, stepped forward and hugged her arm affectionately: "Then when you are free, you must contact me, I will come and play with you."


  Liu Yifei readily agreed.

   "It's a deal! Pull the hook!"

Reba happily hooked Liu Yifei and stamped his handprint, then turned his head and smiled at Li Yi: "Brother Yi! I'm leaving, you have to take good care of Miss Yifei! Don't starve her thin, otherwise , hum!"

  She shook her fist triumphantly.

  Li Yi looked at her speechlessly: "Childish."


   Reba made a face at him, then continued to hug Liu Yifei and whispered.

  The Roasted Whole Lamb Party lasted until eleven o'clock in the evening.

   After eating, Reba and Duan Yihong said goodbye to everyone and went to catch the plane.

   The three warriors who couldn't eat enough left a perfect evaluation, and then left.

  The audience in the live broadcast room watched them leave, and the barrage flooded in.

   "It's a big loss, I ate too much noodles, and I didn't eat the roasted whole lamb, haha!"

   "The bosses of the buffet should learn a little bit! When they saw these three people, they replaced chicken, duck and fish as staple food!"

  Wu Lei and Huang Xiaoming helped clean up the toilet before saying goodbye to Li Yi and the others.

   "Brother Yi, I will leave the restaurant to you."

  Huang Xiaoming smiled and said, "After I leave, you will be the assistant store manager."

Wu Lei, on the other hand, was carrying a bag of tofu sticks that Li Yi had fried, and reluctantly waved at Li Yi and the others: "Brother Yi, Sister Yifei, Mai Mai, I'm leaving, don't give it away, don't worry about me, I'll be back in a few days!"



  His exaggerated acting skills made everyone silent for a while.

  Li Yi said with a smile: "In the film and television works, as you said, generally you can't come back."

  Wu Lei was stunned for a moment, turned around and ran away, leaving only an anime-like cry: "I will definitely be back!"

  Watching them leave, Li Yi started to pack up and prepare to close the door.

   Huang Xiaoming handed him the key of the restaurant, and the heavy responsibility of locking the door naturally fell on him.

  Before leaving, he patrolled the restaurant as usual, focusing on checking whether the electrical appliances in the back kitchen were safe.

  Going to the warehouse, he glanced at the stone mill in the corner, then brought a flour bag over and covered it.

  Following that, he came to the storage cabinet, opened the door, and put the knife box and bowl box in it.

  Looking at the two wooden boxes, although they haven't been opened, he can still feel that the Wanshou Wujiang Bowl and the Jinshan Imperial Kitchen Knife are inside, intact.

  Since he went deep into the fog wall last time, he can vaguely feel these items brought out from the dream space.

  He even had a feeling that after he entered the dream space, he could still bring these things into the space.

   There is only one key to the storage cabinet, which is kept by him.

   Taking two pieces of gauze from the side, they covered the knife box and the bowl box. Li Yi closed the cabinet door and locked it.

   After locking the door of the restaurant, Li Yi returned to the hotel with Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai.

  After Huang Xiaoming and Wu Lei left, there were only three of them left in the program group besides the staff.

  Because there is a week, everyone has a rare opportunity to sleep in.

  But Li Yi didn't relax, because tonight was the time for him to return to the dream space again.

  Back to the hotel, he washed up as usual, and then lay down on the bed.

  Lying on the bed, he played with the Yingjisha knife in his hand.

  After discovering that this knife could pierce through the fog wall, he took it with him at all times.

   Holding the knife, it didn't take long for him to fall asleep.

  Consciousness regained, he sat up from the dream space, the knife was held in his hand just like in reality.

   Didn't get up in a hurry, he tried to capture the vague perception.

  He seems to be able to feel that even though he is in the dream space, he can still perceive the Wanshou Wujiang Bowl and the Golden Imperial Kitchen Knife in the storage cabinet in the dining room, and even the stone mill.

  But how to bring them into the dream space when they are not around, he still has no idea.

   But he wasn't in a hurry, he was just carefully capturing that feeling.

  He believed that since he brought those things out of the dream space, he would definitely be able to bring them back in.

   Just searching carefully like this, after an unknown period of time, he suddenly had a thought.

  Following that, his palm sank, and when he opened his eyes again, he suddenly found that the Wanshou Wujiang bowl with the smallest diameter was being held in his palm.

   Sure enough!

  He clenched the Wanshou Wujiang bowl tightly, and shook his fist excitedly.

  He knew it could be done!

   Followed, he continued to experiment.

   Soon, a complete set of Wanshou Wujiang Bowl, a complete set of Jinshan Imperial Kitchen Knives, and the grinding disc all appeared in front of him.

  Looking at these things, he thought about it.

  Since the sheep-killing knife helped him get deep into the fog wall last time, then there's no reason why these things can't work, right?

  So, he took off his coat, wrapped the Wanshou Wujiang Bowl and the Jinshan Imperial Kitchen Knife, and put them on his shoulders.

  Following, he put the Yingjisha knife in his waist, then hugged the stone mill, and walked towards the foggy wall behind the wooden monument.

  When he came to the fog wall, he took a deep breath and walked in.

   Without feeling the slightest obstacle, he stepped into the fog wall in one step.

   It worked!

  Li Yi was overjoyed, and without stopping, he walked towards the faintly visible monument behind the fog wall.

   One step, two steps, Li Yi was getting closer and closer to the monument, the concentration of the fog was getting lower and lower, and the monument became clearer and clearer.

   Soon, Li Yi could already see the whole picture of the monument.

  But it was different from another wooden monument he thought, that monument was not a cuboid, but an eight-sided prism, with a total of eight sides, but the material of each side was completely different.

  Li Yi wanted to see its whole picture clearly, and continued to walk forward, but the resistance of the fog wall suddenly increased, making it difficult for him to move forward.

   Seeing that he could break through the fog wall in about one meter, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move forward half a step.

  Holding the stone mill, his physical strength was exhausted, and his energy was also a little lacking.

   Helpless, he could only glance at the eight-faced stele, turned around and stepped back, back into the space of the wooden stele.

   After exiting the fog wall, he took a long breath of foul air and took a few deep breaths before he could even his breath.

  Although he failed to break through the fog wall all at once, he also achieved a lot.

  He has already seen the appearance of the monument behind the fog wall, and he is only one step away from breaking through the fog wall.

  According to past experience, he only needs to complete one more mission, and the gap of one meter should be broken through.

  Hope was right in front of him, without hesitation, he did the same thing, pricked his finger, and pressed it towards the wooden monument.

  This time, who will he be?




  (end of this chapter)

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