Chapter 201 This is too tortured!

  After Huang Xiaoming opened the restaurant door, everyone witnessed the most turbulent customer flow in the history of the Chinese restaurant.

  In less than a minute, the influx of diners filled all the seats in the restaurant.

   After seeing the posted menu of the day, the diners were pleasantly surprised.

  Because the menu in this episode is the most cost-effective one among several episodes.

   Huang Xiaoming set the price. The average price of all noodles is 188 yuan per serving, while the pilaf is divided into two types: 288 yuan and 688 yuan.

   288 yuan is a piece of meat pilaf, while 688 yuan is a lamb leg pilaf with a whole leg, limited to 40 servings.

  Whether it is noodles or pilaf, you can add noodles and rice for free.

  Compared with the previous menus, this is already quite affordable.

   Of course, there are also many big dishes on the menu.

  For example, the Roasted Whole Lamb set meal worth 8888 yuan is limited to one serving, and you have to wait at least six hours.

   After waiting outside the restaurant all morning, the diners were already starving.

  When they entered the door, they had already seen the two pots of delicious pilaf.

  So, more than half of the people ordered pilaf.

  Under the pressure of serving meals that he had never experienced before, Duan Yihong couldn't care less about joking, and started to eat quickly.

  The three who were not full were carrying huge trays and delivering meals to the diners.

  Watching plates of fragrant pilaf being handed over to him, but unable to taste a single grain of rice, the three of them were very depressed.

   This is too tortured!

  But restaurants are like this. Before the customer leaves, everything must be close to the customer.

  The two big pots of pilaf are bottoming out at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the kitchen is also busy.

   There were quite a few customers who ordered noodles. Li Yi was frying the toppings one after another, while the three girls were serving the noodles.

  The cooperation of the three people is very tacit, the most experienced Reba is in charge of ramen noodles, and Zhao Jinmai is in charge of cooking and loosing noodles.

  After Zhao Jinmai fished out the cooked noodles and put them in a basin of cold water to rinse, Liu Yifei would divide them into portions and put them on plates, and Wu Lei would send them to the front hall.

  Seeing their tacit cooperation, the audience in the live broadcast room sent a barrage of emotion.

   "Brother Yi and the others have a tacit understanding!"

   "This should be the most luxurious lineup of restaurants in the country, right?"

   "Who would have thought that an ordinary noodle dish was actually made by three beautiful girls?"

   "The director, don't cut the camera randomly, Gu Li, the chef in the back kitchen, will take a lot of shots!"

  After more than three hours of hard work, the 400 diners who lined up outside the restaurant were finally served.

  However, there are still diners coming outside the restaurant.

  However, Huang Xiaoming has put up the closing sign and apologized to the late diners.

  Because the ingredients in the restaurant have been sold out.

   After seeing off the last guest, everyone sat down one after another, exhausted.

   But Li Yi feels better, because today's work intensity is much lower than in previous periods.

  The dishes in the previous issues were either exquisite dishes that tested the skill of the knife, or fried rice with soy sauce that abused the wrist, which was either time-consuming or energy-consuming.

  But in today’s menu, most of the dishes only need to bring out the original taste of the ingredients themselves, and they don’t need to be so delicate.

  After being busy for more than three hours, Li Yi even felt that he still had more energy.

   Came to the front hall, looked at the paralyzed people, and clapped his hands: "Are you all hungry? Let's get ready for dinner! Brother Duan, how much pilaf is left?"

  Duan Yihong is in charge of cooking. Hearing this, he said with a smile: "I left about four or five servings, two legs, and three lamb chops."

   "Then put them all together, and everyone can share and eat."

   As Li Yi said, he came to the pilaf pot.

  There are two pots of pilaf weighing hundreds of catties. At this time, one pot is empty, and the other pot only has some rice bottoms left.

  Finding a big plate, Li Yi fished out the pilaf, drained the oil, covered it with the remaining meat, and brought it back to the front hall.

  Looking at the pilaf that Li Yi brought in, the exhausted people gathered around the table with strength.

   Huang Xiaoming scooped up a few spoonfuls of rice and sighed, "My hands are shaking from hunger."

   As he spoke, he took back the bowl, scooped up a spoonful of rice, and eagerly stuffed it into his mouth.

  The rice with distinct grains was covered with the fresh fragrance of mutton, and it was oily and smooth, like grains of mutton fat, which instantly made him close his eyes in satisfaction.

   "Phew! Finally got it."

  He swallowed the rice grains in his mouth, feeling a little moved for a moment.

   "This pilaf is so delicious!"

  Zhao Jinmai is already taking a second bite. Her eyes are shining, her mouth is oily, and she eats sweetly.

  Reba on the side was digging the yellow radish in the rice with a spoon.

   After digging half a bowl of yellow radish, she excitedly scooped up a spoonful and stuffed it into her mouth.

   "Yeah! So sweet!"

  She narrowed her eyes happily, like a smiling lamb.

   "I really like the yellow radish in the pilaf!"

She chewed the yellow radish in her mouth, picked up a carrot that had been fried to a browned outside, and excitedly recommended it to Liu Yifei: "This kind of yellow radish is the most delicious, and the bottom layer is attached to the pot. It has been fried and burnt, and it has a special fragrance and is very sweet!"

  Liu Yifei believed it, because she happened to eat one of these yellow radishes just now, and the special sweetness instantly conquered her.

   "I took apart the leg of lamb."

  Duan Yihong found two disposable gloves and put them on.

  Following, he picked off the meat from the leg of lamb with his hands.

  The mutton that was stewed off the bone was torn off with a light pull, and the tendon meat in pieces was extremely tender, wrapped in a layer of fat that had been stewed, as if covered with a dollop of butter.

   "Try this leg of lamb, I know it's delicious just by the texture."

  Duan Yihong took off his gloves, picked up a piece with chopsticks, and put it in his mouth.

  The fat in the mouth instantly turned into a thick and fragrant juice, and the leg of lamb was so soft that it was pushed away without even biting it with the tongue.

  But even if it is so mushy, the leg of lamb does not look like wood at all, without a trace of meat texture, only the tenderness of Orleans chicken leg and the toughness of a trace of fascia.

  Watching them eating deliciously, the audience in the live broadcast room were envious.

   "When I get paid, I must eat meat like this! Enjoy it!"

   "Ah!! My delivery hasn't arrived yet! I'm so mad!"

   "Don't be fooled by them! Although this leg of lamb looks delicious, it tastes even more delicious..."

   "This tastes terrible, don't ask me how I know, because it's a rumor I saw but couldn't eat. [Crying]"

   "Since you are spreading rumors, then I will spread rumors【狗头】"

   "It looks so delicious, I can hardly swallow my saliva."

  By the dining table, Wu Lei stretched out his chopsticks, picked up a small piece of meat slowly and painfully, and ate it in small bites.

  Seeing his appearance, Li Yi asked suspiciously: "What's wrong with you? No appetite?"

   "I want to control my caloric intake."

  Wu Lei looked at the meat on the plate resentfully, and muttered to himself: "I can't eat it, if I eat it, I will get fat."

  Hearing what he said, Reba scooped up a spoonful of rice and stuffed it into his mouth: "If you are fat, you will be fat! Fat is better than gluttony!"




  (end of this chapter)

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