A Mouthful of Sky-high Fried Rice, Lao Tang Apprenticed on the Spot

Chapter 197: Can't eat enough three soldiers

  Chapter 197 Three soldiers who can’t eat enough

   These thin-skinned buns, Li Yi originally planned to give a wave of benefits to diners who clock in, so that they can leave early and make room.

   Unexpectedly, after eating the thin-skinned buns, none of the diners left, and the line grew even longer.

   This also led to a pan full of baked buns, which were sold out as soon as they came out of the oven.

  But Li Yi didn't continue making baked buns, because there wasn't much meat left, and it was getting late.

  Li Yide started to stew the pilaf.

  In Uyghur meals, pilaf is the most important staple food.

   Pilaf can be seen not only in the Western Regions, but also throughout Central Asia and even the Middle East.

  In the Western Regions Province, when celebrating festivals, getting married, or entertaining guests, a large pot of pilaf will be stewed as the main meal of the banquet.

  So, the pilaf in the Western Regions is made in a large pot, which can make pilaf for dozens or even hundreds of people at a time.

  In some particularly large occasions, there will even be pilaf made with camels, which is enough for hundreds of people at a time.

   This kind of big pot couldn't fit in the back kitchen, so Li Yi set up a simple iron stove in the yard, and placed the extra-large pot he bought on the stove.

  The cauldron with a diameter of 1.5 meters, just looking at it, the visual impact is not usually strong.

  When Li Yi poured a whole bucket of peanut oil into the pot, Wu Lei felt his scalp tingle: "If this bucket of oil gets into my stomach, how many kilometers will I have to run to consume so much calories?"

  Reba on the side heard what he said, and said with a smile: "Pilaf must be oily to be delicious, otherwise it will not taste good."

  Seeing Li Yi cooking with such a large pot, the diners queuing up at the entrance of the restaurant all took pictures with their mobile phones, which was very novel.

   Huang Xiaoming also looked at the pot with his hips on his hips, admiring: "In our hometown, such a big pot is only used when making big banquets in the village, and it doesn't seem to be that big."

  Duan Yihong heard the words and said with a smile: "In fact, pilaf is a big banquet dish for people from the Western Regions, and there must be pilaf at the banquet."

  Zhao Jinmai looked at the cauldron and was very kind: "We in Northeast China also use this kind of cauldron to cook pigs, and the stewed meat is very fragrant!"

  While speaking, Li Yi had already heated up the oil, and poured a whole basket of cut leather teeth into the pot.

Seeing Li Yi's astonishing amount of teeth, Wu Lei's eyes widened, and he exclaimed, "Huh? I used all of them? It took me two hours to cut it out, and I used up all of this pot? "

Reba smiled and explained: "Pilaf is made with a lot of onions to enhance the flavor. The Uzbek people also have a kind of black pilaf, which is made by frying the onions until they are browned and blackened, and dyeing the oil black. The pilaf is black, like fried rice with soy sauce."

"real or fake?"

  Wu Lei was surprised to hear that.

   "Really, if you don't believe me, you can ask Brother Yi."

   As she spoke, she asked Li Yi for confirmation: "Brother Yi, do you know about black rice?"

   "Tashkent black pilaf?"

  Li Yi asked a general question while stirring the onions in the pot with a shovel-like spatula.

   "Yes, yes, it is Tashkent black pilaf!"

   Reba laughed and said, "I think black pilaf is better than ordinary pilaf!"

  Hearing this, Li Yi smiled and said, "Then the next pot will be black rice."

   "Next pot?"

   Reba was a little surprised: "Isn't black pilaf all made in a small pot?"

   "That's because the cauldron is not easy to control the heat, and the onions are easy to burn." Li Yi explained casually.

   "Aren't you worried that it will burn?" Reba asked doubtfully.

   "What do you think?" Li Yi asked with a smile.

   Reba was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized it, clapped his hands and smiled, "I almost forgot, you can even cook fried rice without oil, and the heat control should not be a problem for you."

  Li Yi smiled and looked into the pot. Seeing that the onions had been fried and softened, he poured the chopped yellow radish into the pot.

   Seeing a basket full of yellow radishes, he poured them all into the pot, and Zhao Jinmai also felt Wu Lei's distress.

   This is the yellow radish that she chopped up all afternoon yesterday. Brother Yi used up all of it in one meal!

  After the yellow radish was put into the pot, Li Yi started to fry it.

  As the fat is wrapped and deep-fried, the yellow radish in the pot gradually becomes soft and releases a burst of carrot-specific sweetness.

   "Oh, I'm going! It smells so good!"

  A voice suddenly came from the door of the restaurant.

   Everyone followed the sound, only to find that there were three muscular young men standing at the door and looking in.


   Seeing everyone looking over, the only man among the three who didn't wear glasses waved and greeted with a smile, and asked with a smile, "Excuse me, is this a Chinese restaurant?"

   "Hi there."

  Huang Xiaoming went up to meet him.

   Seeing the camera behind them, Huang Xiaoming recognized them.

  They are the gourmet appraisers of this episode, the three soldiers who can't eat enough.

   Seeing the three of them appear, the live broadcast room was filled with bullet screens.

   "Fuck! Close the door! Don't let them in!"

   "Why did these three goods come here?"

   "Oh! I think I said yesterday that you can refill the noodles and pilaf for free, right? Isn't this a hit?"

   "It's over. These three guys are in the gym. They eat Hesse all day long and look for buffets to eat. Why did you invite them here?"

   "Haha! I just want to see how much steel noodles made by brother Yi, the three of them can eat."

   In front of the camera, the three of them, who were hungry, came to Huang Xiaoming to say hello.

   "Hello, Mr. Huang Xiaoming."

  The three smiled and shook hands with Huang Xiaoming, and asked, "I heard that we can refill noodles and add rice for free when we eat noodles and pilaf in our Chinese restaurant, right?"

   Huang Xiaoming was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that they were in the re process.

"Yes, that's right."

  Huang Xiaoming said with a smile: "As long as you eat noodles and pilaf, you can add noodles and rice for free until you are full."

"Ha ha!"

  Hearing Huang Xiaoming's clear answer, the three of them exchanged glances and asked with a smile: "Then if we eat too much, will you be angry?"

   "How could it be? All the guests are here, we are afraid that you will not be full!"

  Huang Xiaoming smiled and said, "As long as you don't waste it, no matter how much you add, we won't charge you more."

  The three of them heard the words, looked back at the camera behind them, and said with a smile, "How is it? Brothers? Shall we teach the Chinese restaurant a lesson?"

   "Let's Go!"

   After talking about the opening, the three turned around and said with a smile, "Thank you, brother Ming."

   "Come in!"

  Huang Xiaoming let them in, and asked with a smile, "Are you guys here so early?"

   "Isn't this thinking of coming to help with some work!"

  The round-faced guy on the right said with a smile: "We are all rough people, we are not good-looking, we only have strength, and we can do whatever we have strength to do."

  The long-faced guy on the side joked: "Just take care of the food."

   "That's no problem."

  Huang Xiaoming led them to Li Yi, and said with a smile, "Our Chinese restaurant lacks everything, except for physical work. Brother Yi, the three of them will be handed over to you."




  (end of this chapter)

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